বুধবার, ৩১ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

US stock market reopens after a two-day shutdown

NEW YORK (AP) ? Wall Street is back in business.

Traffic is snarled, streets flooded, subways idle and power out in many parts of Manhattan and beyond, but the New York Stock Exchange opened trading without a hitch Wednesday after a historic two-day shutdown caused by Superstorm Sandy.

At 9:30 a.m., right on schedule, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg rang the opening bell, then gave a hopeful thumbs-up. Cheers rose from traders on the trading floor below, falsely rumored to be flooded, but dry Wednesday morning, and festive.

"It's good for the city, good for country, it's good for everyone to get back to work," the mayor told CNBC moments later while leaving the exchange building at 11 Wall Street.

The stakes were high for trading to resume.

Wall Street traders and strategists were worried that a third day of delay would have meant more pent-up demand from customers to buy and sell stocks, resulting in a surge of orders that could send the market on wild ride. There were also doubts that there would be enough people in offices trading stocks for the market to match buyers and sellers smoothly.

But trading was placid from the start Wednesday, and much of the worry ebbed away.

"I've lived through a lot of events ? crashes, mini-crashes, events of mother nature, man-made events, terrible events like 9/11," said Ted Weisberg, president of Seaport Securities, 72, shortly after the opening bell. "Somehow or other the markets continue."

The last time the exchange closed for two consecutive days because of weather was during the Blizzard of 1888 ? 124 years ago.

With power out in much of downtown Manhattan, the NYSE building Wednesday was an isolated hub of activity in a largely deserted and darkened neighborhood. The company that runs the exchange, NYSE Euronext, used backup generators to power its operations, including turning on the red, white and blue lights trained on its six-columned facade.

To Jonathan D. Corpina, a broker who made his way to the building by flashlight early in the morning, it was a welcome sight.

"Walking up this pitch-black street ... with the red, white and blue lights going, it was clear this was the only building in downtown Manhattan that was open," said Corpina, senior managing partner of Meridian Equity Partners. He added, referring to the opening: "It was important to have gotten that message out there that we are here, we are accepting orders, it's business as usual."

The opening followed days of scrambling by NYSE officials to make sure power, telecom connections and computers would be ready for a full trading day. The exchange organized car pools to get people to work, set aside special parking for those driving in and booked hotel rooms nearby for traders and other staffers. And it filled fuel tanks for its generators to the brim.

"We're not going to have power in lower Manhattan until probably the weekend, so we've got to make sure that our generator continues to be topped up," Larry Leibowitz, NYSE's chief operating officer, said from the exchange floor after the opening. "There's just lots and lots of details that we've spent the last 36 hours running through."

Leibowitz said that his biggest concern had been ensuring enough people who worked both at, and for, the exchange could make it into work. On Tuesday, NYSE ran a mock trading session with its all-electronic Arca trading system just in case too few people showed up.

In the end, more people made it in than the exchange had expected.

Many workers on the trading floor use the subway to get downtown, but that was not an option Wednesday. Superstorm Sandy flooded many tunnels, leaving the 108-year-old subway system with its worst damage in history. New York's governor, Andrew Cuomo, said limited subway service will resume in New York City on Thursday.

"With subways down, I was wondering if people were even going to get to work today," said Randy Frederick, a managing director at Charles Schwab watching the opening from a TV at his Austin, Texas, office. "But obviously enough did. The markets opened stronger than many expected."

The two-day closing came just as big U.S. companies were reporting their quarterly earnings. That forced dozens of companies to postpone their reports to later this week, adding another wrinkle to the trading days ahead.

But trading volume Wednesday was normal, and it wound up being a relatively quiet day after all.

The Dow Jones industrial average gave up an early gain and wound up closing down just 10.75 points, at 13,096.46. The Standard & Poor's 500 index edged down 0.22 point at 1,412.16 and the Nasdaq composite lost 10.72 points to 2,977.23.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/us-stock-market-reopens-two-day-shutdown-211227363--business.html

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A Virtual Phone System is an Important Business Tool - Articles.org

Communication is an important aspect of running a business, so if the level of communication that is being provided to clients and customers is sub-par, a business can never realize true success. A virtual phone system can make a huge difference for a business of any size for a number of different reasons.

Better Communications

The first reason why a virtual phone system is so important has to do with the overall better level of communications that the business owners and their employees will have with clients and customers. Features like the automated attendant ensure that each call is properly routed and that accidental disconnects and incorrect transfers are completely eliminated. The call quality is incredibly clear and employees can forward their calls if they will be away from their desks for any period of time. Faxes can be sent and received directly from the computer, and there are no complicated instructions for checking voicemails or returning calls.


Another great thing about a virtual phone system is that it is completely affordable, especially when compared to phone systems like landlines. Landline telephones require jacks, splitters and other forms of technology that can be expensive to install and maintain. Also, businesses that need many lines of service may find that their telephone bills are enormous on a monthly basis. This is not the case with a virtual system; for a low monthly rate, business owners can secure a set number of telephone lines and a feature package that is filled with things designed to make a business more efficient and productive.

24-Hour Access

While many businesses have set hours of operation, there are those consumers who like to get information on their own time. With a virtual phone system, businesses can record information on a hotline for consumers to hear 24 hours a day. Afterward, if the listener would like to leave a message, that option is available. Sometimes virtual systems even allow for after-hours answering services, particularly for businesses that specialize in repairs and the like. This way, the business can be closed, but consumers who have emergencies have a direct link to the employee who can help them with the situation.

Toll Free & Vanity Numbers

Although toll free and vanity telephone numbers are certainly available through landline telephone services, they are much more expensive than those associated with a virtual phone system. In fact, the prices for some of these systems include a set number of minutes of incoming toll free calls. This way, consumers can call from anywhere in the country without incurring long distance charges. Aside from this, a toll free number is a great way to boost professionalism, and a vanity number is a phenomenal way to ensure that consumers are able to remember a telephone number when they are in need of a product or service.

Businesses that really want to succeed in this difficult economy must ensure that every aspect?including communications?is on target. A virtual phone system is hands-down the best way to make sure that consumers are able to stay in contact and get the information they need.

Source: http://articles.org/a-virtual-phone-system-is-an-important-business-tool/

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Ghostbusters 3 Delayed Again


Surprise!? Those still crossing their fingers for the very long in-development Ghostbusters 3?were granted a glimmer of hope when we recently learned that the sequel could start filming next summer, but that hope has now swiftly been dashed out.? Due to some financial uneasiness, Sony Pictures Entertainment is currently reassessing all of their projects in the pipeline.? Per THR, any decision on Ghostbusters 3 has been postponed until the end of March, which means that the hoped-for Summer 2013 start date is no longer a possibility.? Should Sony ultimately decide to move forward with the sequel, filming likely wouldn?t be able to get underway until next fall at the earliest.

The most recent draft of the script was written by Etan Cohen, and Ghostbusters I and II director Ivan Reitman had been set to return.? I?m not sure we really need another Ghostbusters movie (especially now that Bill Murray is out), and I remain skeptical as to whether Ghostbusters 3 will actually come to fruition.

Source: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/1926166/news/1926166/

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মঙ্গলবার, ৩০ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Tax, Finance, CE, CPE, EA, CPA, CFP Blog: Variety of Accounting ...

The accounting field offers several specialties within the profession, but every path calls for plenty of education plus CPA exam preparation. In addition, after passing the CPA exam, more training occurs on the job while meeting licensing experience requirements. During this extensive period of skill development, you discover areas of personal aptitude and interest. These form an outline for matching your abilities with a career avenue. Accountants are partly masters of mathematics, but also partly detectives. The right position for you in the accounting world usually comes into focus during an online CPA course. The details learned for the CPA exam greatly expand your accounting knowledge. This permits you to visualize the many purposes served by accountants. The majority of accountants work in public accounting. However, within this category are a variety of components. Public accountants all start with the same foundation of expertise derived from successful study for CPA exam completion. Eventually, they branch into working as tax advisors, auditors, or consultants. Some specialists are forensic accountants, who investigate such matters as fraud and embezzlement situations. Public accounting is the right choice if you prefer dealing with a variety of situations and environments. Businesses need accountants who can accurately document transactions and analyze trends. Advice is needed about minimizing taxes, controlling expenses, and capturing expanding revenue opportunities. Information about tax and finance is constantly changing. So, public accountants remain engaged in continuing education with the same intense concentration as they placed on CPA exam courses. Management accountants analyze financial data for companies that employ them directly. The increased responsibility companies are placing on finance staffers is resulting in more demand for individuals with CPA licenses to fill the positions. Corporate accountants now engage in complex risk assessments. Technological tools allow manipulation of budgeting data to evaluate “what if” scenarios. Internal auditors form the core of finance areas within large organizations. Their analysis is crucial to deriving information about corporate initiatives and procedural consistencies. They also detect fraud and operational conditions that require improvement. Management accounting or internal audit is the right occupational choice if you prefer focusing upon a single company. The part of your accounting education experience in which you thrive is indicative of where you want to ultimately land for a long-term work arrangement. An extra step beyond a CPA review course is necessary to further your learning process on the path to an accounting career. That is, make technology subjects an important part of your knowledge after passing the CPA exam. Technology is transforming the work of accountants in all specialties. Every CPA needs to understand how data management systems function and prepare to quickly learn specific accounting software packages at their places of employment. A fortunate result of this technology trend is that advanced accounting professionals are more highly valued than ever for using these systems to help business enterprises. CPAs are accomplishing this as both public accountants and finance team members inside corporations. IRS Circular 230 Disclosure Pursuant to the requirements of the Internal Revenue Service Circular 230, we inform you that, to the extent any advice relating to a Federal tax issue is contained in this communication, including in any attachments, it was not written or intended to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (a) avoiding any tax related penalties that may be imposed on you or any other person under the Internal Revenue Code, or (b) promoting, marketing or recommending to another person any transaction or matter addressed in this communication.

Source: http://fastforwardacademy.blogspot.com/2012/10/variety-of-accounting-career-paths.html

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After decades of oppression, Kurds get taste of freedom as Assad's ...

Danny Gold

A new member of the Kurds' Popular Protection Units (YPG) stands in front of a crowd waving Kurdish flags in Qamishli, Syria. The Kurds are the largest ethnic group in the world without a homeland, totaling more than 30 million people.

By Danny Gold

DERIK, Syria -- From the roof of the new home he is building on the outskirts of the Kurdish controlled city of Derik in northeast Syria, Bashir Said Mohammad can count a dozen or so other structures in different stages of completion. "All this building has happened after the revolution," he says. "Before we were not able to build. You would go to the regime and they would say no, because we are in the Kurdish areas."

In the Kurdish areas of Syria, known as Rojava, people have wasted little time seizing on the opportunities a tentative retreat by President Bashar Assad's government forces three months ago has afforded them. But while a burgeoning civil society independent of Assad's regime continues to grow, the Kurds are desperately trying to avoid the devastating violence that has battered cities like Aleppo and Homs.

The Kurds are the largest ethnic group in the world without a homeland, totaling more than 30 million people. Spread out between parts of Iraq, Syria, Iran and Turkey, they have been subjected to decades of oppression aimed at erasing their cultural identity in all four regions. Kurds make up around 10 percent of the population in Syria, totaling about 2 million, but have been treated as second-class citizens for generations.

In July, Assad forces made a hasty retreat from a number of Kurdish cities and towns in northeastern Syria. Despite a few skirmishes, the situation has remained relatively peaceful.

Though prices have risen, Derik's cafes are still full and people linger in the streets with little fear. Kurdish flags now fly from shops and houses, Kurdish police forces known as Asayish patrol the streets and community organizations known as People's Houses, "mala gels" in Kurdish, have been set up to solve disputes and act as de facto government institutions.

The Kurdish language, which as little as two years ago was forbidden, is now taught in state schools. Delkesh Resol, a 22-year-old former door-to-door salesman, was preparing one recent Sunday morning to teach a Kurdish language lesson to high school students despite a warning from the regime that language classes were to have stopped the previous Thursday.

'Studying in secret'
His act of defiance, which prior to the revolution would have led to a prison sentence and possible torture, did not concern him. "I'm not worried, there is no fear when you're doing something from your heart," Resol said. "Before this we knew there would come a day when we could do this (teach Kurdish in the schools), so we were studying in secret. If we need to teach Kurdish in the streets, we will."

Danny Gold

High school students in a classroom in Derik, Syria, listen to a teacher giving Kurdish lessons. Teaching the Kurdish language was previously forbidden.

The mala gel in Derik is made up of 40 members, and resolves disputes on everything from agriculture to the distribution of donations received from Kurds in Iraq. There is even a member who specializes in divorces. Additional "houses," such as the Women's House and the Youth House, handle more specialized disputes.

Despite Resol's confidence, it is still necessary to be wary of Assad Mukhabarat, or secret police, in Derik. Though the city is described as liberated, plainclothes intelligence officers still lurk the streets. Just exactly who is in power, and how much power they have, is vague.

The lack of heavy conflict and continued presence of Assad men in some of the cities have led to accusations that the Kurdish leadership arranged a secret deal with the regime, where they were allowed to take over certain areas in exchange for not forcing a third front. Others have argued that the Kurds are simply acting practically.

"The regime has not subjected the Kurdish regions to the same level of violence that it has directed against other parts of Syria,"?said Thomas McGee, a researcher on Syrian Kurds at Britain's University of Exeter, who spent two years living in the region and was there for the first eight months of the revolution.?"Kurds have not gone out of their way to bring this upon themselves, learning from the regime's brutal reaction to the 2004 Kurdish uprising." ?In 2004, Kurdish protests that began at a soccer game led to an assault by regime forces that ended with over 30 Kurdish citizens killed.

"The fact that neither the regime nor Kurds en masse have actively declared war on the other need not mean that there is collusion. Each side has their interests and is pursuing this," McGee added. "Kurds, for their part seek stability and wish to avoid escalation."

NBC News

People resisting the army of President Bashar al-Assad in northern Syria cope with loss and prepare for fighting.

Both sides in the Kurdish areas walk a tenuous line, in some areas existing side-by-side while trying to avoid direct conflict that seems inevitable. Regime buildings are still occupied by officials, but the people inside are said to be powerless. In Derik -- which is 90 percent Kurdish -- the mala gel is housed in a building formerly used by a youth committee of Assad's ruling Baath party. It is now adorned with photos of Syrian Kurdish martyrs and Abdullah Ocalan, the leader of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) who is jailed in Turkey. According to the State Department, "PKK terrorist activity has been responsible for the deaths of more than 30,000 Turkish citizens."

It is also next door to a local headquarters for the Baath party, where spray-painted photos of Assad family members dot the perimeter walls. In other parts of the city, these images have been defaced, as have representations of the Syrian flag.

The small city of Girke Lege, another liberated Kurdish area, lies adjacent to the oil city of Rmeilan, which is heavily fortified with Assad troops. A large Kurdish flag welcomes visitors to the city, but after a ten-minute drive down the road, an Assad flag waves above a fortress-like encampment.

'It feels like a new place'
Kana Berakat, 43, a member of the People's House in Girke Lege, recalls the two times he was imprisoned for Kurdish rights activism. At Aleppo University in 1990, he tried to organize a Newroz celebration and spent 70 days in jail. In 2009, he spent a week in jail after attending a Kurdish rights demonstration. That time, Berakat was arrested because he did not have identification papers. Berakat is one of hundreds of thousands of Kurds in Syria who had their citizenship removed in 1962 and are currently stateless.

"It feels like a new place. Before when I went shopping to get tomatoes, I was very afraid," he said. "I thought the regime would take me. Now I walk around not worried, like I am a free man, but I am worried for the future."

One street in Aleppo: Life goes on as death lurks around every corner

Berakat, though enjoying his newfound freedom, is concerned that as the regime continues to falter, it may one day grow desperate and unleash the troops next door. By then, though, he hopes the Kurdish militia will be strong enough to defend the Kurdish people.

Danny Gold

Bashir Said Mohammad surveys construction on a new home he began building in Derik, Syria, after the revolution started. He had been previously been denied permission because he is a Kurd.

The Kurds' Popular Protection Units (YPG)?patrol the borders and act as a deterrent to both Assad forces and the rebel Free Syrian Army. Established by the Democratic Union Party (PYD), the most powerful Syrian Kurdish political group, the YPG is now distancing itself and trying to be seen as the universal defenders of the Syrian Kurds instead of the party's military wing.

Videos of YPG forces training have shown a noticeable lack of heavily artillery, but the troop numbers are said to be growing every day. The formation of a fourth brigade was just announced.

More Syria coverage from NBC News

The YPG has not hesitated to attack the regime if provoked, and has sought to prevent both the FSA and the regime from entering Kurdish neighborhoods in more contested areas like Kobane and Efrin. After a Kurdish neighborhood in Aleppo was bombed in late July resulting in the death of 21 civilians, YPG forces killed three regime soldiers and captured a number of others.

Machine guns operated by motorcycle brakes? Get a glimpse at the rebels fighting against Assad's forces in Syria's mountainous Jabal al-Zawiya area.

Last week, Assad's forces bombed a Kurdish area in Aleppo. The FSA and the YPG also clashed, reportedly leaving about 20 fighters dead.

At a recent demonstration in the city of Qamishli, 50 or so new recruits lined up for military exercises. They stood silently, faces covered in scarves as to obscure their identities and surrounded by a crowd of thousands chanting slogans of support. Old women clad in hijabs and young girls in Western-style clothing waved flags, singing and dancing to songs of Kurdish freedom.

The demonstration came a few days after a car bomb exploded outside an Assad base in the city, killing four soldiers. The bombing was later claimed by Jabhat Al-Nusra, a shadowy jihadist organization with ties to al-Qaida that is fighting against the regime. The night before had seen a gunbattle at the airport between the FSA and the regime. These incidents heightened fears that the war was encroaching into Kurdish territory.


A look back at the violence that has overtaken the country

Some Kurds believe the FSA means to lure the Kurds further into the conflict, forcing Assad to open up another front and possibly using the Kurdish issue to persuade Turkey to further involve itself. Others think that the regime will grow weary of the Kurdish push for more rights and eventual autonomy, and look to reassert control.

Turkey has leveled accusations that the PYD is simply a front for the Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK), which has been engaged in a guerrilla war against the Turkish government for 30 years. Turkey has threatened to invade the Kurdish areas to root them out. PYD categorically denies that it is simply a front for the PKK, saying that they share ideology but do not take orders.

NYT: Syria rivals in deadly game of cat-and-mouse

Saleh Muslim Mohammed, the leader of the PYD,?also expressed fear of the Islamist brigades and extremists said to be fighting alongside the FSA.

For now, the Kurds appear intent on staving off escalating conflict while attempting to build up enough strength to protect their newfound rights and eventually obtain a level of freedom that has eluded them in Syria.

"Violence is the last choice, but if anything happens here the YPG will answer," said Mohammed Saeed, a PYD official in Derik. "Every family here has weapons. All the Kurdish, not only the YPG, will defend themselves. Without Kurdish rights, there will be no stability."

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Source: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/10/29/14756648-after-decades-of-oppression-kurds-get-taste-of-freedom-as-assads-troops-flee?lite

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Fave parts of the RP so far/characters/quotes

The Ribbons of Time

The Ribbons are broken. Time itself has stopped, and now its rotting to death. Your one of the hand full that can still move, that can still mend this Ribbons that control time. Though the answer is simple, it's much harder to do than it first seems...


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Anyone got any? ^.^

I must say I really do love how original everyones characters are :3 Everyones quite different too which is always interesting!

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Member for 2 years

Yeah they are. =]
It's gonna be an interesting situation once they finally meet. XD

And so far, I like how Ariana has a dog rather than a cat and how Casio has a ferret??? Freaking awesome!
And then Mello and Moira have like...the coolest pets in the whole entire world. Pshhh! ^.^

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Member for 0 years

Psh, please~ My drooly dog can beat out anyones' cats. XDD Actually, Ralph is a real pet I have- and his personality is about the same. Everything from the gallons of drool to the random and loud barks. ^^; Ahaha.

Ah, and I was going to post, but though it might be nicer if I allowed someone else to post since I just post... unless it's alright. ^^;

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Member for 0 years

Lol, that's awesome. I based Mello and Marsha off of two kittens I used to have. One died though and the other someone took? o.O =/

But dude, I totally feel you on that. It's ultimately up to Luna, but you kinda just have to...go with the flow?

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সোমবার, ২৯ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Why The Chicken Oyster Is Every Cook's Favorite Part

Have you ever strolled casually into the kitchen just before dinner and discovered whoever roasted the chicken already snacking? Then you've witnessed the aftermath of one of our favorite kitchen rituals. We're here to let you in on every cook's favorite secret: the chicken oysters.

Don't despair. These have nothing to do with Rocky Mountain Oysters or Prairie Oysters. Chicken oysters are simply the two small, oyster-shaped pieces of dark meat that lie on either side of a whole chicken's backbone. Arguably the best part of the chicken, these tender bits are frequently known as the chef's reward for cooking. If we're feeling nice, we'll usually share one with someone else, but we can't admit to always being that generous.

Chicken oysters even have some cinematic fame. In the French film "Amelie," a character named Dominique Bretodeau roasts himself a chicken every night, carves the whole bird, but eats the chicken oysters first. What makes these tiny pieces of meat so coveted? There are only two chicken oysters on every chicken, which makes them a pretty hot commodity. Also, when roasting a chicken, usually breast-side up, the oysters are protected by the body from harsh heat, and continually bathed in fat and roasting juices.

We know what you're thinking, now that you have this information, you want to go out and gorge yourselves on chicken oysters immediately, right? Get yourselves either a half a dozen chickens to roast, or head to the closest Izakaya you can find (sort of a Japanese bar food shrine) where you can always order a few skewers of chicken oyster yakitori.

This video will help you carve a chicken and show you exactly where the chicken oyster lives. Try to control the drool.

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/29/chicken-oyster_n_2025359.html

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Hurricane Sandy could lower gas prices

Hurricane Sandy, aka 'Frankenstorm,' should have a positive impact on gas prices, according to Consumer Energy Report.?By causing decreased fuel demand, Hurricane Sandy could actually help to continue to push gas prices lower around the country.

By CER News Desk,?Guest blogger / October 29, 2012

In this October 2012 file photo, a gas truck delivery driver fills the tanks at a gas station in Garden Grove, Calif. Many people in the country are likely to benefit from Hurricane Sandy's depressing of regional fuel demand, leading to lower gas prices, according to Consumer Energy Report.

Chris Carlson/AP/File


While most hurricanes and tropical storms that make landfall in the United States have an effect on gas prices that consumers are unhappy with, the projected path of Hurricane Sandy and its causing of decreased fuel demand could actually help to continue to push gas prices lower around the country.

Skip to next paragraph Consumer Energy Report

Our mission is to provide clear, objective information about the important energy issues facing the world, address and correct misconceptions, and to actively engage readers and exchange ideas.?For more great energy coverage, visit?Consumer Energy Report.

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The entire northeastern part of the nation is currently locked down as nearly 70 million people brace for Hurricane Sandy, a complicated system that is growing ever larger as it merges with existing wintry cold fronts. This has included a temporary stoppage of transit services in New York City and a mandatory evacuation order of hundreds of thousands of coastal residents across several states.

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Vodafone To Launch Mobile Wallet Service Next Year; Inks Deals With M-Commerce Company, CorFire, Digital Security Firm Gemalto

Image (1) logotipo_vodafone.thumbnail.jpg for post 363518Vodafone Group is partnering with m-commerce company CorFire to bring NFC-powered mobile wallet capabilities to its smartphone users next year. CorFire said it would be "providing mobile wallet capabilities to Vodafone Group, enabling Vodafone?s customers to use their smartphones to conduct a number of transactions, including paying for goods and services at the point of sale, during 2013".

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/kzvksE78Gb4/

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Steelers shut down Griffin III, Redskins 27-12

PITTSBURGH (AP) ? The Pittsburgh Steelers turned Robert Griffin III into just another rookie quarterback.

The Steelers swarmed Washington's precocious star on Sunday, keeping Griffin in check during a dominant 27-12 victory. Griffin completed just 16 of 34 passes for 177 yards and a score while managing 10 yards rushing.

Pittsburgh quarterback Ben Roethlisberger had no such issues against Washington's depleted defense, throwing for 222 yards and three touchdowns as the Steelers (4-3) won consecutive games for the first time this season.

Jonathan Dwyer added 107 yards rushing in his second NFL start. Pittsburgh jumped on Washington (3-5) early, scoring on its first four possessions and never letting Griffin get loose.

Heath Miller caught four passes for 46 yards and his sixth touchdown of the season for the Steelers, who suddenly look like their normal selves in a wide-open AFC.


Online: http://pro32.ap.org/poll and http://twitter.com/AP_NFL

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/steelers-shut-down-griffin-iii-redskins-27-12-200404108--spt.html

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রবিবার, ২৮ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Greece considered more risky to invest than Syria

LONDON (AP) ? The world's markets may believe that the worst of the financial crisis in Europe is over after three turbulent years, but those people who control the purse strings of the world's businesses are not breathing any easier.

An annual survey of finance directors from global business consultancy BDO finds that the crisis over too much government debt in Europe remains one of their key concerns ? so much so that Greece is considered a riskier place to invest and set up business in than war-torn Syria.

Only Iran and Iraq are considered more risky than Greece, which also struggles to convince its international creditors that it deserves bailout loans to avoid bankruptcy and a possible euro exit.

"CFOs are becoming increasingly wary of Southern Europe, parts of which they now see as risky as the politically unstable countries of the Middle East," said BDO chief executive Martin Van Roekel.

Greece isn't the only country in the 17-country group that uses the euro in the survey's top 10 riskiest countries to invest in. Spain, which even as the eurozone's No. 4 economy with a long-standing relationship with Latin America, stands at No. 7.

This reluctance by finance directors, particularly from fast-growing economies such as Brazil and China, to invest in Europe's indebted countries goes to the heart of the financial crisis. A major part of these countries' recovery is dependent on the private sector stepping in to fill the investment gap left by cuts in government spending.

While countries like Greece and Spain are struggling to convince international business that they are good places to invest, others are prospering. Despite recent signs of slowing down, China is considered the most attractive country for expansion, closely followed by the U.S. Others such as Brazil, India, Germany and the U.K. also feature in the top 10 of countries ripe for expansion.

Overall, the survey from BDO found that CFOs around the world are finding it more difficult to conduct business abroad. As well as an uncertain global economic situation, they cite increased regulation and greater competition.

Van Roekel also said he is "surprised" that more finance directors haven't voiced concerns about the heavy debts of countries outside of Europe, notably Japan and the U.S.

Though Japan's debt is worth around double the size of its economy, the country has managed to avoid stoking too many investor concerns because most of its self-financed by its own pension funds.

The U.S., which has the advantage of having the dollar, the world's reserve currency, has problems of its own and the winner of the presidential election, whoever it is, will soon have to grapple with the "fiscal cliff" ? a package of huge tax hikes and spending cuts that will automatically be introduced if the different arms of government don't come to a budget agreement.

BDO surveyed 1,000 CFOs from medium-sized companies currently planning foreign investment.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/greece-considered-more-risky-invest-syria-000331356--finance.html

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House Flipping vs. Buy and Hold Real Estate Investing

real estate investment

One of the biggest questions that new real estate investors ask is: which kind of real estate investing should I do?

As has been written on this blog, there are over 100 ways to get involved in the real estate investing business?and probably even more if you really keep digging!

But out of those hundred, house flipping and long-term real estate investing are the most common.

But which one is better?

Probably because of the proliferation of television shows on houses flipping like ?Flip this House? and others, house flipping has become incredibly popular in the past few years.

This may be due to the reality shows, but it also has as much to do with the fact that are still plenty of really good real estate deals to be had in this current market ? even in spite of the recent signs of a turnaround.

On the flip side (no pun intended, by the way) there?s one of the oldest and steadiest forms of real estate investing known to all of us, namely: buy and hold real estate investing.

Still popular, still solid and always a good investment, long-term buy-and-hold real estate investing is been around for years and has has created untold millions, if not billions in dollars in wealth to its participants

Although I am a ?house flipping guy? at the core . . . I actually do both.

House Flipping vs. Buy and Hold Real Estate Investing: Which One Is Better??

To get to an answer, it helps to explain each kind of real estate investing and put each one in its proper perspective.

House Flipping Overview

House flipping as you may already know, is the practice of buying a piece of real estate at a discounted price, improving it in some way and then selling it for a financial gain.

To gain maximum profit, this is preferably done within the shortest period of time possible.

A house flipper tries to buy, rehab and sell the property; all within the shortest time so that he or she can lock in profits and not get eaten up by their carrying costs. These ?soft costs? as they are known, include monthly bills that accumulate over time. These include monthly financing charges, property taxes, condo fees (if applicable), utilities and any other maintenance bills required to keep the house in good financial standing.

House flippers do their best to not hold onto a house for a long period of time. Instead, they flip them quickly. The less time a house flipping professional owns the home, usually the better their profits.

Long-Term Real Estate Investing Overview

Long term real estate investing on the other hand, involves buying a house, possibly making some improvements and rehab, but then keeping the house for a longer period of time. To pay for the monthly costs of financing, taxes, utilities and other maintenance, the house is rented to a tenant.

If the monthly costs are less than the rent collected?voila ? monthly profit and cash flow ensues.
In some cases, the real estate investor might buy the property with the purpose of selling it at some point in time, but usually not for a while.

The Pros and Cons

So at its core, the two types of real estate investing have their largest differences in the fact that one produces quick profits in less than six months (ideally) while the other creates monthly positive cash flow into eternity (best case).

So now that we?ve defined them, let?s get back to our debate and uncover some the biggest pros and cons for both.

House Flipping Pros:

Money and Time: The best part of flipping houses is the ability to realize a financial gain in a short period of time and not have you or your investor?s capital tied up for extensive periods.

Quick Cash: When you can buy, fix and flip a house in under six months and turn a nice profit in the process, this is really quick cash. And when you can turn a profit of $30-40,000 in less than six months of work, that?s when you realize that house flipping is a pretty cool way to invest in real estate!?Does that happen all the time? No?but the more you do it, the better and more consistently you can get returns like these.

High ROI: The house flipper can make higher return on investment (ROI) if he/she can manage to flip the house in as short of a time as possible. This is in contrast to buy-and-hold real estate investing where the investor has to wait for longer periods of time before the property appreciates to make a profit when selling.

Less Risky: Real estate markets, although they do fluctuate over time, in the short term they do not fluctuate nearly as quickly as the stock market. With some careful research, you can roughly predict the direction of a geographic real estate market within the relatively short period of time that you hold it prior to sale. For us, this is ideally no longer than six months from purchase to sale. Because you are holding the real estate for such a short period of time, drastic local market fluctuations are less likely to affect your profitability.

Distressed Properties: This could be a pro or a con, but since most house flippers do focus their attention on distressed properties, oftentimes the money needed to make the initial purchase is lower and needs less financing than a traditional bank loan property. However, because you?re buying either physically or financially distressed properties, you can get eaten up quickly if you don?t know what you?re doing. Such things as unanticipated fixes, unclean title, bank related issues, septic problems, zoning issues?the list goes on and on. Any of these unanticipated costs can shrink your profits significantly if you don?t at least anticipate them from the start.

No Tenants: Perhaps best of all, house flippers don?t have to deal with landlord and tenant headaches. This, as a landlord in my state, as with many other states, can get very sticky. Typically in the geographic areas where real estate is the cheapest, there?s a greater potential for damages, eviction and chasing tenants for rent collection. As has been well-documented in this blog, if not managed well, tenant management issues have the potential to eat up lots of your time, your money, and create a tremendous amount of stress.

House Flipping Cons:

To Get Good, It Takes Time: You don?t get really good at house flipping by just watching a few reality shows and then claiming that you?re an expert. It takes time, study and first hand, real world experience to get really good at it. The good news is that you can?t get good added with the right kind of education and coaching. Many house flippers seek out mentors as well. But like anything, to get super proficient at it you do need to put in your ?10,000 hours?, which comes from experience and education.

Unanticipated Challenges: Even when you do get really good at it, you?ll still encounter situations you never have seen before. It still happens to me almost every week on the house flips we have in progress. It?s amazing, just when I thought I do it all, so new situation pops up that although it may be related to something that I?ve dealt with in the past, is completely new and how it manifests itself. As a house flipper, you have to anticipate these curveballs ? even expect them. It?s all a part of the business.

High Costs: Flipping houses does come with transactional costs on both sides of the equation. When you buy and when you sell, there are costs. Also, if you flip houses with no money of your own, you have significant finance and interest costs associated with private money lenders and or even hard money lenders. If you are lucky enough to get traditional financing, then your costs can be high here as well. These transactional and holding costs can adversely affect profits. But if managed well, you can still make a healthy profit.

Taxes: When flipping houses, you also have different kinds of tax implications that differ from those in longer term investments. The short term capital gains tax is higher in the United States than long term investment capital gains tax. So to accurately predict your margins, you?ll need to factor these costs into your projections as well.

Buy and Hold Real Estate Investing Pros

Wealth Creation: There?s no question that great wealth has been amassed though buy and hold real estate investing. Although anyone getting into the real estate investing market over the past five years may not think so, it?s well-documented that real estate values increase over the long term. All things being equal, the longer you hold the piece of real estate, the greater your potential for appreciation. Some of the wealthiest individuals in the world amassed their great fortunes through buy-and-hold real estate investing.

Steady Income: Owning multiple properties all producing solid and steady rental income is a very appealing way to build a reliable stream of income. Although you can get this very same kind of steady income with house flipping, you?ll need a steady stream of house flip deals. Usually, one right after the other. For the part time investor, this may be a disadvantage or an advantage. A sporadic infusion of cash is a very nice thing to have once you have properly bought, fixed up and sold your house flips. However, to have a reliable, steady and dependable source of monthly cash flow is one of the more attractive features of buy-and-hold real estate investing.

Pride of Ownership: When I first started buying rental houses, I would just drive by them on occasion and smile. Pride of ownership was a big thing for me. Also, it felt pretty good to be helping people in need of a good home to find a nice, clean and attractive place to live. If you have good tenants who pay on time and a house that requires little, if any maintenance and you?re also realizing a tidy monthly profit with healthy cash reserves, then buy and hold real estate investing is pretty sweet indeed.

No Need to Immediately Sell: A big advantage to buy and hold real estate is that if the real estate investor does not need to sell immediately, that he doesn?t have to. Unless it?s a dire emergency, the buy-and-hold real estate investor can wait out market downturns until market conditions improve. If you?re earning a tidy monthly profit and don?t need of emergency funding, but want to sell the buy-and-hold real estate investor only concerns themselves about resale when the time comes.

Buy and Hold Real Estate Investing Cons

Market Fluctuations: Of course, if hard financial times hit the buy and hold real estate investor and they need a quick infusion of cash, they can only sell their property at prevailing market values. They can?t hope for the market to recover at that point in time, they are stuck with selling at a price that the market bears. As we?ve seen over the last few years, market values have fluctuated considerably, and buy-and-hold real estate investors who dated quick cash had to sell at prevailing market rates, sometimes selling for less than what they bought the property for.

Legal Tenant Issues: Buy and hold real estate investing comes with its own inherent management and legal issues with regard to tenants. Depending on where you buy, there are a number of management related issues you need to deal with on a regular basis. This blog here is filled with so many examples, as they are almost too numerous to mention, so I encourage you to read them.

Newbies Beware: I find that many new real estate investors, who think that renting houses is the way to go, get in over their head very quickly. No doubt long-term real estate investing is a good hedge against the stock market, but I see many new real estate investors who are completely ill-prepared to deal with the responsibilities that come with owning rental property and struggle with being a landlord.

Finding Good Tenants: Finding quality tenants, servicing those tenants, dealing with state sponsored housing departments, managing upkeep, assigning payment responsibilities all can be incredibly stressful and time consuming if they are not managed well. Good tenants are very hard to find and finding them requires time, energy, and loads of patience.

To Outsource, You Need Scale: One of the main issues with buy and hold real estate investing is that in order to be in a position to outsource these everyday tenant issues to a full time or part time property management service, it often times requires great economies of scale to cover such expenses. In my experience, having a management company to manage my rental properties only makes sense because I have a number of them. So in most cases for the first time real estate investor, that property management responsibility falls squarely on their shoulders.

Longer Time to Appreciation: Most long-term real estate investors rely upon market appreciation and not capital appreciation to help them turn a profit on the sell side. Can you do both, rehab and market appreciation with long-term real estate investing? Absolutely. But most real estate investors who buy properties in this way, don?t rely on capital appreciation (i.e., rehab work) to dramatically increase the value of the property. This means that the value of a rental property is largely dependent upon the market itself instead of the landlord themselves. Each situation is different, but this is usually the case.

Which One Is Right For You?

It depends on a number of factors. But the biggest factor of all is: you.

Some of the many factors include: your personality, your tolerance for risk, your financial goals and your personal financial situation.

For me, I?ve done both. But for my personality, my personal situation and for my financial situation, house flipping dominates my real estate investing career. But do I necessarily think it?s the superior way to invest in real estate?

Not necessarily.

What do you think?

If you?ve read this far, please tell me what you think by leaving a comment below! It?s easy, just enter your name, your e-mail (not captured by anyone and we don?t spam you, BTW), and your website (only if you have one, you really don?t have to fill that part in) and leave a comment below if you think house flipping or buy and hold real estate investing is better!

Photo: Jamie Buscemi

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Welcome to the BiggerPockets Blog. Our blog brings together experts in various fields of real estate with the goal of keeping our readers informed and up to speed. Whether you're a real estate professional (lender, Realtor, banker, etc), investor (landlord, flipper, wholesaler, etc.), or simply a consumer, renter or homeowner interested in the world of real estate, this blog is the place for you to get involved!

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Author: Mike LaCava

Mike's Website: http://www.houseflippingschool.com

Mike has written 8 articles for us.

Source: http://www.biggerpockets.com/renewsblog/2012/10/27/house-flipping-vs-buy-and-hold-real-estate-investing/

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শনিবার, ২৭ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Hurricane Sandy tears through Bahamas, weakens to Cat. 1

Hurricane Sandy has left 22 people dead in the Caribbean, but winds weakened to Category 1 hurricane strength. Hurricane Sandy killed 11 people in Cuba.

By Jeff Todd,?Associated Press / October 26, 2012

Residents walk through the flooded streets of La Plaine, Haiti, Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012, after Hurricane Sandy caused flooding and claimed 10 lives. Hurricane Sandy roared across Cuba and then the Bahamas as a powerful 115-mph storm.

AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Carl Juste


Hurricane Sandy raged through the Bahamas early Friday after leaving 22 people dead across the Caribbean, following a path that could see it blend with a winter storm and reach the U.S. East Coast as a super-storm next week.

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Sandy knocked out power, flooded roads and cut off islands in the storm-hardened Bahamas as it swirled past Cat Island and Eleuthera, but authorities reported no deaths in the scattered archipelago.

"Generally people are realizing it is serious," said Caroline Turnquest, head of the Red Cross in the Bahamas, who said 20 shelters were opened on the main island of New Providence.

RECOMMENDED: Five ways to prep for a hurricane

Sandy, which weakened to a category 1 hurricane Thursday night, caused havoc in Cuba early in the day, killing 11 people in eastern Santiago and Guantanamo provinces as its howling winds and rain toppled houses and ripped off roofs. Authorities said it was Cuba's deadliest storm since July 2005, when category 5 Hurricane Dennis killed 16 people and caused $2.4 billion in damage.

Sandy also killed one person while crossing Jamaica on Wednesday and 10 in Haiti, where heavy rains from the storm's outer bands caused flooding in the impoverished and deforested country.

Early Friday, the hurricane's center was about 15 miles (25 kilometers) east-southeast of Great Abaco Island in the Bahamas and 485 miles (780 kilometers) south-southeast of Charleston, S.C. Sand was moving northest at 13 mph (20 kph) with maximum sustained winds near 80 mph (130 kph).

Forecasters warned that Sandy will likely mix with a winter storm to create a monster storm in the eastern U.S. next week whose effects will be felt along the entire Atlantic Coast from Florida to Maine and inland to Ohio.

A new tropical storm watch was issued early Friday for a section of the U.S. East Coast extending from Savannah, Ga., northward to North Carolina's Outer Banks.

Sandy, which crossed Cuba and reached the Bahamas as a category 2 hurricane, was expected to maintain its category 1 storm status for the next few days.

In the Bahamas, power was out on Acklins Island and most roads there were flooded, government administrator Berkeley Williams said.

On Ragged Island in the southern Bahamas, the lone school was flooded.

"We have holes in roofs, lost shingles and power lines are down," said Charlene Bain, local Red Cross president. "But nobody lost a life, that's the important thing."

Steven Russell, an emergency management official in Nassau, said docks on the western side of Great Inagua island had been destroyed and the roof of a government building was partially ripped off.

Sooner Halvorson, a 36-year-old hotel owner from Colorado who recently moved to the Bahamas, said she and her husband, Matt, expected to ride out the storm with their two young children, three cats, two dogs and a goat at their Cat Island resort.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/XToufE7NbIM/Hurricane-Sandy-tears-through-Bahamas-weakens-to-Cat.-1

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Gun Trusts in Boise Idaho - Idaho Estate Planning

Do you have any firearms that are collectible and likely expensive? Do you have any firearms that are subject to federal regulations on ownership and use? If yes, then careful planning may be required to avoid running afoul of tax and regulatory laws upon your incapacity or death.

Planning to give away your estate property is often about understanding your loved ones and family members, but proper planning is also about understanding the assets you are giving and the snares to avoid. You own different assets in accordance with different laws, so you must take these elements into consideration when giving them away.

Many firearm owners take great pride in their collection and also hope to pass them along to their loved ones. Failing to plan for the legal ownership transfer, however, can result in accidentally triggering illegal transfers. Accordingly, if you own a firearm or even a firearm collection you plan to leave to family or loved ones, then a ?gun trust? may be in order. A recent article in AmmoLand, titled A New Breed of Gun Trusts ? Protecting Firearms Collectors & Their Collections, makes this point very clearly.

A properly written gun trust can skirt tax and regulatory pitfalls. When drafted correctly, trusts are very powerful and specially-tailored legal tools for giving all sorts of unique assets. In Boise as well as the rest of Idaho you can count on Idaho Estate Planning to be your source for facets of planning for the future. Call us today at (208)-939-7658.

Source: http://blog.idahoestateplanning.com/2012/10/gun-trusts-in-boise-idaho.html

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China passes law to curb abuse of mental hospitals

BEIJING (AP) ? China's legislature on Friday passed a long-awaited mental health law that aims to prevent people from being involuntarily held and unnecessarily treated in psychiatric facilities ? abuses that have been used against government critics and triggered public outrage.

The law standardizes mental health care services, requiring general hospitals to set up special outpatient clinics or provide counseling, and calls for the training of more doctors.

Debated for years, the law attempts to address an imbalance in Chinese society ? a lack of mental health care services for a population that has grown more prosperous but also more aware of modern-day stresses and the need for treatment. Psychiatrists who helped draft and improve the legislation welcomed its passage.

"The law will protect the rights of mental patients and prevent those who don't need treatment from being forced to receive it," said Dr. Liu Xiehe, an 85-year-old psychiatrist based in the southwestern city of Chengdu, who drafted the first version of the law in 1985.

"Our mental health law is in line with international standards. This shows the government pays attention to the development of mental health and the protection of people's rights in this area," Liu told The Associated Press by phone.

Pressure has grown on the government in recent years after state media and rights activists reported cases of people forced into mental hospitals when they did not require treatment. Some were placed there by employers with whom they had wage disputes, some by their family members in fights over money, and others ? usually people with grievances against officials ? by police who wanted to silence them.

Yang Yamei, of the Inner Mongolian city of Hulunbuir, has been locked up at a local mental hospital for the last eight months in what her daughter says is retaliation for her attempts to seek compensation from the government for a court ruling that unfairly sentenced her to three years in a labor camp.

This is the third time in four years that she has been forcibly committed, her daughter Guo Dandan said by phone.

"It's because my mother has been petitioning for help, but the authorities don't want to solve her problems, so they put her in there," Guo said. "I have tried many times to persuade her doctors to release her, but they refuse."

Guo's claim could not be independently verified. Local government offices and the mental hospital could not immediately be reached for comment.

"I only hope that the law will be stricter," Guo said. "In the cases of petitioners, when the authorities can use their personal relationships with doctors to fake medical records, hospitals should not be allowed to accept such cases."

The law states for the first time that mental health examinations and treatment must be conducted on a voluntary basis, unless a person is considered a danger to himself or others. Only psychiatrists have the authority to commit people to hospitals for treatment, and treatment may be compulsory for patients diagnosed with a severe mental illness, according to the law.

Significantly, the law gives people who feel they have been unnecessarily admitted into mental health facilities the right to appeal.

But it will likely be a challenge for people to exercise that right once they are in the system, said Huang Xuetao, a lawyer who runs an organization in the southern city of Shenzhen that assists people who have been committed against their will.

Though questions remain over how the law will be enforced and whether sufficient government funding will be provided to enable the expansion of services, psychiatrists said the passage of the legislation marked a milestone.

"It's very exciting. I honestly believe this will start a new trajectory," said Dr. Michael Phillips, a Canadian psychiatrist who has worked in China for nearly three decades and now heads a suicide research center in Shanghai.

Phillips said the biggest change for the psychiatric system is the curb on involuntary admissions. At least 80 percent of hospital admissions are compulsory, he said.


Associated Press researcher Flora Ji contributed to this report.

Follow Gillian Wong on Twitter: http://twitter.com/gillianwong

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/china-passes-law-curb-abuse-mental-hospitals-074733511.html

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শুক্রবার, ২৬ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

'Skyfall' Scribe Signed For 'Bond 24,' To Be Released In 2014

"Skyfall" script writer signed on for two more films

Exciting news for James Bond fans: Though Skyfall won?t release stateside for a few more weeks, Bond 24 and 25 are already in the works with the former set for a 2014 release.

Thankfully, we won?t need to wait another four years for the next Bond film, as planning on Bond 24 is already in the works, reports Deadline. Coming off the heels of the announcement that director Sam Mendes is being groomed for a return in the franchise, it is being reported that John Logan, the man behind the Skyfall script, is being quietly signed to pen the next two Bond films.

With Daniel Craig already on-board for another two outings as James Bond, Logan?s signing to screenplay duties is an encouraging development in the oft-times troubled Bond franchise, notes MTV. Word has it that Logan pitched a two-film Bond story arc to Barbara Broccoli and Michael Wilson during Skyfall?s shooting, and the producers are more than happy to see that plan through.

Craig?s Bond has been unique in that his films seem to speak to each other and carry on with some overall continuity in mind. Quantum of Solace was marketed as a direct sequel to Casino Royale, and though the upcoming Skyfall is more of a one-off than a trilogy rounder, it still speaks to elements in previous Craig films.

Logan?s upcoming Bond 24 and 25 could even feasibly be shot back-to-back.

Even more encouraging, Bond 24 will likely go into production next year to prepare for the November 2014 release window.

Logan is no slouch of a screen-writer, either. He has been nominated for three Oscars for co-writing Gladiator, and providing scripts for Hugo and The Aviator. His work also includes Rango, Coriolanus, Sweeney Todd, The Last Samurai and Any Given Sunday.

Are you excited for the next couple James Bond films?

Source: http://www.inquisitr.com/377092/skyfall-scribe-signed-for-bond-24-to-be-released-in-2014/

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Citi fined $2M over Facebook IPO, fires two analysts

BOSTON (Reuters) - Citigroup fired top Internet analyst Mark Mahaney and paid a $2 million fine to a Massachusetts regulator to settle charges that the bank improperly disclosed research on Facebook's IPO and information on other tech companies.

William Galvin, Massachusetts's top securities regulator, is also probing other Wall Street banks involved in FaceBook Inc's initial public offering, including lead underwriter Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase.

The ouster of Mahaney, a blow to Citi's technology business, came after Galvin's office charged Citigroup Global Markets Inc with breaking state securities laws governing disclosure of broker research. The bank said it also dismissed a junior analyst Mahaney had supervised.

The complaint contends the unidentified junior analyst sent some of Citi's confidential views on investment risks and revenue estimates for Facebook to two employees at TechCrunch.com, a technology-focused media company, three weeks before Facebook went public on May 18.

Mahaney failed to supervise this junior analyst, according to the Massachusetts complaint. It said Mahaney also had improperly passed on his views about Google Inc to a reporter at Capital Magazine, a French publication.

Citi said it was pleased that the matter with Massachusetts has been resolved. The bank added, it takes its "internal policies and procedures very seriously and have taken the appropriate action."

Citi was one of the underwriters for the $16 billion Facebook IPO, the biggest ever for a U.S. technology company.

Morgan Stanley's role in the IPO long has been controversial because of how poorly the stock has performed and for the firm's own handling of non-public information prior to the listing.

In the complaint, Galvin said Citi's analysts broke securities laws prohibiting them from sending "written research or other written content" until 40 days after Facebook's IPO.

But it was not the first time Mahaney, one of the most respected internet analysts on Wall Street, got into trouble with his bosses for sharing information with journalists, the Massachusetts complaint shows.

On April 11, the bank's Director of Research, Americas sent Mahaney a "letter of education" noting that he broke the bank's rules about speaking with journalists and sticking to published research.

The letter said Mahaney had violated the bank's Public Appearance Policy when he spoke with Bloomberg and the New York Times. To Bloomberg, he "offered comments on a company that he does not cover and which he did not receive legal approval to discuss" in February, the complaint says. And in March he failed to get permission to speak with the Times, the complaint added.

Only weeks after receiving that letter, the civil complaint said Mahaney again broke the bank's rules when he gave the Capital journalist information about Google's YouTube revenue estimates and profitability that had not been reported.


After Facebook's debut, word started dripping out in the market that big investors may have been given a heads up about problems with the social media company's revenue lines.

Smaller investors were outraged to learn that Morgan Stanley had arranged conference calls for large investors prior to the IPO to tell them the underwriters were scaling back their revenue forecasts for Facebook.

So far, there has been no regulatory action against Morgan Stanely or any of its analysts.

"This is about not having two sets of rules one for preferred clients and one for everyone else," Galvin said, noting the Citi case was completed first because his office was able to obtain emails showing how the analysts broke the rules.

What may distinguish the situation with Citi from that of Morgan Stanley is that Mahaney's alleged communications with the media violated the firm's own internal procedures.

James Fanto, a professor at Brooklyn Law School in New York and an authority on broker-dealer regulation, said analysts with underwriting firms are "not supposed to give out research and views." He said the Citi case may have been easier to prove given the trail of emails. Galvin "had a roadmap," Fanto said.

Meanwhile, Facebook's shares this week had their best trading day ever after strong quarterly results. Mahaney had recently upgraded the stock to buy from neutral.

Mahaney has consistently received high marks in surveys of institutional investors. He came to Citi in 2005 from Galleon Group, the hedge fund led by Raj Rajaratnam, who was arrested in 2009 and later convicted in one of the biggest insider trading crack-downs in U.S. history.

With various regulators looking at the Facebook listing, Galvin is the first to come out with a fine, albeit a small one.

He has long had a reputation of being an aggressive regulator who has filed suit against Wall Street's top banks for securities law violations. But some have criticized him from often settling high-profile cases for small sums.

(Reporting by Svea Herbst-Bayliss; Additional reporting by Suzanne Barlyn and David Henry in New York; Editing by Gerald E. McCormick, Jennifer Merritt, Dan Grebler and David Gregorio)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/citi-fined-2-million-massachusetts-over-facebook-ipo-134720267--finance.html

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