রবিবার, ১৮ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Contemporary Floor Lamps | House and Home Improvement

arc lamp 274x300 Contemporary Floor LampsThe lamps have been used for thousands of years. Use copper bowls made from willow branches crude oil singles and a wide range of modern light sources, standard lamps have gone through different stages of development technology and aesthetics.

Street lights now extend through the houses and lighting businesses. Contemporary floor lamps now focus on a functional role in the diet, the environment or the character of a room. This feature allows you to lampposts, one of the most popular games of interior designers, landscape architects, owners and property managers.

Available in different sizes, shapes and power of the lamps lighting can be for all or part of a given space with ease to a certain effect on the aesthetic and functional needs can be used to generate. The lamps are normally adjustable in terms of production and the angle of illumination and can also be of different colors.

Popular types of lamps

Just as there are different styles and techniques of filling and glazed inside and out, there are many types of lamps for owners of homes and buildings. Some of the most popular.

Torch. This guy is one of the more recognizable street lights. Flashlights are like flashlight bulbs are already in use in Europe and in the 17 th century. The light source was then candles, which were mounted on high towers made of metal or wood. The current version can, of course, any type of light (candles, incandescent, fluorescent lamps, halogen lamps, etc.) and all other materials (wood, metal, plastic, composite materials, alloys, ceramics, etc.). Rockets usually only a small space in the room, quietly, and the propagation of light beams radiating light toward the ceiling. For these reasons, many manufacturers of flashlights that want to optimize the limited space, or a project with a minimalist interior sought.

Arc lamp. The arc lamp consists of a loading arm that extends in the form of an arc. Given the configuration of a light bulb is often radiates down, so the arc lamp is ideal for places where the reading lamps or table can not be done or to be easily installed. Because it has a unique table lamp are very popular during the transitional period and contemporary.

Tour of the lamp. Lights are distinguished for their paintings, sculptures and carefully designed. Lights are often thrown around a clear aesthetic, which often overshadows the role of the lamp as a source of light. In fact, most of the lights and turn soft lighting, colors, whose main objective is the work of art in three dimensions to highlight in its frame. Moreover, the possibilities are endless design framework, with different models evoke the abstract Asia, Art Deco, Cubism and other influences.

Trends in interior lighting

According to the different movements and styles of interior design, lighting trends also reflect the new priorities and values ??of people rather than his life and work spaces. The impact of ergonomics, design factors and the environment are some of the facilities of current consumption decisions lamp .. For example, concern for the environment to do research to develop a more sustainable lighting and more energy efficient. Meanwhile, apply for new forms, but clean, with good sense, experiments on the redefinition of traditional lamp designs and the introduction of new materials for the impulse that led to the aesthetic.

Source: http://massimomarchiori.com/interior-design-and-decorating/contemporary-floor-lamps.htm

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