শুক্রবার, ৩০ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Long-distance Relationship | Intricately Me

There might be 7 out of 10 people on earth who?re in the cross country relationship, either by choice or by accident. A distance relationship that has been manufactured by choice are the type relationships formed from the internet or from your friend?s friend, or maybe being in rapport with someone you haven?t meet. Perhaps you have same interest about gift baskets and you understand the other and you become boyfriends or girlfriends. Alternatively, a distance relationship by accident are the type relationships that unexpectedly proved being cross country ones on account of work or school as well as there are many cases like his family are in a distance place anf the husband or she chose to tolerate his parent. Whether you participate in the first kind or latter, folks are still about to think the same thing escaping anybody you like just wouldn?t work.

Telephone long distance isn?t reason to start your relationship. Maybe he or she is far to suit your needs but assistance from communication like cellphones and internet where one can talk and keeping in touch with him or her. Let s just say this; in the event you really love him or her are looking for solutions to contact them. There was clearly a song in titled Let s Just Fall madly in love Again . An audio lesson that relates a good distance relationship and time come they meet. Both of them see the other nonetheless they just fall in love even they may be in cross country. The composer with the song point out that when it is the very first time which you meet the other pretend you do not know the other. This just means you must know the other again. Knowing each other s likes and dislikes, mention something more important like gift basket and sharing thing about Xbox 720. With this particular way you might know him or her again. Maybe on this way you are going to adore him or her again since you know him or her.

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Source: http://www.intricatelyme.com/long-distance-relationship/

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৯ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

The Daily Meal: 15 Sodas You Might Not Know About

This unique coffee-flavored soda, made with espresso beans and pure cane sugar, has been produced at the same family-owned, Brooklyn-based factory since 1895. The company produces other flavors as well, but the espresso variety is certainly the most popular and iconic, widely available in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.

Related: What Your "Drink" Says About You on a Date

Photo Credit: ? Maryse Chevriere

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/the-daily-meal/obscure-sodas_b_981686.html

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My Love/Hate Relationship with SAHM | Motherhood Unadorned

So I think I?ve determined that I have a love/hate relationship with being a stay at home mom. OK, not ?hate? exactly, more like love/not-love.

Granted I?ve got an almost 4-year-old and an almost 20-month-0ld, so its a pretty labor-intensive time in the grand scheme of motherhood. Neither child is in school. BOTH are still in diapers. (Yes my 4 year old is not potty trained. If you don?t already know the story, feel free to read the post.)

Right now, tonight, I have a few moments while they are both sleeping to write a blog post, and it struck me just how much I LOVE/NOT LOVE my SAHM life. So here?s a few reasons why.

I?d love to hear if you can relate to any of them. And if you can?t relate, how do you feel about your own role as SAHM or WAHM or WOOHM (that?s ?Work Out of Home Mom? in case that wasn?t clear. Did I just make that up? WOOHM sounds like a pretty cool abbreviation to me.)

Why I LOVE being a SAHM:

1. I get to see my kids grow and change minute to minute. I don?t ever feel like I might miss milestones or moments.

2.?I get to snuggle A LOT on a daily basis for naps, quiet times, game times, movie times. (My kids are very cozy snuggle bugs.)

3. I?ve built a very strong attachment with my kids. They want mama around them, with them and I love that.

4. I get to watch the beautiful relationship forming between Ronin and Ellie on a daily basis. It is such an amazing thing to see. They can be so sweet and loving with each other, love playing together, and be absolute terrors to each other. But I get to see it all.

5. Because I?m with her so much I understand Ellie?s?toddler speak?probably 95% of the time, which makes communication at this stage pretty easy. SO nice!

6. We luckily don?t have to pay for costly childcare. (Its EXpensive in the Pacific Northwest.)

7. I can still easily nurse Ellie at almost 20 months and not have to worry about pumping, etc (Have I mentioned how much I hate pumping?)

Why I NOT-LOVE Being a SAHM:

1. The constant unending cleaning, picking up, wiping butts, making food/cleaning food/washing dishes, dressing/undressing/laundry, etc. The tedious cleaning of everything is just amplified. I used to have a pretty clean nice looking house before kids. Now I feel like things just pile up and pile up and pile up all of the time. I?m the queen of piles and I hate them.

2. I NEVER get to pee by myself. Unless little ones are asleep of course.

3. Its difficult to focus on anything other than them when they are awake and with me. Me time/blog time/necklace-making time is impossible unless I pay for it, the kids are asleep (and let?s face it, I?d like to be asleep too!) or my husband watches the kids. And I want him to have him-time too.

4. I never feel fully present for adult conversations when I?m at play dates with our friends. I always have half to three-quarters of my brain on my kids. Moments of true adult time are very few and far between.

5. I take less care of myself, i.e. doctors appointments, dentist, any appointment really, because of the hassle of scheduling care.

6. Finding ways to keep the kids entertained and happy all day long can be tiresome and draining.

7. Part of me misses being a creative, active, engaging professional interacting with other professionals on a daily basis.

Why LOVE Overcomes the NOT-LOVE:

1. Right now, being a SAHM is my choice, my husband?s choice, our family?s choice. And its the right one for us, right now. Being with them on my worst day is better (for me), than not being with my kids at this stage of their lives.

2. It may not be the right choice tomorrow (but tomorrow is not today.) I can definitely see me doing something out of the home once they both hit school age, whether non-profit or corporate, I don?t know. I really am loving my mental health advocacy. So we?ll see.

3. On days that my own mental health is not at its best, I can be in the comfort of my home. I can use my own strategies to take care of self and take care of my kids. In other words, I can be lazy if I need to be. PJ Movie days are just fine and can happen on a regular basis. (Like today.)

Every role of motherhood has its own joys and challenges. And I know every stage and age of kids, brings its own joys and challenges too. So I?m just going to keep moving forward. Making the best choices (for us) and for my mental health.

Today I am SAHM, tomorrow the FUTURE (whatever that may be) awaits!

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Source: http://www.ellieadorn.com/?p=3562

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Diet Review Site Provides Unbiased Reviews of the Most Popular ...

Tempe, AZ -- (SBWIRE) -- 09/26/2011 -- In response to the recent demand for reputable diet review sites, ?Top Weight Loss Reviews? is announcing the release of their website that has unbiased reviews of all the most popular diets on the market.

For dieters, the internet affords them an opportunity to find thousands of diets at a push of the button. A person can go online and within seconds be faced with an abundance of choices, most of which are backed by brilliant marketers that want little more than to pull at the purse strings of their readership.

To add to the confusion, it seems that every other week a celebrity or fitness professional is releasing a new weight loss program. Most of the time these diets are just recycled material of those that came before them, and sometimes they are backed by celebrities that clearly don?t know the first thing about what it?s like to really need to lose weight.

?Top Weight Loss Reviews? was created to give dieters a one stop resource to research all the most popular and effective diet programs on the market. It offers reviews, articles, and professional testimonials from fitness enthusiasts that have personally tried out the programs.

?Our health & fitness experts have provided unbiased reviews and have actually experienced using the diets/programs listed on the site,? says website owner Mayank Gupta. ?Our visitors can be confident they are getting the very best reviews possible and can make a choice as to which weight loss plan is most suitable to them.?

?Top Weight Loss Reviews? picks apart some of the most popular diet programs including The Diet Solution Program, Fat Loss 4 Idiots, Fat Burning Furnace, and Jillian Michaels to name a few.

Perhaps the most notable aspect of the website is that it is currently giving away a free dieting EBook (The Hot Diet Report) that is selling elsewhere for $27.

The EBook is written by a fitness professional and it gives tips for how to find the best diet and weight loss plan as well as how to lose weight. It shows readers how to identify a ?fad diet,? how to choose the best diet plan to meet specific goals, as well as a side by side comparison of the most effective diet solutions currently on the market.

For those who want to lose weight but don?t know where to turn, ?Top Weight Loss Reviews? acts as a one stop resource for all their dieting needs. To learn more about ?Top Weight Loss Reviews,? or to grab the free EBook before it gets taken down, please visit: http://www.topweightlossreviews.com

Source: http://www.sbwire.com/press-releases/diet/reviews/sbwire-108779.htm

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Improve Your Surfing with Yoga Exercises from KiHealth

Yoga and surfing are two of the oldest but most enjoyable activities known to man. While Yoga originated in India, surfing traces its roots to Hawaii. Though seemingly different, the two go hand in hand especially when you ask the most avid practitioners of surfing. For surfers, practicing yoga adds a whole new dimension to their surfing. Even the 10-time World Champion Kelly Slater has been known to practice yoga before his ASP events. According to the greatest surfer of all time, yoga allows a surfer to become more aware of his body and its abilities. Just like surfing, yoga requires an individual to perform small, subtle movements. After some time, these movements will become second nature and the body will become more comfortable with the exercises. Over time, the surfer will have better posture and greater self-confidence in and out of the water. While surfing, the athlete will have better balance on the surfboard, stronger paddling power, faster responses, and greater awareness of the ocean. As with any new activity, the individual should start slow to allow the body to cope with the new, unfamiliar movements. Since the person is required to move the muscles in a different way, it is important to give the body some time to adapt. For beginners, it is recommended to attend group classes facilitated by advanced yoga practitioners such as the ones offered by KiHealth. It would be best to try the Bikram method or Ashtanga style for better translation to surfing. KiHealth has an extensive experience in helping amateur and professional surfers achieve optimal form during competitions or free surf session through their yoga classes. The Ki Team believes that Yoga is a great way to boost one?s overall health and well-being. The classes help surfers improve their surfing by improving the circulation of blood, fluids, and most importantly, their energy. To prepare the surfers for competition, the fitness coach will share various breathing and meditation techniques to help lower their stress levels and keep them mentally strong. The fitness coach will also incorporate a wide range of Yoga methods to cover the different styles of surfing, be it the aggressive style of surfing phenomenon Jordy Smith or the smooth laidback style of Rob Machado. Aside from yoga classes, KiHealth can also help athletes through their nutritional and lifestyle programs. The flexible packages are tailored fit for every type of person, both for the weekend warrior and the serious competitor. The programs will depend on the ability and fitness level of the person. At the end of the day, these health and fitness and solutions will help people make the most of their time in the water and enjoy life even more!

Tags: Innersound, KiHealth, help people, health and fitness, fitness coach

Source: http://www.212articles.com/improve-your-surfing-with-yoga-exercises-from-kihealth/

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St. Louis police make city's biggest-ever heroin bust (Reuters)

ST. LOUIS (Reuters) ? More than 50 suspected heroin dealers were rounded up on Tuesday in the largest operation against heroin trafficking in St. Louis history, authorities said.

The arrests came after officers from 33 law enforcement agencies, led by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, developed cases against individuals across a seven-county area centered in the city of St. Louis, where there have been 57 deaths from heroin overdoses this year, DEA spokeswoman Karin Caito said.

The entire St. Louis region, which has more than five times the population as the city, saw 60 overdose deaths from heroin in 2010. The DEA said heroin overdose deaths have doubled since 2007 in St. Louis and St. Louis County, and tripled in neighboring St. Charles County.

"This strike is the first of its kind in the area and is a response to a public outcry caused by an increase use of heroin in the whole area," Caito said.

"This is not just an urban drug anymore. It has been gaining in popularity in the suburbs and rural areas, even in the high schools."

The arrests, ranging from southern Illinois to Franklin and Lincoln County in Missouri, were part of the first phase of an operation aimed at sending a message to heroin traffickers, DEA Special Agent in Charge Harry Sommers said.

"We will continue to target with vigor those using and bringing heroin into our communities. We are working to save lives and keep communities safe," he said, adding that arrests would continue, with the aim of arresting more than 100 alleged dealers.

Heroin, once seen as an urban phenomenon with a fairly stable population of users, has drawn increasing attention from communities and law enforcement over the past five years, transformed by a new supply of nearly pure heroin from Afghanistan.

The quality increase has led to a drug that no longer has be injected in the veins but can be smoked or snorted, the Department of Justice said in its 2010 National Drug Threat Assessment.

"As a result, the price of the drug is decreasing and the number of heroin-related overdoses and deaths are on the rise," the assessment said.

Increased heroin use, especially among teenagers and young adults, has been reported this year in New York, Chicago, Seattle and many other American cities. There has also been an increase in suburban and rural areas, especially in the Midwest, agents said.

A regional attack on the problem was announced in April by St. Louis area police chiefs, noting the new potency and the rise in overdose deaths.

"Some of these young people have no idea what they are putting into their system," St. Louis County Police Chief Tim Fitch said, noting increased prevalence, even in high schools.

Lesley Levin, president of Behavioral Health Response in St. Louis, a help center for drug users, said heroin use is now commonplace.

"They're no longer people on skid row," she said. "They're your neighbors. It's a very scary epidemic."

Across the Mississippi River in Illinois, Madison County Sheriff Robert Hertz pointed to another aspect of the problem earlier this year -- a rise in crime committed by addicts to support their habit.

Hertz said the number of residential burglaries or attempted residential burglaries had nearly doubled in Madison County through the first eight months of 2011.

(Editing by James B. Kelleher and Greg McCune)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/crime/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110927/us_nm/us_crime_heroin

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James, Melo, Paul fall short in Philly exhibition (AP)

PHILADELPHIA ? LeBron James had the superstar teammates with him and the crowd against him.

September felt like June all over again, especially when another Big Three came up short.

James, Carmelo Anthony and Chris Paul couldn't lead their team back from a dreadful start, as Team Philly beat Melo's stars of Baltimore 131-122 on Sunday night at the Palestra.

Just like when the Miami team led by James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh was knocked off by Dallas in the NBA finals, the bigger names didn't click in time to get the victory many expected.

A sold-out crowd that greeted James with thunderous boos when he came onto the floor roared in the final minute when former Rookie of the Year Tyreke Evans used a series of fakes to drive into the lane for a basket that put it away at 131-119.

"Most of them are, it's not just the best players in the league, it's the best players in the world. And they're on the USA team, obviously guys get a lot of respect," Philly center Jason Thompson of Sacramento said.

"But at the end of the day, it's not like they're playing in a neutral place. You're playing in Philly and in all type of sports, basketball, football, baseball, anything, you know how Philly fans get."

With the NBA lockout now wiping out parts of the preseason and threatening to do more damage, Anthony helped put the game together along with his former Syracuse teammate, Hakim Warrick, and said there could be more.

"My mindset is I'll start next week. My body is trained, I'll start next week and that's where my mindset is at, that's where my body is at," Anthony said. "So games like this, it's fun. It's charity, but at the same time, we want to get something out of it."

And Warrick said for now, Philadelphia has the title of best team of the summer circuit.

"After beating that team, I mean we've got to be the champs," the Phoenix forward said. "We're taking on all challengers, but they've got to come through Philly. So whoever's next, they've come to through us."

James had 43 points and 23 rebounds, and Anthony had 31 and 17, but Paul wasn't in top shape in rare action during this NBA summer of inactivity. All three played all 48 minutes.

James and Paul left without speaking to reporters.

Former Villanova guard Kyle Lowry of the Rockets scored 34 points and Lou Williams of the hometown 76ers had 31 for Team Philly in what was called the "Battle of I-95." Evans finished with 18 points and 18 rebounds, and Warrick added 19 points and 12 boards.

Fourth quarters were the problem for James in the finals, but this time his team couldn't undo his start.

The passionate Philly fans booed James when he came onto the floor and even louder during pregame introductions, and they were delighted when the local team threatened to run the All-Stars off the floor in the opening minutes. With speedy guards Williams, Lowry and Evans repeatedly getting by their defenders, Team Philly raced to a 22-6 lead that it extended to 35-16 later in the first quarter.

James had only four points in the period.

Team Melo took the lead in the final period, but Lowry led a late flurry to pull it out for Philly.

The Melo team is based in Baltimore, but Anthony went outside his city to find James (Ohio) and Paul (North Carolina).

They were originally expected to have Kevin Durant, who's starred in a number of these games this summer from New York to Washington, and they could have used the reinforcements. The historic gym on Penn's campus wasn't air conditioned, and with only three substitutes, Melo's crew struggled to get up and down the floor at times.

But they got better as play went on ? though the previously roaring crowd became increasingly quiet as it turned into a more half-court affair until James threw down Paul's lob pass from just inside center court to beat the halftime buzzer and cut Philly's lead to 66-58. But Philly, with a full roster, always was able to pull far enough ahead again.

Both teams warmed up in shirts reading "Basketball Never Stops" ? but of course it has this summer in the NBA. The league announced Friday that training camps were postponed and all 43 preseason games scheduled for the week of Oct. 9-15 were canceled.

Representatives from the NBA and players' association hope to meet again this week but the window is tight, with the union holding a regional meeting Tuesday in Miami and some negotiators on both sides unavailable after that during the Jewish holiday, making it even tougher to agree to a deal in time to salvage any of the preseason.

So players are forced to find ways to stay in shape without knowing when they will need to be ready for sure.

Without the lockout, they would be entering their final week of the offseason before reporting to camp. James, Anthony and Paul have done plenty of traveling, conducting clinics and taking part in community service projects, but it's unclear how much basketball they've been able to play.

"My main thing, we just got to stick together, as players we're sticking together," Anthony said, "and in the meantime keep doing stuff like this, keep having basketball games, keep playing, keep giving fans what they want. It's not everything that they want, because they want a season, but hey, it's something."

Paul shot only 3 of 12 for six points and struggled to keep up with Philly's speedsters.

At halftime, organizers presented Anthony and Warrick a check for $25,000 to build a basketball court for their cities.


Follow Brian Mahoney on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Briancmahoney

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/sports/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110926/ap_on_sp_bk_ga_su/bkn_battle_of_i95

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Can you use the VA Loan for home improvements? | Best Finances

You actually cannot when you are purchasing a home. You would have to take out a home improvement loan after you finishing your purchase. If you were refinancing that would be a different story.
A Cash Out Refinance allows the veteran or active duty military to pull cash out of the equity of the loan, hence the name of the loan.You can borrow up to 90% of the equity of the loan. What is done with the cash is at the borrower?s judgment. For example?home improvements.

The company I work for does VA purchases and refinances and could give you more information about either type of loan. You can call talk to someone for more information at 888-567-2848 or visit this website.

Source: http://bestfinancesolutions.com/credit/loans-credit/can-you-use-the-va-loan-for-home-improvements/

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Linda Novick O'Keefe: Don't Let the French Fries Win - How To Get Your Kids to Eat Their Veggies

It's the most common paraphrase in today's parenting lexicon: "My child is a picky eater. There is nothing I can do, so I just feed him macaroni and cheese. It's all he will eat."

As a parent myself, I know how overworked we are -- after spending 10 hours working and commuting the last thing we want to do is battle our children over something with such a seemingly simple solution. Forget the broccoli, here's the French fries. At least they aren't going to bed hungry, right?

Wrong. Our children's stomachs may technically be full, but they are starving for nutrition. The research is clear about the importance of fruits and vegetables to our kid's mental and physical development and health. And now, thankfully, there is more and more research about how we can help our kids go from being "picky eaters" to veggie lovers.

The bad news is that the old excuses just won't cut it. The good news is it's not your fault your child prefers foods that are bad for them. And the really good news is that introducing new food to your child can be fun and you'll become healthier in the process!

In a recent study published in Physiology & Behavior, Leann Birch and Stephanie Anzman-Frasca explain that for most of our history, humans have lived highly active lifestyles while facing uncertain and irregular food supplies. Therefore, we are genetically predisposed to like the salt and sweet flavors that comprise the energy dense foods that were necessary for the nomadic lives of our ancestors.

However, our lifestyles have changed drastically -- food is now readily available, we live largely sedentary lifestyles and because of this we require nutrient rich foods such as fruits and vegetables over high caloric energy dense foods. Sadly, our genetics haven't caught up. The tastes we are predisposed to enjoy -- sweet and salt -- are found in the lowest nutrient foods, are often the most inexpensive and are in such abundance that it will almost guarantee over-eating.

This is not an excuse. Following the path of least resistance will only help ensure your kids never develop a taste for the healthy foods they need to thrive, increasing your child's chances of obesity and the related health issues, such as diabetes and heart disease. For while our children may have a predisposition to sweet and salt, as the study says, there are a two key ways you help can open their taste-buds and lives to the wonderful world of vegetables!

First and foremost, kids need repeated exposure in a positive environment to enjoy previously unfamiliar, less palatable, nutrient dense foods (i.e. not junk food). Don't worry -- it's not as hard as it sounds! As they are trying these new foods, they need to see the people they love and trust the most -- you! -- eating and enjoying broccoli, spinach and brussel sprouts with them! They may not like it the first time, but don't let that discourage you. After a few nights of trying kale and seeing how much you enjoy it, they will open their little mouths and minds to the super food. Think about it -- would you try a new food when no one around you wants to eat it? Neither will they!

Second, a new vegetable needs to be paired with familiar, palatable food items -- such as the study's example of introducing vegetables with a yummy dip. In pairing a familiar taste with an unfamiliar one, you make the new food instantly more acceptable and give your child's taste-buds the chance to become accustomed to the new taste sensations. As they acquire this taste for the new food, you can slowly remove the dip.

You don't have to do it all at one. Start slowly -- one vegetable at a time, night after night until your child delightfully picks up the green bean with all the joy formerly reserved for fish sticks. Success will build upon itself. As the study says, kids who develop a taste for a few vegetables will be much more open to new vegetables.

Yes, it's really that easy. And while it won't happen overnight, by engaging your children in a nightly ritual of introducing a new wholesome, tasty food, you are setting the stage for your child's eating habits for a lifetime. You'll also be improving your diet to boot! before you know it, without even trying to, that fun, positive environment you created for your child to try new foods will just become the fun time in the evening everyone sits down together for dinner to eat a delicious, healthy meal. Also known as family dinner.


Follow Linda Novick O'Keefe on Twitter: www.twitter.com/@Common_Threads

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/linda-novick-okeefe/dont-let-the-french-fries_b_980479.html

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Jury selected in Jackson doctor's case (AP)

LOS ANGELES ? More than two years after the death of Michael Jackson, a judge swore in jurors Friday to hear the case against the doctor accused of killing the superstar with an overdose of a powerful anesthetic in a rented Los Angeles mansion.

The jury of seven men and five women chosen for the involuntary manslaughter trial of Dr. Conrad Murray includes people who considered themselves fans of the King of Pop and others who had lost interest in his music.

Their occupations include mail carrier, college professor, paralegal and school bus driver.

A 54-year-old woman who works in management wrote on her jury questionnaire: "Loved his music as a young girl, as an adult not so much but saw his talent in music and dance."

The only African-American juror, a 54-year-old man, said, "When I was a kid I liked the Jackson Five. Things change as you get older. I'm more of a Jay-Z fan."

Murray was charged with involuntary manslaughter in February 2010. Since then, both sides have jockeyed to frame the case in their favor.

Prosecutors contend Murray was negligent in administering to Jackson a lethal dose of the anesthetic propofol and other sedatives in the bedroom of the singer's rented mansion without access to proper life-saving equipment.

Murray's attorneys have floated theories that the 50-year-old singer may have given himself the fatal dosage in June 2009 and say the Houston-based cardiologist did not give the singer anything that should have killed him.

Opening statements were scheduled Tuesday in the case.

The jury was selected after less than six hours of questioning by a judge, defense attorneys and prosecutors.

The speed with which the panel was seated is likely a result of the exhaustive 30-page questionnaire the group filled out earlier this month when jury selection began.

Deputy District Attorney David Walgren joked with prospective jurors that the process seemed like "the courtroom version of speed dating, trying to get the most information in a short time."

Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor, determined to move the process quickly, gave each side only 20 minutes to question the first 27 prospects.

Six alternates were sworn in later in the day, but an immediate glitch developed when one of them reported a problem to the judge. A transcript of the discussion was sealed.

The woman was immediately dismissed from the panel, leaving five alternates for the balance of the trial.

Murray has pleaded not guilty and could face four years in prison and loss of his medical license if convicted.

As might be expected, the personality and life of the late singer dominated much of the jury questioning.

"Part of this trial is going to be about Michael Jackson," said defense attorney Ed Chernoff. "We're not going to drag up stuff that happened that people may not want to hear about."

But he immediately asked panelists how they remembered Jackson.

One woman said, "as a child with the Jackson Five."

He then asked if she felt that Jackson was childlike in adulthood. She answered no. He asked the entire panel if they saw Jackson as so childlike that he might not be able to make responsible decisions.

"Does anybody here believe Michael Jackson was less capable of making decisions than anybody else?" Chernoff said.

Jurors shook their heads no.

"Does anybody feel Michael Jackson should be held to a different standard of responsibility?" the lawyer asked.

Again, jurors indicated negatively.

During his questioning, prosecutor Walgren framed the issue differently. He wanted to know if a "victim" in a hypothetical car accident could be held partially responsible for his own death if he walked in front of a driver who was running red lights and driving recklessly.

The defense objected to the term "victim," and Walgren changed it to "alleged victim."

He was probing whether panelists might hold Jackson partially responsible for his own demise and thus absolve Murray of responsibility. None said they would.

Bailiffs marched 84 potential jurors into the courtroom, but 10 were quickly dismissed because they said they could no longer serve on such a long case.


AP Entertainment Writer Anthony McCartney contributed to this report.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/music/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110924/ap_en_mu/us_michael_jackson_doctor

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Quit Smoking with Hypnosis and Get Your Breath Back! | bit-bit.org

Sep 24th, 2011 at 8:38 am

If you are into exercise and find yourself smoking then the best thing you can do for your fitness is to use hypnosis to quit smoking. It makes quitting smoking so easy in fact I didn?t even have any withdrawal symptoms at all! I erally noticed how much easier I could breath even after the first week. I also noticed that with my training I had so much more stamina and was getting so much better results after I quit smoking with hypnosis.

I guess when you think about how much smoking damages your lungs it makes sense for you to quit smoking if you want to improve your health and fitness. Quitting smokng doesm?t have to hard if you use the right tools. While some people find they can quit smoking say with cold turkey, I would say it is much easier to quit using hypnotherapy as it makes it so easy!

Tags: hypnosis to quit smoking

Source: http://www.bit-bit.org/quit-smoking-with-hypnosis-and-get-your-breath-back/292/

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শনিবার, ২৪ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Business Brief Newsletter Launches to ... - Small Business Marketing

Business Brief Newsletter Launches to Business Professionals

Willow Grove, PA (PRWEB) September 09, 2011

AnswerNet, the world?s largest telemessaging firm, has launched Business Brief?a unique newsletter series aimed at providing real-life, business advice to senior management across all industries. Business Brief is a short, useful and timely email publication. Each issue is laser-focused on a single topic about the challenges of managing a business for profitability and sustainability for the long term.

?This is not about selling our services or products. This is about AnswerNet providing business professionals with tactical, real-life, actionable advice about the things that senior managers deal with every single day,? said Gary Pudles, President and CEO of AnswerNet. ?We are all so busy; that?s why I wanted Business Brief to be short and to the point. It can be read and digested very quickly.? Pudles went on to say, ?I hope our colleagues and associates leverage this information and find it helpful.?

The first issue launched to more than 20,000 business contacts on July 26, 2011 and focused on accountability in the workplace. The newsletter will continue to distribute every other month, and touch on topics such as effective business planning, better financing and restoring the work/life balance. To find out more about the Business Brief or to sign up, please visit AnswerNet?s Media Blog at http://media.answernet.com/business-briefs/.

About AnswerNet:

AnswerNet, the world?s largest telemessaging firm, provides full service Inbound, Outbound and E-bound contact center solutions. AnswerNet has more than 50 contact centers within the continental United States and Canada, providing a vast range of systems to optimize order entry, telephone answering services, sales, lead qualifications, market research and other contact management solutions for a client base of over 35,000 and processing 60 million+ contacts annually. AnswerNet has been recognized for a number of awards, including Inc. magazine?s Annual ?Inc. 500? List of Fastest Growing Private Companies as well as Customer Interaction Solutions magazine?s Top 50 Teleservices Agencies.

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More Business Advice Press Releases

Source: http://www.smallbusinessmarketing.us/business-brief-newsletter-launches-to-business-professionals/

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White Bear Lake Rental Homes: Is It Better ... - Real Estate Minnesota

White Bear Lake Rental homes: Should I Rent One Or Buy?
If you are in the hunt for White Bear Lake rental homes, let?s pause for a minute and consider the difference between renting homes versus buying. Since it is more expensive today to rent homes than to buy one isn?t it at least worth it to consider saving some money by buying a home?
White Bear Lake Rental homes: Is It Worth The Cost?
White Bear Lake rental homes will have the advantage that you can get out of the lease contract in 12 months. I want you to remember that this advantage comes at a cost, however, , in that the amount of your rental payments will often times exceed those of a typical house payment these days. Additionally the rental deposit may well be in excess of the entry cost required for buying a White Bear Lake homes after considering all of the down payment assistance programs available for first time home buyers. Finally, perhaps the real cost in renting is the fact that you are helping someone else buy their home with your rent payments helping to make the payments of your landlord.

Benefits To White Bear Lake Rental White Bear Lake
Still, the advantages of renting may be worth it to rent if you have plans on moving again at the end of your lease. I tend to think that if you buy a home today you should plan on staying in it for a few years while the market develops.

Benefits To Buying White Bear Lake homes
With all of the benefits available to the MN first time home buyer today, it is hard to know where to start in terms of benefits. The State of Minnesota now offers special loan programs through its Minnesota Housing Finance Agency to offer reduced interest rates as well as down payment assistance. Additionally many communities today offer additional down payment assistance loans or grants that both reduce what you need for cash to close as well as reducing your monthly payment.

First Step To Buy A Home: Get Preapproved
For many MN first time buyers the big question is where do I start? Your first step to home ownership is to get preapproved for a mortgage. By doing so you find out how much of a loan you are qualified for so that we can research homes in a comfortable price range.

White Bear Lake Community Information
Home to one of the largest lakes in the area, White Bear Lake is a popular place to live for home owners in the area who want the benefits of living on lakefront property. With a population of about 23,000, White Bear Lake is a popular bedroom community of St. Paul. With all the benefits of a small town feel, residents here benefit from all of the employment and entertainment opportunities that the Twin Cities area has to offer. The city offers twenty-four public parks including ballfields, walking trails and playgrounds. If you are looking to buy a home in the Twin Cities market, White Bear Lake is a great community for you to consider.

White Bear Lake Rental homes: A summary
If you have not yet considered buying a homes I would like the opportunity to talk with you about the benefits of both renting versus buying a home. I encourage you to take the first step which is to email or call me.

Amy Rostad
Sales Executive, Licensed Realtor in Minnesota
Century 21 Premier Group
Direct (612) 670-4003
1660 S. Highway 100, Suite #578
St. Louis Park, MN 55416
With a focus on White Bear Lake real estate and surrounding communities.

I have been a Real Estate Agent for nine years and the top producer for my office the past six years. I find being a Realtor very rewarding. Whether you are a first time home buyer or move up buyer your home is the place you will create many memories. I enjoy helping you find that perfect place to call "home" I have a lot of experience with bank owned homes, grant money for first time home buyers and getting homes sold! Communication is my strongest quality so rest assured with me you will know what is happening with your transaction every step of the way.

Amy Rostad

Amy Rostad

Source: http://www.real-minnesota.com/2011/09/22/white-bear-lake-rental-homes-is-it-better-to-buy-or-rent/

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শুক্রবার, ২৩ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Rick Perry's Christian Israel policy is a gift to Islamic extremists.

Texas Governor and Republican presidential hopeful Rick Perry speaks at a press conference with American and Israeli Jewish leaders. Click image to expand.Yesterday Rick Perry went to New York, stood with Jewish leaders, and declared his support for Israel. He called it a democracy, a bulwark against terrorism, and a stalwart ally of the United States.

Then he was asked: "To what extent do you view America's continued protection of Israel as a theological priority?" He answered:

Well, obviously, Israel is our oldest and most stable democratic ally in that region. That is what this is about. I also as a Christian have a clear directive to support Israel. So from my perspective, it's pretty easy. Both as an American and as a Christian, I am going to stand with Israel.

Whoa. That's something George W. Bush never did. Bush never said he had a Christian duty to stand with Israel, because to say such a thing would have been stupid and dangerous. By framing U.S. foreign policy in terms of a religious alliance between Christians and Jews, Perry is validating the propaganda of Islamic extremists. He's jeopardizing peace, Israel, and the United States.

Bush understood that the terrorists who struck us on 9/11 wanted a religious war. The key to defeating them wasn't to wage that war, but to refuse it. That's why Bush constantly praised Islam, emphasized American freedom of religion, and dismissed Osama Bin Laden as a renegade killer of Muslims.

Israel was part of that rhetorical struggle. Bin Laden routinely invoked the plight of Palestinians to rally Muslims to his side. He accused the West of waging a "Zionist-Crusader war" against Islam. He warned Muslims: "Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors. They are but friends and protectors to each other."

Go back and look at Bush's comments about Israel. In eight years, he never mentioned his Christianity as a basis for his policies there. He defended Israel as a democracy and an ally. When he mentioned Judaism and Christianity in this context, he always included Islam. "The Middle East is the birthplace of three great religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam," Bush said in a speech to the American Jewish Committee a few months before 9/11. "Lasting peace in the region must respect the rights of believers in all these faiths." In 2007, Bush told Al Arabiya: "I believe that all the world, whether they be Muslim, Christian, or any other religion, prays to the same God. ? I believe that Islam is a great religion that preaches peace." Again and again, Bush affirmed: "If you're a Jew or a Christian or a Muslim, you're equally American."

Perry has trashed this legacy. By declaring that "as a Christian, I am going to stand with Israel," he has vindicated Bin Laden's narrative. Across the Muslim world, Perry's policies?starting with his declaration that "it was a mistake to call for an Israeli construction freeze" as a precondition for talks with the Palestinians?would be seen as a Christian-Jewish alliance against Islam.

In the age of Bin Laden, this kind of sectarian bluster would have been bad enough. In the age of the Arab Spring, it's catastrophic. Country after country is grappling with Islam, democracy, and anti-Americanism. The last thing we need is a crusading president who turns the Muslim world against us.

Perry seems eager for such a confrontation. "We have been slow to recognize the risks posed by the new regime in Egypt," he warned yesterday in his prepared remarks. "We must signal to the world, including nations like Turkey and Egypt whom we have considered allies in recent years, that we won't tolerate aggression against Israel." Considered allies? Is that a declaration of separation? And in case Perry's blasts at Turkey and Egypt weren't enough, he threatened to cut off the United Nations: "America must make it clear that a declaration of Palestinian Statehood in violation of the spirit of the Oslo accords could jeopardize our funding of U.N. operations."

As a Texan, I'm sure that kind of talk goes over well in towns like Paint Creek, where, as Perry fondly recalls, there were two choices: a Baptist church and a Methodist church. But out here in the big world, Governor, there are mosques and temples. And if you can't figure out how to talk to the billion or so Muslims who hold Israel's fate and our national security in their hands, you'd best head back to a place small enough for your theology.

Like Slate on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter. William Saletan's latest short takes on the news, via Twitter:

Source: http://feeds.slate.com/click.phdo?i=5a93f55dd2ff791bd3655c768e50d002

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Lady Gaga determined to end bullying, meet with Obama

Lady Gaga told millions of fans that she will be meeting Obama to discuss bullying. A victim of bullying who took his life Sunday, reached out to Gaga before his suicide.

Lady Gaga wants to meet with President Barack Obama about her concerns over bullying.

Skip to next paragraph

Gaga expressed sadness over Twitter Wednesday about the suicide death of a 14-year-old New York boy who had complained in an online video about being bullied over his sexuality.

The pop singer tweeted to her 13.7 million followers: "I am meeting with our President. I will not stop fighting. This must end."

A Democratic official said Gaga plans to attend an Obama fundraiser next week on the West Coast but no private meeting has been scheduled. The official spoke on condition of anonymity and was not authorized to speak publicly about the fundraiser.

In videos, Jamey Rodemeyer described being taunted in his school hallways and receiving hateful messages online before his suicide death Sunday outside his home in Williamsville, N.Y. The video was part of the "It Gets Better Project," which is meant to give hope to gay teens.

In his blog, Rodemeyer referred to himself as gay and made frequent references to suicide and to his idol,Lady Gaga, who often sings about acceptance of gays and lesbians.

Rodemeyer's parents said the boy had been bullied for years but appeared to be doing better since beginning high school a few weeks ago.

Police are investigating whether criminal charges should be filed in the case. New York state doesn't have an anti-bullying law but authorities have said bullies could be charged with harassment or aggravated harassment.

The White House held a conference on bullying prevention in March to discuss bullying, estimating that it affects 13 million students, or about a third of those attending school. Obama said then he hoped to "dispel the myth that bullying is just a harmless rite of passage or an inevitable part of growing up. It's not."

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/uThCqgyKZwE/Lady-Gaga-determined-to-end-bullying-meet-with-Obama

j. cole

Odds & Ends: Get Artsy this Fall! : Playdate ? Magazine for Yakima ...

Get artsy this fall with these options:

*Allied Arts of Yakima Valley, 5000 W. Lincoln Ave., Yakima; 509-966-0930. alliedartsyakima.org

Mommy and Me Art Class. 10-11 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays from Sept. 20 to Oct. 6, Oct. 18-26, Nov. 1-22, and Nov. 29-Dec. 15. Moms can enjoy art class with a pre-kinder child. Moms are required to stay on site, and they can sit and socialize with other moms. Cost: $10 for members per session/$12 for non-members per session; $210/$252 for entire series (two free classes with series).

Special Needs Art Class. 3:45-5:15 p.m. Mondays, Sept. 19, Oct. 17, Nov. 14 & Dec. 12. Cost: $20 per session for members, $25 per session for non-members; $60/$75 for series (one free session with series).
Homeschool Art Class. 12:30-2 p.m. Wednesdays, Sept, 28-Nov. 16, and Nov. 30-Dec. 14. From elementary to high school courses. Art history and art creation. Cost: $20 per session for members, $25 per session for non-members; $200/$250 for entire series (2 free sessions for series).

? Hands on Art, 5603 Summitview, Yakima; 509-966-4248. Call for classes and schedules. hands-on-art.com

? Red Art Studio & Sunflower Studio, 2522 W. Nob Hill Blvd., Yakima; 509-469-2766. Classes start Oct. 3.

Teen Art Studio. 3:30-5:30 p.m. For ages 10 and up. 4 weekly classes.

Kids? Clay Studio. 3:30-5:30 p.m. Tuesdays. For ages 6 and up. 4 weekly classes.

Itty Bitty Art. 1:30-3:30 p.m. Wednesdays. For ages 0-5; drop-in classes.

Kids? Open Art Studio. 4-5:30 p.m. Wednesdays. All ages drop-in classes.


Laurie Kanyer to teach parenting classes at First Pres
A series of parenting classes will be offered to the community this fall at First Presbyterian Church.

Laurie Kanyer, who has authored several parenting books and has years of experience teaching classes on parenting, will lead ?Parenting with Love and Limits? at 11 a.m. each Sunday from Sept. 25 to Nov. 20, with a break on Oct. 16. (See our daily calendar for weekly topics.)

The goal is to teach parents how to develop skills that encourage positive behavior, help them gain insight and improve family organization, which can reduce family stress and give parents a greater understanding of childhood development.

Childcare is provided for each class, and kids are permitted to gather in the gym.

For more information, visit First Presbyterian Church, located at 9 S. Eighth Ave. in Yakima, or call the church at 509-248-7940.

And?Summer?s over?time for Fall Sports!


Itty Bitty Soccer. 6-6:45 p.m. Tuesdays, Sept. 27-Oct. 17. For boys and girls ages 3-4. Learn the fundamentals of soccer. Cost: $48 non-resident, $40 resident. T-shirt and ball included. Located at Gateway Sports Complex at Kiwanis Park. Yakima Parks and Rec: 509-575-6020.

PeeWee Soccer. 6-7:15 Thursdays, Sept. 29-Oct. 20. For boys and girls ages 5-6. Fundamentals of soccer taught, and kids can improve on basics. Located at Gateway Sports Complex at Kiwanis Park. Cost: $48 non-resident, $40 resident. Yakima Parks and Rec: 509-575-6020.


Little Dribblers. 6-6:45 p.m. Mondays, Nov. 7-Dec. 12. For boys and girls ages 4-6. Learn the basics of basketball with group exercises and games. Registration: Oct. 3-Nov. 2. Cost: $32/$42/$52, depending on residency. Sunset Gym, Selah; register with Selah Parks and Recreation, 216 S. First St., Selah; 509-698-7300.

Filed under Classes, Outdoor Play, Projects and Crafts, Sports Camps

Source: http://www.playdateyakima.com/2011/09/20/odds-ends-get-artsy-this-fall/

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২২ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

What Do I Say If My Child Is Depressed?

Have a loved one diagnosed with depression? Cancer? The thought of talking to that person can be scary and awkward. What do you say? What is polite, appropriate, helpful?

?What Do I Say? is an original video series that answers these questions on an ongoing basis.

'; var coords = [-5, -72]; // display fb-bubble FloatingPrompt.embed(this, html, undefined, 'top', {fp_intersects:1, timeout_remove:2000,ignore_arrow: true, width:236, add_xy:coords, class_name: 'clear-overlay'}); });

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/22/child-depression_n_976271.html

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Effective Home Improvement Ideas and Tricks

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Introducing ?Green? technology ? Because everyone is now realizing the importance of taking care of our environment and this great big home that we are living in, having green technology inside your home is a trick that sets ...

Source: http://homesbyburma.com/effective-home-improvement-ideas-and-tricks-2/

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Is Brainwave Entrainment Meditation More Effective Than Self ...

[unable to retrieve full-text content]There are individual recordings available and each one is specifically developed with only one result in mind such as weight loss, or relaxation, or addiction help, or out of body experiences, and there is a wide variety of ...

Source: http://learnbrainwavemeditation.com/brainwave-entrainment/is-brainwave-entrainment-meditation-more-effective-than-self-hypnosis

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Forecasts point to modest holiday growth

FILE - In this Nov. 26, 2010 file photo, shoppers carry their bags as they walk in downtown Seattle. A new forecast indicates that sales will likely not be as high as last year and that shoppers won't be hitting the stores as much. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren, File)

FILE - In this Nov. 26, 2010 file photo, shoppers carry their bags as they walk in downtown Seattle. A new forecast indicates that sales will likely not be as high as last year and that shoppers won't be hitting the stores as much. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren, File)

(AP) ? Retailers just got an early Christmas gift: Americans are expected to spend more than they did last year during the holidays.

Retail revenue in November and December is expected to be up 3 percent during what is traditionally the biggest shopping period of the year, according to research firm ShopperTrak said Tuesday.

The sales prediction, which matches the outlook from the International Council of Shopping Centers on Friday, would be below last year's 4.1 percent spike ? and the 5-plus percent gains during boom economic times. But it's still above the 2.6 percent average gain over the last 10 years and is considered respectable growth given the down economy.

"Clearly, consumers will remain surgical in their spending," said Bill Martin, ShopperTrak, co-founder. "But the Christmas season should still be quite satisfactory."

The retail industry still is waiting for a widely-watched holiday forecast on Oct. 6 from the National Retail Federation, the nation's largest retail trade group. But the ShopperTrak and ICSC outlooks are the first insight into how consumers, which account for 70 percent of U.S. economic activity, might spend during the season. Retailers depend on the season for up to 40 percent of their revenue and are worried that Americans saddled by concerns about their jobs, the stock market and the overall U.S. economy, will cut back on holiday shopping.

So far, consumers still are spending on necessities, as shown during the critical back-to-school spending, the second-biggest shopping period of the year. In August, for instance, many shoppers bought clothes and supplies for their children, which they deem as essentials, giving retailers a boost during the second-busiest shopping season of the year.

Shoppers also are being more deliberate about searching for bargains ? a buying habit many picked up during the recession. Retailers expect that trend to continue into the holiday shopping season.

"Our customer is more cautious, more value oriented," said Ron Boire, president and CEO of Brookstone, which sells gadgets in 300 locations nationwide.

Customers also are expected to do more comparison shopping online before they head to stores ? and browse less when they are in stores. As a result, customer traffic in the store is expected to be down 2.2 percent, according to ShopperTrak, which measures foot traffic in 25,000 stores in the U.S. and blends those figures with economic data.

Revenue for clothing and accessories, in particular, is expected to rise 2.7 percent over the holidays, but its traffic is projected to dip 1.1 percent compared with a year ago. Revenue for electronics and appliances is expected to rise 1.2 percent from the previous year, but traffic is predicted to fall 4.9 percent

"Every shopper in a store will be more valuable than last year, and retail stores should be ready to convert their holiday shoppers into sales," said Martin, from ShopperTrak.

When consumers do head out to the stores for the holidays, the divide between the high and low end customer is expected to continue. For instance, high-end retailers Saks Inc., which operates Saks Fifth Avenue, and Nordstrom Inc. have reported that shoppers are going back to paying full price and are gravitating toward the highest priced goods at their stores. But Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world's largest retailer, has said its core low-income shoppers are struggling to stretch their paychecks.

As a result, during the holiday season, ShopperTrak says stores catering to the low-end may need to cut prices further, while upscale stores will likely be able to cash in on consumers looking for goods they feel will hold up over long-term use. Those on the lower-end will also need to come up with new ways to help shoppers pay for their gifts, said Martin, from ShopperTrak.

Indeed, it's not even fall yet and retailers already are showing their fear. Wal-Mart Stores Inc., which acknowledges that its low-income shoppers are being squeezed by the economy, said earlier this month that it would offer layaway for the holiday season. The retailer is following in the footsteps of Sears, Roebuck and Co. and Toys R Us, both of which began offering layaway during the depths of the Great Recession.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/f70471f764144b2fab526d39972d37b3/Article_2011-09-21-Holiday%20Forecast/id-a2e0f7a744b842a7b0e71188680e9aaf

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বুধবার, ২১ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Streamlining Business With Machine Shop Software | Business ...

Most manufacturers today are using machine shop software to manage their ventures. It practically enables staffs to focus on the other aspects of the venture allowing it to grow. Obviously the capacity of these programs to streamline operations and management empowers employees to be more productive and efficient attracting more consumers to their stable.

Project managers greatly benefits from this system. Most programs are carefully engineered to track the activities on the floor. It can be programmed to closely monitor available materials allowing one to re-stock whenever possible. It even has the capacity to compute for labor cost helping one create adjustments, if possible.

Owners and managers on the other hand are given full control of operations without the need of being physically present on the floor. It makes reports accessible via the internet and even text messages allowing them to monitor the progress of their daily transactions. This is vital in making decisions for their company.

Shopping for these systems can be too complex for non-technical users. There are several variations available in the market but only a few can deliver. Determine the functions you want to automate. This are a good basis when shopping for the right program. It would be good to find a system that is custom fit for your need. Call a few options today and tell them what you need. Ask for quotes. Evidently you do not want to go overboard on your budget.

Prices do not exactly dictate its quality. You should aim to purchase a system that can integrate the business without a large capital. Research can help attain this. Select and compare products before buying. This will save you from the frustration of constantly changing software.

The manufacturing industry is a highly competitive field. Wise entrepreneurs invest on machine shop software to keep up with its growing demands. Automating the system helps reduce unwanted expenses and waste, increase satisfying customer experience and motivating employees to be more productive in their workspace. Finding a suitable program for the company is truly a worthwhile investment to have for those yearning to succeed in this field.

Looking to find the most comprehensive information on machine shop software?

Tags: applications, business, Business Financial Software, finance, machine shop software, sales, software

Source: http://quatroplus.org/streamlining-business-with-machine-shop-software/09/2011/

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Stands Necessary for Your Favorite Video Game System | Oval Egg ...

Checkout the write-up below on "Stands Necessary for Your Favorite Video Game System" Not countless public appreciate about "Console Systems" area under discussion as media has not bothered as well as people related with this topic have not been vocal enough. However that is shifting nowadays, more people are coming to be aware in relation to Console Systems because of spread of media outlets. Take comprehensive advantage of invaluable information in this piece of writing and please take time to understand it completely instead of just skimming through it.

This and numerous additional content pieces here are written by Abraham David. If you feel like to take this piece of writing please link back to this page. Article on "Stands Necessary for Your Favorite Video Game System" starts after this.

Article Starts from Here:

A video game system is a device for kids and kids at heart that is wonderful, fun and entertaining whereas often addictive too. Advance technology has taken a turn in the way video games where once was and now have become more entertaining than ever. Video games have become sophisticated and surprising for many people especially when game play has become more realistic and powerful. Many people have played video games as a means to pass time or take part in a challenging environment joining other video game users. Due to every day uses, video games also need proper maintenance for longer life span and to maintain a great performance. To do this, you should consider using the proper stand for your video game.

There are many stands to choose from. Depending on the kind of video games you have and also based on your personal preference, choosing the right stand will be easy. Here are the following stands that can be used for video games:

Xbox 360 Fan Stand

Xbox 360 Fan Stand is a unique stand recommended for those video gamers that pulls all-nighters to keep your Xbox cool, in turn, adding a longer life span and better performance. Special features of this stand are hardware stability and protection from other heat sensitive components in the video game system that will definitely extend the hardware systems lifespan.

Vertical Stand for Xbox 360

Before we carry on with the write-up allow me disclose that anything in this piece of writing on "Stands Necessary for Your Favorite Video Game System"is my opinion, please perform your examination ahead of taking any action. Please inquire a specialist of the applicable field. OvalEgg.com is not responsible for any damages of any kind that may arise from applying information contained in this article.

Vertical Stand for Xbox 360 allows you to store your Xbox vertically and at the same time, store up to 10 of your favorite games and two memory cards as well, and it can be placed beside both ends of the Xbox. This stand is matched to the Xbox chrome look that secures your Xbox in a vertical position.

Sony Playstation 2 New Vertical Stand Compact

This stand saves a lot of space for Playstation 2 because it can store the Playstation 2 in a vertical position supporting both sides of the video game system. Its purpose is to keep away potential damages that may lessen the video game?s prolonged life and will likely lessen the performance of the game system. Most likely, this stand is designed with an airflow lessening the chance for the video game system to overheat. It has a stylish color that complements the Playstation 2 while providing protection and stability.

Sony Playstation 2 Vertical Stand with Memory Card Slots

This stand is the same as the Sony Playstation 2 New Vertical Stand Compact. However, the only difference is that it has Memory Card Slots. This is suitable for those that have more than one Memory Card.

PS2 Vertical Stand

This is a unique stand that allows a PS2 Mini system to be positioned vertically saving space and allowing more games to be stored.

Sony Playstation 2 Eye Toy Camera 2 Stand Alone

This is great and fun for playing games, the body is used as a control while in a game. Because of the eye toy camera, easy access to any games gives new experience to game playing. In fact, anyone with this stand can take pictures of a face or characters and place it on a game.

Glow Vertical Stand for PS2

This stand is especially for Sony?s compact PS2 console with a blue glow color. Batteries are not needed or any other AC connections; it instead uses the power supply of the PS2. This stores PS2 in an upright, vertical position for easy storage.

Sony Playstation 2 Vertical Console Stand

Available only for the Sony PS2, this stand is great for console storage or display. Consoles should be displayed properly in place. Therefore, this video game stand allows consoles to be displayed in an upright position away from unpredictable incidents that may occur during game play.

Sony Playstation 2 Vertical Stand Game Storage

This stand is perfect for those that need extra storage for games or DVDs. It is stylish and allows games to be properly organized in a vertical position providing space and easy ventilation for the game system.

There are other game stands available for you to use and yet finding the right one for your video game system must always be taken into consideration. Great performance and better quality video game systems needs constant maintenance so try using a video game stand for proper storage. After all, investing in a video game system is not entirely something you can dispel right away and then just buy another console again.

Thanks for taking a look at this peace of writing from Abraham. Please link to this webpage if you want to use this article anywhere. I hope you loved what I wrote on "Stands Necessary for Your Favorite Video Game System". I would be pleased to know what you think regarding it, negative or positive. Please put down a comment below and show me you are alive.

Article Source with Title: Stands Necessary for Your Favorite Video Game System
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Source: http://ovalegg.com/gaming/console-systems/stands-necessary-for-your-favorite-video-game-system

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Speed Skating Basics | Oval Egg Articles

Checkout the article below on "Speed Skating Basics" Even though a large amount of the time this subject has not been handed down it's fitting segment in the media however nowadays masses are chatting concerning Recreation and Sports and sharing information about Recreation and Sports. Experts propose that if the subject matter is important to you then you got to study it with complete attention and not scan over the article.

The writer Abraham David is responsible for composing this piece of content If you feel like to take this write-up please link back to this page. Article on "Speed Skating Basics" starts after this.

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Speed skating has become a very popular winter sport, but some critics claim it is simply too dangerous for people to be engaging in. Many people enjoy watching speed skating during the Winter Olympics and then want to engage in the activity on their own without proper training. The speed of a person in this type of sport can be more than 30 miles per hour so when they fall down or collide with someone else it is quite powerful.

In order to reduce the risk of injuries during speed skating, it is vital that safety gear is worn at all times. This includes a helmet that fits properly, knee pads, and elbow pads. It is best for this sport to take place on an ice rink that has been specifically designed for it instead of out there on a frozen pond somewhere.

In professional speed skating there are pairs of competitors on the ice. Each track has two lanes and each person in a pair will get a colored band. This tells the judges which lane they started at for the beginning of the competition. The skaters have to change lanes at a given location along the track to ensure both skaters are covering the same amount of distance.

There are many different types of races that take place in the winter sport of speed skating. If a pair of teams are racing against each other they will state at different locations on the track. This prevents them from being in the way of each other and their times are tracked by the judges. For marathon speed skating races everyone starts at the same location and there is plenty of bumping and pushing as the skaters try to get ahead of each other.

However, speed skating does offer a great way for people to get into shape and to enjoy the exercise they are taking part in. It takes plenty of practice to build up enough strength to successfully participate in this sport. The type of skates you will use for speed skating depend on the type of events you are participating in.

Notice: Please beware that anything said in this write-up on "Speed Skating Basics" must not be taken as guidance from specialist, you should find out facts from more authentic places as well. Proper consultant on "Speed Skating Basics" should be consulted before taking any action. OvalEgg.com is not responsible for any damages of any kind that may arise from applying information contained in this article.

Long distance speed skating requires you to use clap skates. They are different from regular ice skates because they feature a hinge on the boot that the blade is attached to. This allows the skater to move faster and to have more control over the skates because part of the blade is continuously in contact with the ice.

There are plenty of speed skating events that take place all over the world for you to participate in. Find a partner that is just as interested in the sport as you are so you can train for them. Many people have a goal of one day being part of the speed skating teams in the Winter Olympic Games. While not everyone can be a part of that, there are plenty of other events you can easily be a part of while you continue to improve your skills.

If you decide to engage in speed skating you need to make sure you have skates that are designed for it. You also want to make sure you always wear your safety equipment so that you minimize your risk of injuries. Speed skating is quickly becoming one of the most popular winter sports and you can expect to see more people participating in it in the near future.


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Source: http://ovalegg.com/recreation-and-sports/speed-skating-basics

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Know About Day Trading online before you | Stock Investing Secrets

Article by Jessica Thomson

Investing money in the stock market has never been easier. In fact, many have this idea that you put money now and get huge again tomorrow. Well, that?s absolutely false! You should experiment with a scholarship only after they have a good knowledge of business functionality part. The persecution of the market, after ups and downs of individual stocks and the decision at the right time to buy or sell are integral components of equity trading.

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Source: http://stockinvestingsecrets.youronlineguide101.com/stock-investing-secrets/know-about-day-trading-online-before-you/

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