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Big powers offer Iran some sanctions relief, await reply

ALMATY (Reuters) - Major powers offered Iran limited sanctions relief in return for a halt to the most controversial part of its atomic work during the first day of nuclear talks on Tuesday, and Iran promised to respond with a proposal on the same scale.

The talks in Kazakhstan were the first in eight months between Iran and the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council plus Germany - the "P5+1" - on a decade-old dispute that threatens to trigger another war in the Middle East.

Iran has used the time since the last meeting in June to further expand activity that the West suspects is aimed at enabling it to build a nuclear bomb, something that Israel has suggested it will prevent by force if diplomacy fails.

The two-day negotiations in the city of Almaty follow inconclusive meetings last year in Istanbul, Baghdad and Moscow.

Western diplomats described the first day of talks as "useful" but said Iranian negotiators did not immediately respond to the P5+1's demand that Tehran closes its underground nuclear facility Fordow, at the center of their concerns.

"Hopefully the Iranians will be able to reflect overnight and will come back and view our proposal positively," said a spokesman for European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton who oversees Iranian diplomacy for the six powers.

With the Islamic Republic's political elite preoccupied with worsening infighting before a presidential election in June, few believe the meeting will yield a quick breakthrough.

"It is clear that nobody expects to come from Almaty with a fully done deal," the EU spokesman, Michael Mann, said before the meeting started.


A U.S. official said that the offer - an updated version of one rejected by Tehran last year - would take into account its recent nuclear advances, but also take "some steps in the sanctions arena".

For years, the powers had attempted a mix of economic pressure and diplomacy to persuade Iran to scale back its atomic work, but Tehran has insisted that sanctions are lifted before it complies with any demands.

In Almaty, a source close to the Iranian negotiators told reporters: "Depending on what proposal we receive from the other side we will present our own proposal of the same weight. The continuation of talks depends on how this exchange of proposals goes forward".

At best, diplomats and analysts say, Iran will take the joint offer from the United States, Russia, France, Germany, Britain and China seriously and agree to hold further talks soon on practical steps to ease the tension. Initial meetings could involve only technical experts, who cannot strike deals.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said in Berlin that he hoped Iran "will make its choice to move down the path of a diplomatic solution".

But Iran, whose chief negotiator Saeed Jalili is close to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and is a veteran of Iran's 1980s war against Iraq and the Western powers that backed it, has shown no sign of willingness to scale back its nuclear work.

It says it has a sovereign right to carry out nuclear enrichment for peaceful energy purposes, and in particular refuses to close the underground Fordow enrichment plant, a condition the powers have set for any sanctions relief.


A U.N. nuclear watchdog report last week said Iran was for the first time installing advanced centrifuges that would allow it to significantly speed up its enrichment of uranium, which can have both civilian and military purposes.

Accelerating Western sanctions on Iran over the last 14 months are hurting Iran's economy and slashing oil revenue. Its currency has more than halved in value, which in turn has pushed up inflation.

The central bank governor was quoted on Monday as saying Iran's inflation was likely to top 30 percent in coming weeks as the sanctions contribute to shortages and stockpiling. [ID:nL6N0BP51A] Iranians say inflation is already much higher than that official figure.

But analysts say the sanctions are not close to having the crippling effect envisaged by Washington and - so far at least - they have not prompted a change in Iran's nuclear course.

Western officials said the powers' offer would include an easing of restrictions on trade in gold and other precious metals if Tehran closes Fordow.

The facility is used for enriching uranium to 20 percent fissile purity, a short technical step from weapons grade.

Western officials acknowledge an easing of U.S. and EU sanctions on trade in gold represents a relatively modest step. But the metal could be used as part of barter transactions that might allow Iran to circumvent financial sanctions.

Iran's foreign ministry spokesman last week dismissed the reported incentive as insufficient and a senior Iranian lawmaker has ruled out closing Fordow, close to the holy city of Qom.

(Additional reporting by Fredrik Dahl in Almaty, Zahra Hosseinian in Zurich, Arshad Mohammed and Stephen Brown in Berlin; Editing by Robin Pomeroy)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/powers-offer-iran-sanctions-relief-nuclear-talks-055616179.html

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সোমবার, ২৫ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Southeast Asian margin squeeze snags Singapore Inc

(Reuters) - The most widespread margin squeeze in at least a decade is pushing some Singapore companies out of the city state as rising costs and slow growth sap profitability.

A Reuters study of 268 listed Singapore companies showed that 57 percent reported a year-on-year drop in operating profit margin for the first three quarters of 2012. That was the biggest percentage for the nine-month period on record, according to Thomson Reuters data going back to 2002. Full-year data for 2012 was not yet available.

A severe labor shortage is hobbling businesses in Singapore as the government tightens its immigration policies, while growth has been hard to come by as exports languish in a dull global economy.

Across Southeast Asia, 54 percent of companies reported shrinking margins, equaling the percentage recorded in 2009, when the global economy had tipped into a recession following the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy.

In all, Reuters examined the balance sheets of nearly 1,000 companies in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines with a market value of at least S$100 million ($80.8 million).

The pain is particularly acute in Singapore, a smaller and more mature market lacking the burgeoning consumer classes of its emerging market neighbors. Inflation has heated up, with the consumer price index, due on Monday, expected to show a 4.0 percent rise in January, according to a Reuters poll.

The head of a Singapore business association is among those moving their corporate headquarters elsewhere, in search of lower costs and a larger market.

Chan Chong Beng, head of the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises in Singapore and chairman of Goodrich Global, a carpet and wallcoverings company with a presence in eight countries, said he planned to move his firm's headquarters and operations such as product development to Wujiang, China, near Shanghai. Sales and marketing will stay in Singapore, he said.

"Businesses today face a very awkward situation," Chan said. "The worst is we can't find the workers."

"Potentially there's a lot of room to grow in China. Over here, no matter how much I can push, there's a limit to my growth," he added.


Singapore, a major financial and trading centre known for its business-friendly policies, faces a tightening labor market as authorities curb the influx of foreign workers, spurred by public grumbling about overcrowding and soaring property prices.

A survey conducted late last year by the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore found 15 percent of respondents - U.S. businesses which are members of the chamber - were considering moving operations away, while 5 percent had already done so.

Andrew Tjioe, president of the Restaurant Association of Singapore which has more than 300 members, said the pressure from rising costs and a shortage of labor was unprecedented.

"I have gone through so many rounds of recessions - the 1997 recession, SARS and then 2008," said Tjioe, who has been in the food and beverage industry for three decades. "I can feel the pressure right now. I believe this has got to be the worst."

At Chan's Goodrich Global, sales growth in Singapore has been slow in the past two or three years while rents have shot up around 30 percent and labor costs have risen as much as 20 percent.

Small and medium-sized businesses like Chan's have been among the hardest hit. These companies collectively contribute more than half of Singapore's gross domestic product and employ seven out of every 10 workers.

Last month, the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore and eight other business organizations sent a joint letter to the city state's government highlighting concerns about tighter limits on foreign workers.

"While Singapore continues to attract significant foreign investment we nevertheless fear current implementation of revised labor policy risks negatively impacting Singapore's economy and reputation as an open economy," the letter said.

Singapore's Economic Development Board has acknowledged the impact of tighter immigration measures on industry and has taken steps including helping companies to boost productivity, the board's managing director Yeoh Keat Chuan said.

Some companies will be reluctant to move completely out of Singapore, which offers a strong record in safety, regulation and transparency, although their expansion efforts will likely focus on neighboring countries with faster growth.

That expansion can help them to weather some of the pressures at home.

Electronics and furniture retailer Courts Asia Ltd , which has 72 stores in Singapore and Malaysia, is setting up a 140,000 square-foot (13,000 square-meter) megastore in eastern Jakarta, which will be the group's largest when it opens in 2014.

"We don't want to discount Singapore in terms of growth potential," said Courts Asia Chief Executive Terry O'Connor. "But of course Indonesia and Malaysia have more greenfield territories, there are more options. We go to Indonesia, we can be 'big box' from day one."

Singapore bakery and restaurant chain BreadTalk Group Ltd , which aims to boost revenue to S$1 billion in the next few years, is expanding regionally - particularly in China and Thailand - to balance out cost pressures at home.

"In Singapore's retail environment, rising costs are largely attributed to rent and labor," said BreadTalk Chief Financial Officer Lawrence Yeo. "In response, we've had to fine tune our business model."

($1 = 1.2382 Singapore dollars)

(Reporting by Eveline Danubrata in Singapore and Tripti Kalro in Bangalore; Additional reporting by Anshuman Daga; Editing by Emily Kaiser and Edmund Klamann)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/southeast-asian-margin-squeeze-snags-singapore-inc-003229409--finance.html

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New look at high-temperature superconductors

Feb. 25, 2013 ? While the phenomenon of superconductivity -- in which some materials lose all resistance to electric currents at extremely low temperatures -- has been known for more than a century, the temperature at which it occurs has remained too low for any practical applications. The discovery of "high-temperature" superconductors in the 1980s -- materials that could lose resistance at temperatures of up to negative 140 degrees Celsius -- led to speculation that a surge of new discoveries might quickly lead to room-temperature superconductors. Despite intense research, these materials have remained poorly understood.

There is still no agreement on a single theory to account for high-temperature superconductivity. Recently, however, researchers at MIT and elsewhere have found a new way to study fluctuating charge-density waves, which are the basis for one of the leading theories. The researchers say this could open the door to a better understanding of high-temperature superconductivity, and perhaps prompt new discoveries of higher-temperature superconductors.

The findings were published this week in the journal Nature Materials by assistant professor of physics Nuh Gedik; graduate student Fahad Mahmood; Darius Torchinsky, a former MIT postdoc who is now at the California Institute of Technology; and two researchers at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Explaining the basis for high-temperature superconductivity remains "the hardest problem in condensed-matter physics," Gedik says. But one way of getting a handle on this exotic state of matter is to study what happens to these materials near their "transition temperature," the point below which they become superconductors.

Previous experiments have shown that above the transition temperature, there is a peculiar state where, Gedik says, "the material starts to behave very weirdly": Its electrons act in unusual ways, which some physicists believe is caused by a phenomenon called charge-density waves. While the electron density in most conductors is uniform, Gedik explains, in materials with charge-density waves the density is distributed in a sinusoidal pattern, somewhat like ripples on a pond. But so far, such charge-density waves have only been detected in high-temperature superconductors under special circumstances, such as a particular level of doping (the introduction of atoms of another element onto its surface).

Some researchers have proposed that these waves are elusive in high-temperature superconductors because they fluctuate very rapidly, at speeds measured in picoseconds (trillionths of a second). "You can't see it with conventional techniques," Gedik says.

That's where Gedik's new approach comes in: His team has spent years perfecting methods for studying the movement of electrons by zapping them with laser pulses lasting just a few femtoseconds (or quadrillionths of a second), and then detecting the results with a separate laser beam.

Using that method, the researchers have now detected these fluctuating waves. To do this, they have selectively generated and observed two different collective motions of electrons in these waves: variation in amplitude (the magnitude of modulation of the waves) and in phase (the position of the troughs and peaks of the waves). These measurements show that charge density waves are fluctuating at an interval of only about 2 picoseconds.

"It's not surprising that static techniques didn't see them," Gedik says, but "this settles the question: The fluctuating charge-density waves do exist" -- at least in one of the cuprate compounds, the first high-temperature superconducting materials discovered in the 1980s.

Another question: What role, if any, do these charge-density waves play in superconductivity? "Are they helping, or are they interfering?" Gedik asks. To answer this question, the researchers studied the same material, with optimal doping, in which the superconducting transition temperature is maximized. "We see no evidence of charge-density waves in this sample," Gedik says. This suggests that charge-density waves are probably competing with superconductivity.

In addition, it remains to be seen whether the same phenomenon will be observed in other high-temperature superconducting materials. The new technique should make it possible to find out.

In any case, detecting these fluctuations could help in understanding high-temperature superconductors, Gedik says -- which, in turn, could "help in finding other [superconducting materials] that actually work at room temperature." That elusive goal could enable significant new applications, such as electric transmission lines that eliminate the losses that now waste as much as 30 percent of all electricity produced.

David Hsieh, an assistant professor of physics at Caltech, says the phenomena detected by this research "are known to be very difficult to detect," so this work "is a great technical achievement and a high-quality piece of research." By showing for the first time that the fluctuating charge-density waves seem to compete with superconductivity, he says, "It provides the insight that finding a way to suppress this fluctuating charge-density wave order may simultaneously increase" the temperature limits of superconductivity.

The work, which also included researchers Anthony Bollinger and Ivan Bozovic of Brookhaven National Laboratory, was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Energy.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Darius H. Torchinsky, Fahad Mahmood, Anthony T. Bollinger, Ivan Bo?ovi?, Nuh Gedik. Fluctuating charge-density waves in a cuprate superconductor. Nature Materials, 2013; DOI: 10.1038/nmat3571

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/matter_energy/physics/~3/x7qwWGOeVnU/130225102555.htm

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Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, Kerry Washington and More Stun at Spirit Awards


Independent Spirit Awards, Jennifer LawrenceFrazer Harrison/Getty Images

From Jennifer Lawrence's top knot to Matthew McConaughey's sunglasses and wife Camila Alves post-baby bod debut, the Independent Spirit Awards pink carpet was sizzling with stars.?

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Kerry makes first foreign trip as top U.S. diplomat

LONDON (Reuters) - John Kerry views his first trip as U.S. secretary of state as a listening tour, but the leaders he meets will want to hear whether he has any new ideas on Syria, Iran and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Kerry arrived on Sunday in London, the first stop on a nine-nation, 11-day trip that will also take him to Berlin, Paris, Rome, Ankara, Cairo, Riyadh, Abu Dhabi and Doha before he returns home on March 6.

After talks with allies in London, Berlin and Paris, the centerpiece of Kerry's European tour is a visit to Rome where he hopes to meet members of the Syrian opposition as well as a wider group of nations seeking to support them in their nearly two-year quest to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Those talks, however, appeared to be in some doubt as a result of dissension within the opposition about the utility of such international meetings given the continuing violence.

Nearly 70,000 people have been killed in Syria's civil war in the last 22 months since fighting broke out between rebels trying to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and government forces and allied militias.

"The Syrian opposition leadership is under severe pressure now from its membership, from the Syrian people, to get more support from the international community and in that context there's quite a bit of internal discussion about the value of going to international conferences," the official told reporters travelling with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.

"The point that we're trying to make ... is that they have an opportunity in Rome with the meeting that the Italians have offered to host to see the very countries that have been their greatest supporters," the official said.

President Barack Obama has limited U.S. support to non-lethal aid for the rebels who, despite receiving weapons from countries such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia, are poorly armed compared to Assad's army and loyalist militias.

U.S. officials travelling with Kerry declined to say what new thoughts he may have on ending the violence.

They also said they did not expect any breakthroughs in Berlin on Tuesday when he meets Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov of Russia, which along with China has blocked U.N. Security Council resolutions to sanction the Assad government.

Russia has said that insisting on Assad's departure as a condition for peace negotiations between the government and the opposition would prevent such talks from ever taking place. The opposition, backed by the United States and much of Europe, has made plain Assad can play no role in a future Syrian government.

"We are not expecting this meeting to be a big breakthrough either, but we're going to keep working it," a second senior U.S. official told reporters with Kerry.


Kerry makes his first foreign trip as senior U.S. diplomats, along with counterparts from Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia, will meet Iranian officials on Tuesday in Kazakhstan in an effort to persuade Iran to curtail its nuclear program.

The United States and many of its allies suspect Iran may be using its civil nuclear program as a cover to develop atomic weapons, a possibility that Israel, which is regarded as the Middle East's only nuclear power, sees as an existential threat.

Iran says its program is solely for peaceful purposes, such as generating electricity and making medical isotopes.

Bruce Riedel of the Brookings Institution think-tank said Saudi King Abdullah would regard himself, rather than Kerry, as the listening party and want to hear of any new U.S. approaches on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Iran and other issues.

"There is not a high level of expectation that it is going to be able to break the logjam on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, get Iran to give up its nuclear weapons program and topple Bashar al-Assad," he added. "The Saudis will understand that Kerry will try to put a new face on policies which are now pretty well known but they will be looking for what's new."

(Reporting By Arshad Mohammed; Editing by Paul Simao and Stephen Powell)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/kerry-makes-first-foreign-trip-top-u-diplomat-060625117.html

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রবিবার, ২৪ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Mobile Nations podcasting update: What's new for 2013!

Mobile Nations podcasting update: What's new for 2013!

Hey everyone! It's time for a mighty Mobile Nations podcast network update, and a peak at some really cool stuff we have planned for 2013! First of all, we have all-new album art for the shows. The original concept was created by superstar designer Marc Edwards of Bjango to be crisp, clean, and modern. It's tough to make a whole catalog of shows consistent yet retain all their individual personalities. With Marc's help, I think we've nailed it. And by popular demand, we've even added a small TV logo to the bottom of all the video podcast album art so you can distinguish them from their audio counterparts at a glance. We absolutely love them, and we hope you do too. (And yes, we'll be making all of them available as HiDPI/Retina wallpaper for your phones and tablets later this week!)

If you haven't recently, please make sure you leave a review and rating for your favorite Mobile Nations shows, where ever and when ever you can. It encourages services (like iTunes) to feature us, that helps us get more great listeners and viewers like you, and we appreciate it a lot!

Now on with the shows!

read more

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/androidcentral/~3/c-F9hD1f5TA/story01.htm

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Brazil's 2014 election campaign gets off to early start

BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil's 2014 election season got off to an unusually early start this week with the unofficial launch of President Dilma Rousseff's re-election campaign by her mentor and predecessor, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

Celebrating his Workers' Party's 10th year in power, Lula laid to rest speculation that he would run again by anointing Rousseff as the party's best option to stay in power.

The main opposition party PSDB went on the offensive and attacked the decade of Workers' Party (PT) rule for undoing its work in laying the basis for Brazil's financial stability under former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso.

"They can get ready, they can organize, but our reply will be the re-election of Dilma in 2014," Lula said on Wednesday in a packed Sao Paulo hotel ballroom.

The day before, Rousseff announced that she has almost met her promise to eradicated extreme poverty by expanding social programs started by Lula. She spoke under a banner that looked decidedly like a campaign slogan: "Ending poverty is only the beginning.

Despite her failure to match the rapid economic growth enjoyed by Lula, Rousseff's popularity is in the high 70s and she is facing weak opposition. Barring a major scandal in her government or an economic downturn that brings high inflation and unemployment, she is seen as the odds-on favorite to win the 2014 vote.

Rousseff has vowed to continue the PT's social plans aimed at improving the quality of life of Brazil's poor, though her government has turned to private business to help rebuild the country's dilapidated infrastructure. Some of her policy moves, such as in the energy sector, have shaken investor confidence.

A PSDB victory in 2014 would restore more liberal policies that laid the ground for economic stability in the 1990s.

Rousseff's most likely opponent, PSDB Senator Aecio Neves, accused her of putting more effort into her re-election than governing the nation.

Neves took to the Senate floor on Wednesday to attack her, saying she had not delivered economic and industrial expansion, failed to draw investment that Brazil badly needs to upgrade its dilapidated infrastructure and undermined Brazil's fiscal credibility by juggling some government accounts.

He also criticized Rousseff for "destroying" state companies like Petrobras and Eletrobras that suffered big falls in share prices due her government's delay in raising gasoline prices and by forcing a cut in electricity rates on power generators.


Under Brazilian electoral law, campaigning is not allowed until three months before the October 5, 2014 election. But the two main parties have good reason to start brawling early.

"By putting Dilma out there, Lula is uniting the party and the governing coalition around her re-election, while silencing rumors about him wanting to run again," said Joao Augusto Castro Neves, an analyst with Eurasia Group in Washington.

By launching Rousseff's re-election campaign, the PT is also pre-empting negative media attention it will likely get when three of the party's leaders are sent to jail this year in Brazil's biggest political corruption scandal over bribes to congressmen during the early days of Lula's first term.

The opposition PSDB will have its work cut out trying to defeat Rousseff, and needed to take the offensive early.

The first to do so was former president Cardoso, who released a video on Tuesday attacking the PT.

"They think Brazil started now, but that's not true. In my government I changed the course of Brazil," Cardoso said.


The PSDB's chances against Rousseff could improve with the entry of a third candidate with a lot of votes, such as former presidential candidate Marina Silva.

A founding member of the PT who resigned as Rousseff's environment minister due to policy differences regarding deforestation, Silva founded the Green Party and won 20 million votes to come in third in the 2010 presidential election.

Last weekend she announced the formation of a new party, the Sustainability Network, with the intention of running again as an alternative to the two leading parties. Silva has to gather half a million signatures to establish the party and it is not clear whether she can retain the support she had in 2010.

"I am skeptical. Her party seems like a non-party with no clear message," said Castro Neves. "She has environmental credentials, which will draw the green vote, but she is also a hard-core evangelical who is against abortion."

Another possible spoiler is Eduardo Campos, the governor of Pernambuco state and leader of Brazil's fastest growing party, the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB).

The center-left PSB is a member of Rousseff's governing coalition of 17 parties, but could break away for a presidential bid by Campos, an effective administrator who has drawn foreign investment in big industrial projects in his fast-growing state.

Some members of his party think that would be premature and say Campos, who is only 47, should wait until 2018.

During a speech to mayors in his home state on Thursday, Campos was interrupted several times by cries of "presidente."

He told local media that Brazil's future has nothing to gain from the "old feud" between the PT and the PSDB, suggesting that the country needs a different kind of leader.

(Editing by Jim Loney)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/brazils-2014-election-campaign-gets-off-early-start-195343165.html

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Early human burials varied widely but most were simple

Early human burials varied widely but most were simple [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 21-Feb-2013
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Contact: David Kelly
University of Colorado Denver

Fewer women than men buried

DENVER (Feb. 21, 2013) A new study from the University of Colorado Denver shows that the earliest human burial practices in Eurasia varied widely, with some graves lavish and ornate while the vast majority were fairly plain.

"We don't know why some of these burials were so ornate, but what's striking is that they postdate the arrival of modern humans in Eurasia by almost 10,000 years," said Julien Riel-Salvatore, Ph.D., assistant professor of anthropology at CU Denver and lead author of the study. "When they appear around 30,000 years ago some are lavish but many aren't and over time the most elaborate ones almost disappear. So, the behavior of humans does not always go from simple to complex; it often waxes and wanes in terms of its complexity depending on the conditions people live under."

The study, which examined 85 burials from the Upper Paleolithic period, found that men were buried more often than women. Infants were buried only sporadically, if at all in later periods, a difference that could be related to changes in subsistence, climate and the ability to keep babies alive, Riel-Salvatore said.

It also showed that a few ornate burials in Russia, Italy and the Czech Republic dating back nearly 30,000 years are anomalies, and not representative of most early Homo sapiens burial practices in Eurasia.

"The problem is that these burials are so rare there's just over three per thousand years for all of Eurasia that it's difficult to draw clear conclusions about what they meant to their societies," said Riel-Salvatore.

In fact, the majority of the burials were fairly plain and included mostly items of daily life as opposed to ornate burial goods. In that way, many were similar to Neanderthal graves. Both early humans and Neanderthals put bodies into pits sometimes with household items. During the Upper Paleolithic, this included ornaments worn by the deceased while they were alive. When present, ornaments of stone, teeth and shells are often found on the heads and torsos of the dead rather than the lower body, consistent with how they were likely worn in life.

"Some researchers have used burial practices to separate modern humans from Neanderthals," said Riel-Salvatore. "But we are challenging the orthodoxy that all modern human burials were necessarily more sophisticated than those of Neanderthals."

Many scientists believe that the capacity for symbolic behavior separates humans from Neanderthals, who disappeared about 35,000 years ago.

"It's thought to be an expression of abstract thinking" Riel-Salvatore said. "But as research progresses we are finding evidence that Neanderthals engaged in practices generally considered characteristic of modern humans."

Riel-Salvatore is an expert on early modern humans and Neanderthals. His last study proposed that, contrary to popular belief, early humans didn't wipe out Neanderthals but interbred with them, swamping them genetically. Another of his studies demonstrated that Neanderthals in southern Italy adapted, innovated and created technology before contact with modern humans, something previously considered unlikely.

This latest study, "Upper Paleolithic mortuary practices in Eurasia: A critical look at the burial record" co-authored with Claudine Gravel-Miguel (Arizona State University), will be published in The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Death and Burial in April.

It reveals intriguing variation in early human burial customs between 10,000 and 35,000 years ago. And this study raises the question of why there was so much variability in early human burial practices.

"There seems to be little rhyme or reason to it," Riel-Salvatore said. "The main point here is that we need to be careful of using exceptional examples of ornate burials to characterize Upper Paleolithic burial practices as a whole."


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Early human burials varied widely but most were simple [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 21-Feb-2013
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Contact: David Kelly
University of Colorado Denver

Fewer women than men buried

DENVER (Feb. 21, 2013) A new study from the University of Colorado Denver shows that the earliest human burial practices in Eurasia varied widely, with some graves lavish and ornate while the vast majority were fairly plain.

"We don't know why some of these burials were so ornate, but what's striking is that they postdate the arrival of modern humans in Eurasia by almost 10,000 years," said Julien Riel-Salvatore, Ph.D., assistant professor of anthropology at CU Denver and lead author of the study. "When they appear around 30,000 years ago some are lavish but many aren't and over time the most elaborate ones almost disappear. So, the behavior of humans does not always go from simple to complex; it often waxes and wanes in terms of its complexity depending on the conditions people live under."

The study, which examined 85 burials from the Upper Paleolithic period, found that men were buried more often than women. Infants were buried only sporadically, if at all in later periods, a difference that could be related to changes in subsistence, climate and the ability to keep babies alive, Riel-Salvatore said.

It also showed that a few ornate burials in Russia, Italy and the Czech Republic dating back nearly 30,000 years are anomalies, and not representative of most early Homo sapiens burial practices in Eurasia.

"The problem is that these burials are so rare there's just over three per thousand years for all of Eurasia that it's difficult to draw clear conclusions about what they meant to their societies," said Riel-Salvatore.

In fact, the majority of the burials were fairly plain and included mostly items of daily life as opposed to ornate burial goods. In that way, many were similar to Neanderthal graves. Both early humans and Neanderthals put bodies into pits sometimes with household items. During the Upper Paleolithic, this included ornaments worn by the deceased while they were alive. When present, ornaments of stone, teeth and shells are often found on the heads and torsos of the dead rather than the lower body, consistent with how they were likely worn in life.

"Some researchers have used burial practices to separate modern humans from Neanderthals," said Riel-Salvatore. "But we are challenging the orthodoxy that all modern human burials were necessarily more sophisticated than those of Neanderthals."

Many scientists believe that the capacity for symbolic behavior separates humans from Neanderthals, who disappeared about 35,000 years ago.

"It's thought to be an expression of abstract thinking" Riel-Salvatore said. "But as research progresses we are finding evidence that Neanderthals engaged in practices generally considered characteristic of modern humans."

Riel-Salvatore is an expert on early modern humans and Neanderthals. His last study proposed that, contrary to popular belief, early humans didn't wipe out Neanderthals but interbred with them, swamping them genetically. Another of his studies demonstrated that Neanderthals in southern Italy adapted, innovated and created technology before contact with modern humans, something previously considered unlikely.

This latest study, "Upper Paleolithic mortuary practices in Eurasia: A critical look at the burial record" co-authored with Claudine Gravel-Miguel (Arizona State University), will be published in The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Death and Burial in April.

It reveals intriguing variation in early human burial customs between 10,000 and 35,000 years ago. And this study raises the question of why there was so much variability in early human burial practices.

"There seems to be little rhyme or reason to it," Riel-Salvatore said. "The main point here is that we need to be careful of using exceptional examples of ornate burials to characterize Upper Paleolithic burial practices as a whole."


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-02/uocd-ehb022013.php

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Jesse Jackson Jr., wife, plead guilty to fraud

Gary Cameron / Reuters

Former Chicago congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. enters the U.S. District Federal Courthouse in Washington on Wednesday.

By Daniel Arkin, Staff Writer, NBC News

Former Illinois Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. pleaded guilty in federal court Wednesday morning to misusing more than $750,000 in campaign cash on private expenses -- including a $43,000 Rolex, Blu-ray players, health clubs, lavish vacations, furs, and a slew of luxury goods.

Jackson, who resigned three months ago to reportedly get treatment for bipolar disorder and clinical depression, will face time behind bars when he is sentenced this summer.

"For years I lived off my campaign," Jackson said in court as he fought back tears. "I used money that should have been for campaign purposes for personal purposes."

Jackson accepted charges of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, mail fraud and false statements. The embattled Democratic lawmaker reportedly agreed to a negotiated plea recommending a sentence of between 46 and 57 months and a fine in the $10,000 to $100,000 range. But prosecutors reserve the right to argue for a harsher punishment, including the maximum sentence of five years in prison.

All parties agree that Jackson would not be eligible for probation when he is sentenced June 28.

"I'm not bound by the sentencing guidelines," Judge Robert Wilkins said. "The sentencing guidelines are advisory and they are something I am bound to consider."

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By way of explaining his decision to plead guilty, Jackson said, "I have no interest in wasting the taxpayers' time or their money."

"I'm guilty, your honor," a visibly emotional Jackson said.

Admitting that he took money received in political contributions, former Illinois Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr., pleaded guilty in federal court to misusing campaign cash for personal expenses. NBC's Pete Williams reports.

Jackson and his wife siphoned off $580,000 from the campaign war chest for a wide range of credit card transactions, including?$60,857.04 at restaurants and lounges and?$31,700.79 for airfare.

The bevvy of pricey goods Jackson allegedly bought with campaign funds also include a $4,600 fedora from Michael Jackson's collection, a $1,500 cashmere cape, and a pair of mounted elk heads from a Montana taxidermist priced at $8,000.

According to the court filing, other purchases included "high-end electronic items, collector's items, clothing, food and supplies for daily consumption, movie tickets, health club dues, personal travel and personal dining expenses."

As he exited the courtroom, Jackson, who left office last November after 17 years in his post, opened up to a reporter.

"Tell everybody back home I'm sorry I let 'em down, OK?" he reportedly said.

Jackson's attorney, Reid Weingarten, told the judge that he plans to make the case at this summer's sentencing hearing that his client's mental health conditions might be mitigating factors.

"That's not an excuse. That's just a fact," Weingarten said outside the Washington, D.C., courtroom, adding that he anticipates Jackson will rebound and have "another day," according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

Jackson's wife, Sandi Jackson,?pleaded guilty three hours after her husband's hearing to a single charge for filing false tax returns and reporting less income than she accrued. The charge comes with a maximum prison sentence of three years.

But Sandi Jackson's lawyer, Tom Kirsch, said a negotiated plea recommends a more lenient punishment, according to NBC Chicago. Her case Wednesday afternoon was heard by the same judge who presided over her husband's hearing.

Sandi Jackson resigned in January from her post as Chicago's 7th Ward alderman.

The couple was joined in court by Jackson's father, civil rights icon Rev. Jesse Jackson; his brothers, Jonathan and Yusef; his sister, Santita; and Sandi sister, Tina.

Rev. Jackson on Monday said his son still struggles with mental illness and remains under "tight medical supervision."

"During this difficult and painful ordeal, our family has felt the impact of your prayers and calls," Rev. Jackson said. "So many ministers have reached out to us, and we thank you. The hurt in this valley is indescribable."

Jackson's guilty plea caps off a dramatic downfall. At the apex of his political career, Jackson was a leading figure in the Democratic Party establishment, serving as a national co-chairman of President Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign and as a surrogate for other high-profile politicians.

This story was originally published on

Source: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/02/20/17031593-im-sorry-i-let-em-down-jesse-jackson-jr-and-wife-plead-guilty-to-fraud?lite

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The Immigration System Is Not Broken: It's Government That's ...

Written By : William Teach
February 20, 2013

One of the things that drives me crazy during these debates about illegal immigration is people running around say that ?the immigration system is broken?. Why are they saying this? Because they want to legalize illegal aliens. This is a bipartisan problem: it?s not just Democrats like Obama, Pelosi, Reid, La Raza, Media Matters, and so many others who say it and want it. There are Republicans like Lindsay Graham, John McCain, Jeff Flake, Marco Rubio, and George Bush?.yes, Bush. The last time amnesty was being pushed I had photoshops such as


and others, having also feature Bush in my old Surrender Monkey Friday posts regarding amnesty multiple times.

These same people love to claim that the immigration system is broken. It?s not. It?s cumbersome, burdensome, and/or costly for those who want to come to this country legally and either be citizens, work towards citizenship, or simply work.

What?s broken is Government. It?s the elected official (ie, servants of the People), appointed officials, and civil servants (ie, government employees) who are the problem. It?s how they respond to illegal aliens that?s broken. Not all, mind you, but enough. Plus all the citizens and groups who want to legalize and/or ignore the problem of illegal immigration. The law is quite specific: illegals are breaking federal law:

Under Title 8 Section 1325 of the U.S. Code, ?Improper Entry by Alien,? any citizen of any country other than the United States who:

  • Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or
  • Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or
  • Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact;

has committed a federal crime.

Violations are punishable by criminal fines and imprisonment for up to six months. Repeat offenses can bring up to two years in prison. Additional civil fines may be imposed at the discretion of immigration judges, but civil fines do not negate the criminal sanctions or nature of the offense.

What is not understood by the Political Class? They are the ones who are broken by failing to uphold the law. Elected officials, political appointees, and many civil servants, particularly those in law enforcement and the criminal justice system, take oaths to uphold the law and the Constitution. Government employees who do not take oaths still have ?codes of conduct? and rules to follow The Law. Yet, we have places like sanctuary cities. We have law enforcement told to ignore people who are illegals. We have catch and release when it comes to illegals. We spend months, if not years, adjudicating the disposition of caught illegals before maybe, possibly deporting them.

The system is not broken. The system is about legal immigration. That system is mostly OK. The closest it comes to being broken is for people who fail leave when their visas expire. That?s right, approximately one third of all illegals are people who overstayed their visas, and are still living in the USA, using our services, draining our cash. Not every illegal comes across the border from Canada and Mexico or on a boat or plane.

And these people are breaking federal law every day they are here. It is not a victimless crime. They are a vast drain on public funds. They take jobs away from American citizens. They cause our emergency rooms to close. They waste the time of law enforcement. They fill our jails, particularly since some illegals are not ?good people just looking for a better life.? They cause a depression in wages.

And the political class fails us. Instead of pushing for legalizing them, we should be looking for ways to push them out the door and make sure that they, and others, do not come back. We should be securing the border and slapping companies that knowingly hire them or failing to properly perform background checks with massive fines along with civil and criminal penalties that would discourage hiring illegals. We should refuse to provide illegals with any government funded services. And we should force our Government to uphold existing law.

In fact, it could be argued that providing illegals with a pathway to citizenship breaks the Constitutional provision against passing ex post facto laws (Article I, Section 9, Clause 3). States are also restricted from passing ex post facto laws. EPF is not just about making something that was legal illegal in retrospect: it is also about making what was illegal now legal, depending on the circumstances. Congress could certainly pass a law saying ?if you enter the US after the date this law is passed, you can no longer be considered illegal?, but, for those who are already here illegal, you can?t say that they are now legal.

Increase the available slots for temporary and migrant workers. Make the companies that hire them responsible for providing health insurance (formatted to cover potential issues in that industry), and they do not get to use public services. Implant subcutaneous tracking devices in all here on temporary work visas.

Children of illegals? Sorry, mom and dad are getting deported. If you want to go with them, great. They?re going. Period. They want to stay? OK. They are Constitutional US citizens. But the parents can?t stay. Phones and email are great. Try Skype. Harsh? Well, the law can be harsh. No one complains about children being separated from their parents when the parents are sent to the Big House. Perhaps illegal aliens should have considered the consequences of their actions beforehand.

Illegals get caught? They immediately see a judge (there are a very small number who would be approved to stay for a few reasons) and are put on a bus or plane out of the country. If they have a bank account, the money will be seized to pay for the transportation costs.

The political class that supports amnesty is turning this country into a nation of Men, instead of a nation of law. They are the ones who are broken.

Crossed at Pirate?s Cove. Follow me on Twitter @WilliamTeach.

Source: http://www.rightwingnews.com/illegal-immigration-2/the-immigration-system-is-not-broken-its-government-thats-broken/

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