শুক্রবার, ২১ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Let's Welcome to LCM Blog ? Our newest DIY Contributors!

Hello new friends, and readers!

I am so beyond excited to be blogging for Lilac City Momma, and to be able to reach out to a whole new group of people whom I can share all my fun Mommy adventures with! My name is Caroline, and I am a 24 year-old Mom from Spokane, WA. I have lived in 15 different states, but I love calling the Pacific Northwest my new home. I can tell you one thing, I?ve never seen so many seasons!

I have a 2 year old little boy named Hunter, who is my reason for getting out of bed every day, and why I?m so thankful for, (no matter how crazy), our little family at night. Being a SAHM is grueling sometimes, and I?ve worked hard to fill our family home with memories. I grew up in a house full of DIY?ers, antique furniture, good food, and family. Being raised in the South, it was sort of ingrained in my identity to be a do-it-all kind of woman. Thankfully I?m not, because I have learned so much and have so much more to learn.

My main hobbies are DIY, crafting, and baking, to fill my time when I?m not on 24 hour Mommy duty. I love traveling, all over the U.S.A, and bringing things home from my travels to add to our menagerie. I collect old records, any genre, because I adore album artwork and liner notes. My greatest accomplishments are mostly projects that I?ve completed myself, and I am definitely in the school that,one man?s trash is another man?s treasure. I truly believe that anyone can do it with a little effort, and I have tons of tips/tricks to share that I?ve picked up along the way. (Remember, this is coming from a girl who before she was married, or a Mommy, could burn a pot of boiling water and had no idea what a Michael?s even looked like!)

I hope that I can share with everyone along with the mishaps, the sweet satisfaction that comes from completing projects that can make a house your home while doing it on a budget.

Thank you so much for reading. I can?t wait to share my adventures with you, with my own little side of Southern hospitality!

- Caroline

I am a busy Midwest Momma of 3 amazing daughters, and a wife to one of Indianapolis? greatest Paramedics!! I work full time as a Momma, and a Medical Assistant. I work for a busy Family Practice MD (by the way is the most amazing person inside and out), who practices semi-alternative medicine. I believe in what I practice, I see the outcomes everyday, of taking care of yourself, does really pay off. As someone who has food allergies and sensitivities, everyday is a struggle to eat well. I have been quite ?crafty? with food. Re-thinking everyday meals, and making them gluten free, and delish!! I am excited to share some of my ?secret? recipes!

I love, love, love, photography, especially black and white. My daughters are my inspiration! I always have a camera with me, either my Nikon (love), or my phone (which does take pretty amazing pics). My husband is always saying, ?enough Allison?, well, I do not think you can EVER have enough photo?s. I just want to always have permanent memories. I want my girls to always have visual memories, so someday they can look back and say, ?Oh yeah, I remember that!!? You never know when it is going to be your last photo.

I Love to craft, re-purpose, sew, anything. Sometimes I think Goodwill and Hobby Lobby are my second homes. Really I have thought about working at both stores, but I know my direct deposit, would be actually be a direct withdrawal! In between softball practices, laundry, and cooking, I always find time to be crafty. Always find time to sit and sew, or re-purpose something. The girls and I could spend hours ?craftin? and we take over much of the front room/kitchen when we do to!!

I am so excited to be a contributor on Lilac City Momma!! I am looking forward to many new adventures that lie ahead with all of you!!

- Allison


If you enjoyed this post, don't forget to share it with friends & family. Thank you, I appreciate your support!

Source: http://lilaccitymomma.com/2012/09/lets-welcome-to-lcm-blog-our-newest-diy-contributors/

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