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Effective Skin Care Tips For Glowing Skin - Ayushveda

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Effective Skin Care Tips For Glowing Skin A beautiful skin does not need expensive skin care products. It rather needs adequate care and attention on a regular basis. By ?adequate care and attention?, we mean taking care of skin according to the changing weather, lifestyle and age specific needs on a constant basis. Here, we present you 10 most effective skin care tips that will stand your skin in good stead forever.

Skin Care Tips for Glowing Skin

Use Sunscreen

Unprotected exposure to sunlight leads to premature ageing, hyper pigmentation, wrinkles and even skin cancer. Sunburns and tans indicate a damaged skin which needs to be shielded with sunscreen on regular basis. Wear a broad spectrum sunscreen throughout the year, which protects your skin from both ? UVA and UVB rays.

Apply sunscreen 20 minutes prior to stepping out of home on all the exposed parts of your body. Even when you stay indoors, don?t forget to slather your daily dose of sunscreen.

Moisturize Properly

A dry skin is a sure shot guarantee of prematurely old and sagging skin. If you want your skin to be taut and youthful than it is very important to moisturize your skin. Even if you don?t have a dry skin, it will be good to moisturize yourself with a water based lotion on regular basis. If you have dry skin than you can go for oil based moisturizer immediately after bath when the skin is still moist and is able to hold the moisture for longer periods.

On the other hand, in order to provide moisture from environment to your skin when it gets too dry, it is important to run a humidifier in the room, especial in the bed room at night time. Besides, always ensure to use some good quality moisturizing soaps and hand washes to avoid dryness on hands.

Exfoliate Regularly

If your skin is very dry than it will be wise to exfoliate once in a week. Exfoliation helps in unclogging the blocked pores, remove dead skin cells and helps in better absorption of moisturizer.

Effective Skin Care Tips For Glowing Skin

Too much of exfoliation can lead to damaged skin so be gentle with your skin while exfoliating. If you have normal to oily skin than you can exfoliate up to two times a week. Use a good quality moisturizer immediately after exfoliating for a glowing skin.

Sleep with a Makeup Free Face

To sleep with make up on is one of the biggest beauty crimes. Never sleep with make up on your face because it leads to clogging of pores, oxygen deprived and lifeless skin and premature ageing of facial skin. Always use a good quality face wash for removing the makeup. For removing eye makeup, use baby oil or cleanser meant for removing eye makeup.

Eat Nutritious Foods

Basically how our skin looks depends on our genes, our environment and our food. While we can?t do much about our environment and our genes, we can certainly take care of our food and can dramatically change the texture of our skin and can look beautiful.

This can be achieved by eating low fat and highly nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low fat dairy products, lean meats, low fat sea foods, etc. Cutting on refined flours, sugar, cigarettes and alcohol can make a dramatic difference to our looks. Foods containing vitamin C, E, A and H are especially beneficial for our skin since these vitamins are building blocks of our skin.

Exercise Consistently

While everyone knows that exercising is good for health, not everyone is aware that consistency in exercises is very important for getting best results. You should exercise at least 4 times a week for 45 minutes.

Effective Skin Care Tips For Glowing Skin

Exercising helps in removing toxins from the body, releases endorphins- the feel good chemicals in body, helps in melting the fat and gives our skin a natural glow which cannot be achieved through cosmetics or beauty products. You can include a variety of exercises in your fitness regimen like aerobics, yoga, strength training, Pilates, stretches, cardio-vascular exercises like jogging, running, swimming, etc.

Stay Away from Stress

No amount of beauty products can improve a stressed skin and hence the best beauty bet is to stay away from stress. Somehow, this seems to be impossible in today?s age of hectic lifestyles. In such a scenario, learn to manage stress. You can learn meditation, breathing exercises or can enroll in one of your favorite hobbies to stay away from stress. A stress free skin can ooze real beauty and glow and can make your friends envy with you.

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Go for Regular Facials

A facial is a complete package of skin care for your face. It takes care of deep pore cleaning, scrubbing, massaging and applying a suitable face pack on your face. Regular facials very well take care of facial skin and give it a beautiful glow. It is important to choose a well trained and well experienced beauty professional who can assess your skin type well and can give you an appropriate facial accordingly.

Effective Skin Care Tips For Glowing Skin

Hygiene is a very important factor while considering facials. Ask your beautician to use properly washed napkins and sterilized equipments while performing a facial. Use of dirty lines and equipments can lead to skin infections and can do more bad than good for your skin.

Dry Body Exfoliation

You must have heard that toxins are bad for our health and beauty and detoxing body can be a single great strategy for looking good. Apart from detoxing through diet, detoxing can be done through dry body exfoliation also. You can do dry body exfoliation before taking a bath.

You will need a dry body exfoliation brush for the same. Just start from your foot and work your way up to enhance the blood circulation and eliminate the toxins.

Drink Adequate Amount of Water

While everyone drinks adequate amount of water during summers, we tend to drink less amount of water during winters. Drinking adequate amounts of water is very important to eliminate waste products and maintain general health of body cells. A dehydrated body shows itself through shrinking and lifeless skin hence it is important to drink at least 8 glasses of water during winters also to maintain a plump and youthful look throughout the year.

These tips can help you achieve a beautiful skin for lifetime.

Effective Skin Care Tips For Glowing Skin, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

Source: https://www.ayushveda.com/magazine/effective-skin-care-tips-for-glowing-skin/

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