বুধবার, ১৪ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Will Team Foley crack at Survivor Series?

Team Foley

Just six days before Survivor Series, the lineup of Team Foley was finally set in stone: Randy Orton, Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston, WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No and ? The Miz? Indeed, the WWE Universe?s RAWactive choice of The Awesome One certainly shakes things up for The Hardcore Legend?s eclectic Survivor Series assemblage. Could the diverse team?s myriad differences, however, lead to its downfall against the more cohesive Team Ziggler in Sunday?s Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match?

WWE Champion CM Punk has dubbed Foley?s Survivor Series squad ?Team Worthless,? which is a grossly inaccurate descriptor for a coalition consisting of multiple former World Champions, the reigning Intercontinental Champion and the current bearers of the WWE Tag Team Titles. Yet based on what transpired on Raw, it?s clear the star-studded team might not equal the sum of its parts as it prepares to battle a formidable alliance comprised of captain Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio, Team Rhodes Scholars and Wade Barrett.

First, Team Foley?s Orton & Kingston were defeated by Ziggler & Del Rio ? no doubt inflating the already-bloated egos of The Showoff and The Mexican Aristocrat. Then, Daniel Bryan?s ringside intervention in Kane & The Miz?s bout with Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow nearly cost his Team Foley cohorts the match. Based on Bryan?s bitter behavior, it was pretty obvious ?The World?s Toughest Vegan? took umbrage with his tag partner teaming with anyone but himself, regardless of the circumstances. (WATCH | PHOTOS)

For those keeping score, that made it a 1-1 tie between Team Foley and Team Ziggler on the final Raw before Survivor Series. Despite the fact the playing field was ostensibly level on Monday night, Bryan?s actions nearly allowing for a Team Ziggler sweep should concern the rest of Team Foley. Just as Team Hell No?s instability could put the unruly tandem?s WWE Tag Team Titles in jeopardy this Wednesday night on WWE Main Event, Team Hell No?s incessant backbiting might spell certain doom for The Hardcore Legend?s group at Survivor Series.

But what if Team Foley surprises us all? Moreover, what if it?s the last-minute addition of The Miz that actually holds the rag-tag crew together? The Awesome One not only captained his own Survivor Series team to victory in 2009, (READ MORE) but also more recently scored the winning pinfall for John Laurinaitis? six-man team at WrestleMania XXVIII. (PHOTOS) United with his Team Foley brethren by a shared disdain for Ziggler, the characteristically self-centered former WWE Champion could wind up playing very well with others this Sunday in Indianapolis.

What do you think? Can Team Foley pull it together in time for Survivor Series? Is a Team Ziggler victory in the bag? Share your voice with the rest of the WWE Universe by talking our poll.

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Source: http://www.wwe.com/shows/raw/2012-11-12/is-team-foley-destined-to-fail

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