শুক্রবার, ২০ এপ্রিল, ২০১২

Firebase Aims To Reinvent Real-Time App Infrastructure, And It Already Has 4,000 Sign-Ups

firebase logoFirebase is one of those startups with an almost crazily big vision ? it wants to simplify the development of powerful, real-time apps, to the point where (as co-founder James Tamplin put it) it's "jettisoning the whole notion of a server even existing." The company, which was part of the summer 2011 class at Y Combinator, unveiled its service last week. In the first 24 hours, it saw a big wave of interest from developers. Tamplin says 35,000 unique visitors came to the site, and 16,000 of them tried out the Firebase tutorial. There are now 4,000 developers who have signed up for early access and are waiting for beta invites.

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