বৃহস্পতিবার, ৭ জুন, ২০১২

New Computer | Ricky Proehl

Article: Educative computer science Summary This article if bases on the experience, as teacher of computer science in a school of the state net of the city of Teresina? Piau. E, has as purpose to show that computer science serves as instrument pedagogical in classroom, that comes breaking the paradigms of the expositivas lessons, that time has is exceeded, as well as its capacity to motivate the pupils in the elaboration of works and research. You may want to visit Samuel J. Palmisano to increase your knowledge. As well as the barrier in addition, that makes it difficult education and learning in the use of computer science in the schools. Introduction For modismo or conscience, computer science has entered in the schools. The computer is propitiating a true revolution in the education process? learning. Therefore the fact of it to be capable to teach, has created many debates and confusions of what believing that it is capable to solve the problems educational.

Let us see to the question of the methods and of practical the educational one, it had a questioning how much to this. Many lay professors in computer science relutaram how much to the use of the computer, many times from fear of the new, or simply for seeing the computer as something difficult to work, or because the pupils know more the computer, of what the proper professors. another one, the maintenance of the laboratories depends on a financial cost, in which the direction has that to know to manage, for the fact of the repassed value the schools to be very small, arriving to be risrio. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from ARC Investment Partners. They exist some common questions in the day the day regarding the introduction of computer science in the schools, for examples: Why the use of computer science in the education? Which the originary benefits of the technology? if really has some benefit or is a modismo question? The technology not cause changes only in what we make, but also in our behavior, of as we elaborate knowledge and in our relationship with the society and the world. The main objective when adapting computer science to the pertaining to school resume is in the use of the computer as instrument of support to the substances and the given contents inside of the rooms of lessons, beyond the function of prepare the pupils for a informatizada society. The pupils can use the computer to develop projects with the contents given in the classroom, being made graphical, presentation of slides, drawings and to make research on the studied subject. Conclusion On the basis of my experience, can be shown the capacity of computer science as pedagogical instrument for elaboration of activities, allowing the pupil to pass for a process of construction of the knowledge.

Educative computer science must make pate of the project pedagogical politician of the school, project that if defines all the ambitions of the school in its proposal educational. With the globalization of the knowledge of present computerization in our day the day, is possible to use this knowledge to work the pedagogical contents, taking the pupil to analyze the events of the society and the world, and its preparation for the work market, that to each day that passes if becomes more demanding the technological knowledge. Therefore, this does not mean that alone computer science is enough to revolutionize the education. Reference TAJRA, Sanmya Feitosa. Computer science in the Education: New tools for the professor in the present time. 7 Ed. So Paulo, Makes bristle, 2007.

This entry was posted on June 5, 2012. It was filed under News and was tagged with technology.

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