বুধবার, ৫ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Germany Weighs Bestiality Ban Amid Rise of Pet Porn, Animal ...

?My apologies if some sentences are a bit disjointed, not had a great week pain wise, so full of morphine; I hope you can understand my waffling?s!!

Animal-rights activists are pushing Berlin lawmakers to outlaw sex with animals, as zoophiles there test the bounds of interspecies relations. Their issue: Can a pet give consent? ?No it can?t, & its bloody absurd to think it can! Just because a dog will let you touch its private parts, or a male horse stand with its penis out (which they all do), it is not an invitation to have sex with them!?I don?t care what their excuses are ? bestiality is?non consensual?by definition, because animals lack the capacity to give consent; just as there are no real statistics, of how many people are into bestiality, since an animal can not report the crime either!!?

What happens behind closed doors may be nobody?s business. But when they are barn doors, it is an entirely different matter?especially in Germany, where lawmakers will vote Dec. 14 on a controversial bestiality law that could make having sex with animals a crime.


The root of the problem? An increasing number of erotic ?touching? zoos and pet pornography that animal-rights activists say is abusive and degrading to animals because they are not consenting partners. ?This kind of animal abuse is on the rise,? says activist Madeleine Martin, who is working to make the practice illegal in Germany. ?There are even animal brothels in Germany.? ?The internet has also given free speech to such people; with hundreds of sites where zoophiles can exchange story?s etc. Along with a million dollar industry that churns out sickening videos & images of sexual?animal?abuse with!?

?The thought of how many animals are injured or indeed killed, in the making of such videos is gut wrenching; which is why such sites should be shut down by law. One can?t charge someone with a crime,?if that crime is freely being?flaunted?on-line; the sites & those promoting them should also be prosecuted?we have to protect the animals in every way we can!?

When one thinks of bestiality?which we assume is rarely if ever?any number of sheep and kitty wisecracks may come to mind. But zoophilia, as the practice of sex with animals is officially called, is not as rare as one might think. Zoophiles or zoosexuals tend to?favour?dogs, cats, and monkeys as mutual sex partners, but according to the entirely NSFW pro-zoophilia website?zoophile.net?dolphins, horses, goats, and pigs are also fair game. ?How can anyone, justify having sexual relations with any of these animals???

A preference for zoological affection is considered?a lifestyle choice by those who quite literally ?love? their animals,?and the pets are often involved in sex acts between heterosexual and homosexual couples. There are also a number of beast brothels or ?erotic petting zoos? in Germany, where paying customers can enjoy sex with any number of animals in a controlled environment or, in some cases, voyeurs can watch the acts in progress. ?That,?to any normal thinking human?it just totally sickening! Along with the very real chance of sexual diseases that can be transferred between the zoophiles & their human partners; these places are a haven for criminals into all manner of things!?

??There are increasing reports that suggest people who abuse animals (yes they are abusing the animal, it?s not love), particularly sexually, are highly likely to commit child abuse, both sexual & otherwise, as well as other violent crimes like rape & murder! So why the hell would anyone in their right mind allow such atrocities to be legal? One would never let, or?trust a child rapist around your children? nor can one ever trust an animal rapist around your animals or?your children!!?

Bestiality is not new. Cave drawings in Valcamonica in northern Italy dating back to 8,000 B.C. show a man and a deer in the act and ancient Greek and Egyptian texts clearly allude to carnal love between man and beast. The practice is addressed?and forbidden?in the Old Testament of the Bible. ?We know it?s not new, but we live in the 21st?century & have a better understanding of what is right & wrong?the people that did it then didn?t know any better, they were?Neanderthals. If that is going to be used as an excuse to permit bestiality then one might also start burning witches at the stake, or throw?Christians?into a Roman arena to fight lions!?

Zoophilia is illegal in about?a dozen U.S. states,?punishable by fines and jail terms. There are a number of websites including?pet-abuse.com?that list alleged cases of abuse. It is also illegal in France, Switzerland, and the Netherlands, punishable by fines and the sequestration of the animals. It is strictly forbidden in most Asian countries as well.?

The act was punishable by life in prison in the United Kingdom until 2003, when the maximum term for animal sex was reduced to two years. The act was legalized in Germany in 1969 after being banned for nearly a century, following pressure by animal?rights activists who pointed to a rise in animal injuries.? When the December 14 vote passes, those caught engaging in zoophilia could be fined ?250,000.??Never mind just a fine, they can pay that & be on to the next animal within weeks.?These people don?t get better; because they don?t think there?s anything wrong with them to start with!??They will offend again and again if they are not stopped definitively, therefore sexual predators must face jail time?.

? Any & all bestiality sites on the internet should be illegal & shut down?if one takes away as much of the temptation as possible, it?s a start to ending this prolific & damaging act against natures sentient creatures. But we also need Animal Abuse Registers to keep tabs on those caught?just like the Sex Offenders Register?people have a right to know if a sexual animal abuser lives on their street!?

?We see animals as partners and not solely as vessels for gratification.?

But not everyone agrees that there should be a blanket law forbidding the practice. ?There must be proof that the animals are harmed in the act to make this illegal,? Michael Kiok of?German Zoophile Engagement for Tolerance and Information?told The Daily Beast. He believes that the animals display satisfaction and are willing partners in most cases, and that arousal and sexual response they exhibit can be interpreted as consent. ?We see animals as partners and not solely as vessels for gratification.? ?In most cases?? I?ve said before, dogs might hump your leg but it doesn?t mean they want sex with a human, it?s just an instinct with them, they don?t get their penis out?I have female dogs that like to hump?their?cushions; but doing so, is not them consenting to, or wanting to be a willing partner in any sexual relation with a human!?

?The female anatomy & sexual organs of any species are built only for the opposite of that species, in terms of size & length!. I have seen horrifying images of female dogs that have been raped by human beings, they have literally been torn apart, from the outside in, with massive internal damage! I love all my animals with a great passion, probably more than I do humans; but when one of my dogs roll?s over for a tummy tickle, it doesn?t mean it?s consenting or wanting me to do anything other than tickle it?s tummy.

?Now, I feel I must mention this, in case you see anyone doing it & get the wrong end of the stick?don?t be shocked, but yes, I have touched the sheath & penis of all the male horses I have?owned, & a few of my friends (only because they were scared of being kicked)?but certainly NOT in any way sexual!! All male horses need their sheaths & penis? cleaned several times a year.??An accumulation of dirt and excretions called smegma builds up in the area, and must be removed. Mares experience the same affliction between their udders?.

?Now you may see a male horse rubbing his backside against a post or wall etc. this is not an invitation to get sexual with him; it?s probably because his sheath needs cleaning or he has worms etc. ?It?s not a nice job, but it has to be done; I have been kicked so many times I have lost count!?There is a pouch in the end of the penis that sometimes causes serious trouble because people simply do not know about it. It needs to be cleared out each time the sheath and penis are washed. Usually the pouch will have one or more small lumps of smegma in it. They are frequently shaped like a bean, so around here we call them peanuts, there about the same size, but I?ve seen some as large as walnuts.?

?Some horses will tolerate you washing the sheath & penis but they don?t all drop, which means you need to get your fingers in their & wash all the debris out, best done with a hose pipe & warm water. Other horses do not like their manhood being handled, so some need to be?tranquillized, the obvious added bonus is that the penis usually drops, which is better for cleaning! So PLEASE?do not go running to the police if you see this being done, unless it?s someone you are sure isn?t doing it to keep the horse sheath area clean!?

?A horse that has been cleaned?regularly will stand quiet & usually drop! Nowhaving thought about this, it could be that some zoophiles get the wrong impression?? Horses that are just used to being touched around the sheath & penis for cleaning will usually drop; do zoophiles mistake this as a reaction to their stimulation,?therefore?thinking the horse is a willing partner for more than just washing? Are some horses?tranquillized?on purpose so they will drop; for the taking of bestiality pictures, or videos etc.?? It wouldn?t?surprise?me if they do, which is blatant sexual abuse!?

?Kiok, a zoophile, says the group will sue the German government if the law is enacted. He also argues that as long as other practices that inflict pain on beasts, such as castration of cattle and branding of horses, are legal, then sex with animals should not be forbidden. ?Why is he comparing other practices of pain like castration to that of bestiality, it sounds like he is saying well if they can hurt animals for food, then we can hurt them for sex! I?m not sure if I?ve got my point across but I hope you understand what I mean!?

He also points to the collection of animal sperm for artificial insemination in the agricultural industry as a comparable act, which he says is not addressed in the German draft law. ?People have tried to create the false impression that we hurt animals,??he told?Der Spiegel,?explaining that animals are easier to understand than women.? ?We don?t force them to do anything they don?t want to do.? ?But they don?t have a voice! They can?t say? ?No, I don?t want to, now piss off & leave me alone?? can they??

News Link:-http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/12/01/germany-weighs-bestiality-ban-amid-rise-of-pet-porn-animal-brothels.html

Source: http://preciousjules1985.wordpress.com/2012/12/03/germany-weighs-bestiality-ban-amid-rise-of-pet-porn-animal-brothels/

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