বৃহস্পতিবার, ৩১ মে, ২০১২

Texas Court Rules on Structured Settlement Market - CBC ...

Recent action by the Texas courts shows how important a competitive market is for structured settlement sales.

A Texas trial court last month rejected efforts by settlement buying company Imperial Finance to claim that its customers must use the firm exclusively to make structured settlement payout deals. Imperial has argued that its customers should not be able to get competitive bids from other structured settlement buyers.

Texas courts have repeatedly said that this restriction of consumer rights goes against a fundamental principle of the industry, which is that those looking to sell all or part of a structured settlement should have access to competitive bids or offers from various structured settlement buyers. In other words, sellers of structured settlement legally have the right to shop around and get offers from other companies.

This recent legal challenge underscores the dedication of state governments to providing a fair market for selling structured settlements. Judges sometimes reject a transaction because it does not give the seller enough of the money in exchange for what he or she would receive over time from a structured settlement. Competition is part of finding an equitable deal that a judge will accept as the basis for a structured settlement sale. Those who want to sell their structured settlement to get cash up front may not have access to the best deals if they can?t shop for competitive offers.

So what do you need in a structured settlement buying firm if you are looking to get cash out of your settlement?

You don?t want a firm that will try to trap you in a ?contractual agreement? and prohibit you from looking at competitive offers. Beyond that, though, structured settlement sellers also need buyers that will help them understand the basic terms of these transactions as well as all the procedural details that can make or break the process of obtaining a lump sum for a structured settlement.

At CBC, we?re dedicated to getting our customers the best deals possible. We also provide our customers with good information every step of the way and our experienced team will make sure that you are kept up to date on how your structured settlement process is progressing. If you want to make the most of your plan to sell a structured settlement, talk to us about how we can get you the results that you need.

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বুধবার, ৩০ মে, ২০১২

Insight: Israel gas finds launch navy into troubled waters

TEL AVIV (Reuters) - When Israeli economists contemplate their country's untapped natural gas finds far out in the Mediterranean, they dream of energy independence and lucrative export deals.

Those charged with Israel's defense, however, worry that the navy - small and long a middling priority in budgets - may be hard put to protect the multinational drilling platforms and rigs out at sea.

"We will do our best, but without a major boost to our capabilities, our best will not be enough," a senior military planner said in one of a series of Reuters interviews with Israeli decision-makers on the subject.

That all spoke on condition of anonymity indicates concern that such doubts over security might scare off investors and, perhaps, even encourage sea-borne attacks by Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed Lebanese guerrilla movement hostile to Israel and to its exploration of gas fields also claimed by Beirut.

There are internal political considerations, too. With Middle East instability spiraling, Israel's Finance Ministry is poring over an unwieldy plan for fiscal cuts combined with new spending on national security. The navy is lobbying for cash but is loath to challenge Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu openly.

Maps and other dry facts speak amply.

The huge gas fields centered 130 km (80 miles) from the port of Haifa in northern Israel, along with Yam Thetis, the existing gas-production rig just off Ashkelon in the south, make for a body of water covering 23,000 square km (9,000 square miles) - more than Israel's territory on land.

Guerrilla raids from the north appear the main threat, with Palestinian Hamas militants penned in Gaza to the south and rumbling discontent from the Lebanese government over Israel's drawing of a maritime border unlikely to take a military turn.

Providing rapid response in an emergency would strain the Israeli fleet of three corvettes - which have a crew of about 70 and can carry helicopters - 10 other missile boats and fast patrol vessels, and three diesel submarines, not least given their existing roles of enforcing the Gaza Strip blockade and the occasional foray through the Suez Canal to the Red Sea.

"You would need to have at least two missile boats in the vicinity of the rigs at all time," said a senior officer.

Another declined to give a specific number, saying only the navy required "several" new vessels to meet future missions.


That would mean major expansion of the fleet - a tall order, not least as Israel bought another submarine for $335 million in March.

Visiting Israeli joint defense headquarters in Tel Aviv reveals the navy's junior status, its cramped command centre overshadowed by the marbled tower of the well-funded air force.

The navy also faces skepticism from an Israeli cabinet stiff with former army generals and a finance minister, Yuval Steinitz, who is a civilian expert on maritime security.

In the spirit of what Israelis mordantly call their "ad-hocracy", an unwillingness to spend on things that seem less pressing, the government may not agree with naval commanders about the urgency of protecting gas fields which are years away from being fully exploited and operational.

One of the handful of gas development projects under way, Tamar, has finished a well 70 km (45 miles) from Haifa. An underwater pipeline will run from there to a production rig that will be erected next to Yam Thetis, 25 km (15 miles) from Israel's southern coast, by July 2013.

Another project, Leviathan, is 130 km (80 miles) off Haifa - a remoteness from shore that would itself appear to provide protection from guerrilla raids - and is not expected to produce gas before 2017. A number of firms hope to find undersea oil reserves, as well as the gas.

Robin Mills, head of consulting at Manaar Energy in Dubai, predicted an eventual increase in such activity off Israel and Cyprus, with several new exploration wells supported by supply ships and pipe-laying vessels.

"It won't be like the North Sea, but not a negligible presence either," Mills said. "I wouldn't say the security discussion is premature."

Asked about prospects for protecting the gas fields, a senior Finance Ministry official said only: "This is one among the Israel Defence Forces' various missions. We are confident that the IDF will successfully rise to it."


Like its foreign counterparts, Israel's navy prides itself on a spit-and-polish proficiency, especially in carrying out missions of strategic importance. The officers who spoke to Reuters chafed at the idea that, in a fix, they might be forced to call on NATO powers which sail the Mediterranean, such as the United States.

The Israeli navy has fended off a variety of threats over the decades, including at long range. Last year it captured anti-ship missiles which Israel said were destined for Palestinian guerrillas in the Gaza Strip. From there, the weapons could potentially have been used to blow up Yam Thetis.

Citing intelligence assessments, the navy fears Hezbollah guerrillas in boats could fire similar missiles against Israeli targets in the northern gas fields. Other scenarios include remote-controlled flying bombs crashing into rigs, or miniature submarines striking from below. A separate possibility is of gunmen approaching the platforms in civilian vessels or with divers' gear, then storming aboard to kill or capture the crews.

"We designated these kinds of attack as having a 'reasonable likelihood' of occurring," one Israeli officer said.

Anthony Skinner, Middle East analyst at London political risk consultancy Maplecroft, voiced doubt about the imminence of any such incident. He argued Hezbollah has a role as a reserve reprisal arm of its patron Iran, should the latter's controversial nuclear facilities be bombed by the Israelis.

"Were Hezbollah to target gas platform and production rigs, such an attack would likely provoke a robust response from Israeli forces, which may in turn precipitate a broader conflict. One of Iran's key cards against Israel would be removed from the table," Skinner said.

But merely menacing the energy assets could have value in the eyes of Hezbollah and its allies: "It is altogether conceivable that Hezbollah will seek to deter or frustrate Israeli extraction. Iran too does not want Israel to be able to exploit massive oil and gas wealth in the Mediterranean," Skinner said.


Though outgunned by Israel, Hezbollah guerrillas fought its army to a standstill in a border war in 2006 and have since maintained a tense standoff while making clear they are honing their military capabilities for any new conflict.

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Hezbollah leader, indicated in a speech last July that any attack on Israeli offshore gas facilities would be in retaliation for an attack on Lebanon.

Israel's navy says that in addition to enhancing its own fleet it expects stepped-up air force patrols of the gas fields and espionage further abroad.

"If there is a Hezbollah guy training in South America to attack a gas platform, we want to know about it," an Israeli officer said, speaking hypothetically.

There is hope for stop-gap measures such as unmanned, machinegun-equipped naval patrol boats that can travel long distances and remotely challenge suspect vessels. Navy officers also hint at the development of electronic counter-measures that would allow gas rigs to block incoming guided missiles.

"The IDF knows how to provide a response for all of Israel's military needs," said Ohad Marani, a former Finance Ministry director-general and now CEO of ILD Energy, which plans to begin drilling the first of two new offshore wells in June.

Texas-based Noble Energy, the main foreign company developing the gas fields with Israel and its maritime neighbor Cyprus, declined to discuss security measures for the platforms.

One of the Israeli officers said the rigs had private guards who coordinate closely with the navy. But they have not yet held sufficient joint emergency drills, the officer said, citing reluctance to disrupt work that costs around $1 million a day.

"Noble was the only company crazy enough to work with us," the officer said. "We don't want to be inconsiderate."

That leaves the hope that Hezbollah will shrink from the geographical, and geopolitical, hurdles of strikes at sea.

"The targets are so distant, and if they miss, then they hit the water and get no effect whatsoever," an Israeli officer said, channeling Hezbollah thinking. "And if they do get the target, then they hurt Americans and Filipino crewmen rather than just Jews. So maybe they'll think it's not worth it."

(Additional reporting by Ari Rabinovitch; Editing by Giles Elgood)

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Living Wills Resolve Who Will Make Choices When You Cannot ...

Many people are wondering what they want in the way in which of legal paperwork to make sure that, in the event of incapacity, their needs are identified and adopted relating to potential finish-of-life decisions. Advance directives are a set of documents which are used to put out a transparent chain of command to present selections makers steering as to the individual?s needs as they relate to the kind of care desired in a disaster . It is a way to direct the choice maker about what a person needs and does not want, should they be unable to make their needs clear.


Unlike Wills, which cope with matters after the demise of an individual, advance directives are normally put to use before an individual dies, and they are important a part of the estate planning process. The three most common advance directives that are typically drafted are a power of attorney for monetary choices, an influence of lawyer for well being care and a Residing Will.

A power of attorney for financial decisions names an individual to deal with monetary matters on behalf of another individual. A financial energy of attorney can be very broad in the power that it confers on an individual to make serious choices concerning a principal?s assets.

A power of lawyer for well being care is similar in some methods to the power of legal professional for financial selections in that it also names a person to make decisions on behalf of someone else.

When executing a power of lawyer for health care, an individual solutions a number of questions in an try to make clearly exactly what kind of remedy they need, primarily based on their medical condition.


A Living Will, in some ways duplicates the knowledge within the power of lawyer for well being care, however not like the facility of attorney, which can also cover situations in which a person might recover but needs someone to make their medical decisions for a time, a Living Will is just a directive stating that an individual doesn?t need ?heroic measures? to keep them alive when there is no reasonable prospect of any meaningful recovery.

It is more necessary to offer your loved ones the tools they need to cope with your incapacity (and even your passing) with the boldness that they are fulfilling your wishes.

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Second chance for 'Manhattanhenge' spectacle

Mike Segar / Reuters file

The sun shines down 42nd Street below the landmark Chrysler Building at sunset on July 12, 2009, during Manhattanhenge.

By Alan Boyle

The first night of this year's Manhattanhenge season was a washout, due to cloudy weather, but there's another chance to see the sunset turn the streets of New York aglow tonight.

Manhattanhenge refers to the perfectly placed alignment of the setting sun amid the canyons of midtown Manhattan's east-west streets. The phenomenon, sometimes known as the Manhattan solstice, occurs every year around Memorial Day and major-league baseball's All-Star break.

The Hayden Planetarium's director, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, says future archaeologists might well conclude that these spots on the calendar marked important rites of summer for New Yorkers. (And they wouldn't be far wrong.)

Tyson's the one who came up with the term "Manhattanhenge." Think of it as a modern-day, unintentional version of Stonehenge, with New York skyscrapers standing in for the stones of the 5,000-year-old monument in England.

Stonehenge was constructed to have its stones line up with the rays of the sun on important astronomical dates such as the summer solstice. Manhattan's street grid, however, doesn't line up with the solstice or the equinox. The relevant streets, which reflect the Commissioner's Plan of 1811, are offset 29 degrees from east and west. That would spoil the sunset view on an equinox or a solstice ??but on the proper dates, the sun reaches the cleft between skyscrapers just in time to set the streets aglow.

This year's first opportunity for seeing Manhattanhenge's glory came Tuesday night at 8:17 p.m. ET. Under ideal conditions, a pretty half-setting sun could have been seen centered in the gap between the buildings. Unfortunately, conditions were not ideal. In disappointed Twitter tweets, the sight quickly came to be termed "Cloudhenge."

Andrew Dallos via Twitpic

Andrew Dallos' picture of Manhattanhenge, snapped at sunset on Tuesday from 42nd Street, provides a typical view of "Cloudhenge."

"A cloudy and stormy night, so no sun," reported Andrew Dallos, a producer for "The Rachel Maddow Show" on MSNBC who camped out on 42nd Street.

Tonight, on Wednesday night, New Yorkers could get a chance to see the sun's full disk just touching the horizon in the gap at 8:16 p.m. ET. It all depends on the weather: The current forecast calls for partly cloudy skies with a slight chance of thunderstorms ? which at least sounds more promising than last night's weather.

Even if tonight's opportunity is clouded out, there'll be a Manhattanhenge replay after the summer solstice, with a full-sun viewing at 8:24 p.m. on July 11 and a half-sun opportunity at 8:25 p.m. July 12.

To enhance your Manhattanhenge viewing experience, Tyson suggests positioning yourself as far east as possible, while still making sure you can see New Jersey when you look west across the avenues. "Clear cross streets include 14th, 23rd, 34th, 42nd, 57th and several streets adjacent to them," he writes in his viewing guide. "The Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building render 34th Street and 42nd Street especially striking vistas."

A time-lapse view of Manhattanhenge from 2011.

Thanks in part to Tyson's efforts, Manhattanhenge is the best-known of the modern-day monumental alignments. The clear prospect to the west between New York's towering buildings makes for a nearly unbeatable scene. But other locales have their own "Henge" dates, due to the unintentional effects of a street-grid layout or an architectural feature. Here's a sampling:

Baltimorehenge: The sun lines up with downtown Baltimore's street grid for sunrise on Sept. 18 and March 25, and for sunset on Sept. 29 and March 12. The Baltimore Sun's Frank Roylance explains it all for you.

Phillyhenge: The sunrise moments have come around March 1 and Oct. 11, and sunset alignments are around April 4 and Sept. 5. Precise dates vary from year to year. The Photographer's Ephemeris helps you find the proper lineup.

Torontohenge: The sun lines up with Toronto's street grid for sunrise on April 17-18 and Aug. 23-24, and for sunset on Feb. 15-16 and Oct. 23-24. This entry from Torontopedia helps you figure it out.

Other urban "Henges":?If downtown streets line up more precisely with a true east-west axis???as they do in Chicago, Washington and Portland, Maine, for example ? the "Henge" moments come around the March 20-21 spring equinox and the Sept. 21-22 autumn equinox.

MIT-Henge?in Cambridge, Mass: The rays of the setting sun light up the "Infinite Corridor" at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in late January and during the second week of November. This video fills in the details.

Do you know of other monumental alignments? Clue in the rest of us by leaving a comment below.

More celestial alignments:

This is an updated version of an item originally published on May 29.

Alan Boyle is msnbc.com's science editor. Connect with the?Cosmic Log community by "liking" the log's Facebook page, following @b0yle on Twitter or adding Cosmic Log's Google+ page to your circle. You can also check out "The Case for Pluto," my book about the controversial dwarf planet and the search for other worlds.

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মঙ্গলবার, ২৯ মে, ২০১২

Internet Marketing Methods You Can Use - Product Launch ...

The Internet has made this world an open enterprise. It has become important for companies to further expand their market and their consumer targets. Venturing into Internet Marketing maybe a risk for people who wish to be involved with this type of business. This is because it is not easy to get good results with internet marketing if you do not know how.

Ensure that most of your target consumers will surely acquire your product. Consider the best products which will definitely capture their interests and needs. You need to identify specifically who these people are, their location and financial level in the society. Have a marketing knowledge and skill to achieve your goal in the field of Internet marketing. Without it, you won?t be able to achieve anything.

You can use varied Internet Marketing Solutions that is being offered by companies which can be your tool for support to your consumers. This solution maybe email marketing, search engine optimization or creating web pages or sites. Since you need to maximize your return profit, you need to choose Internet Marketing Solutions that will help you achieve this. These marketing techniques will not cost much since they are very self-explanatory, thus, learned easily.

Email marketing is a common Internet marketing Solution. This is a cost effective way of communicating and interacting to your consumers, driving them to visit your website and check out your products. It may be in a way of marketing articles, leading them to forums or newsletters. A newsletter has an advantage of expanding your consumers as more and more sign up on it until you can have a bulk list of emails.

Another great Internet marketing solution is through websites. This is a good promotion strategy to employ since you can display all the necessary information for your target consumers. The website should capture their interest and be complete since every transaction, from inquiry to payments may take place. All correspondence that will be done online must be well-facilitated by the features of your website. So, you have to build a good website.

Another Internet marketing solution is search engine optimization. This is a type of service for your website that you can make use of in order to raise the number of visitors to your site. Once a consumer uses a search engine, your website will rank high in the list of searches which in return will increase your site?s traffic.

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Classic Auto Glass Takes Customer Service to the Next Level | i ...

In the ever advancing world of social media, it seems that more and more people have instant access to customer service right at their fingertips! Classic Auto Glass, in Canton, Ohio understands that being connected is the key to keeping customers up to date when it comes to their auto glass repair needs, including windshield repair and replacement. When glass breaks in Navarre, Ohio or even East Canton, Ohio and beyond, Classic Auto Glass wants you to be able to access them well?just as quickly as you heard the crash of the baseball through the window, or as fast as the crack ran up your windshield.

Classic Auto Glass is a local business providing world wide web access via their web site at www.classicautoglassinc.com. There you can find information about the services that are offered, and receive a free quote. It is as simple as going onto classicautoglassinc.com and click on the ?Get a free no obligation quote? tab, then enter the information requested. Within twenty-four hours, you will receive a no pressure quote, free of charge. Now that is some impressive customer service! Some other interesting things that can be found on the web site are pictures of the jobs that have been performed at Classic Auto Glass, the variety of services that are offered (and you might just be surprised by what Classic Auto Glass can repair?it?s cars and so much more), promotions which include ?web? only specials, and general information about Classic Auto Glass.

Classic Auto Glass is also on Facebook! And they would very much like to be ?friends? with you! Simply log onto Facebook and ?like? Classic Auto Glass Inc.! It is that easy!
On Classic Auto Glass? Facebook page, you will find information on what Classic Auto Glass has to offer for your car, specials on services that are discounted, links to articles that might be helpful in maintaining your vehicle, tid bits about the staff, and just general information that is informative as well as useful! They even have links to ishopblogz?.but since you are reading this?you might have already found that one!

Now, Classic Auto Glass knows that their friends in Navarre, Ohio and East Canton, Ohio think that just because Classic Auto Glass is all about social media they might be too big of a ?global? company to offer that small business touch. Hey, they are still that small, locally owned business that offers hometown customer service. They just like to keep up with their customers needs for information through the latest technologies available.

So, if you are in need of windshield replacement or other auto glass repair, there is no reason not to find Classic Auto Glass?for top notch customer service! They are located on 4413 Cleveland Avenue SW, in Canton. On Facebook under Classic Auto Glass Inc., on the world wide web at www.classicautoglassinc.com, or by calling 330-484-0597. Classic Auto Glass:?a local business that can be found anywhere!

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Blowing Its Cover: Crystallized Volcanic Rocks Provide a Window into Mount Saint Helens's Plumbing

News | More Science

The chemical fingerprints of erupted crystalline minerals record activity in the bowels of the volcano before it blew

volcanic crystal from Mount Saint HelensIN THE ZONE: Different chemical zones in volcanic crystals provide important clues to the chemical environment where they formed. Image: Courtesy of Kate Saunders

We?ve long understood black holes to be the points at which the universe as we know it comes to an end. Often billions of times more massive than the Sun, they...

Read More??

Thirty-two years ago this month an explosive eruption reshaped Mount Saint Helens in a matter of seconds. An earthquake under the volcano in Washington State on May 18, 1980, triggered the largest landslide in recorded history as billions of cubic meters of mountainside tumbled away, initiating a massive release of gas, lava and ash. The cataclysm killed 57 people and sent a plume some 20 kilometers into the sky.

The 1980 eruption was not totally unexpected. For the two months prior, earthquakes and steam explosions had rattled the mountain, and the north slope of the volcano had noticeably swelled outward. But interpreting just what was happening beneath the mountain to cause those shudders and belches was not possible.

Now a team in England and Germany has linked the seismic record from that era to magmatic processes beneath Mount Saint Helens by closely examining crystallized minerals formed in the volcano's innards just before eruption.

In a study appearing in the May 25 issue of Science, the researchers report that crystals of the silicate mineral orthopyroxene from 1980 and from subsequent eruptions trace various injections of magma, as well as other chemical changes, within the bowels of the volcano.

The crystals contain concentric rings of differing chemical composition. Some orthopyroxene crystals, for instance, have a magnesium-rich core surrounded by an iron-rich rim; others have an iron-rich core and a magnesium-rich rim. Each type of crystal zonation can record the conditions of the magma reservoir from which it emerged.

"We chemically fingerprint each of those zones to determine how they formed," says lead study author Kate Saunders, a volcanologist of the University of Bristol in England. The outer rim of an orthopyroxene crystal, she says, represents the most recent stage of crystal formation and typically grew just months before the crystal?s emergence in volcanic ejecta. That allowed the researchers to make precise estimates of when, and how, the crystals acquired their chemical forms. "Mount Saint Helens is really good?because the samples, we know exactly when they erupted," Saunders says.

In several cases, a flurry of crystallization matched up well with internal activity at the volcano, as inferred from seismic records. For instance, crystals with iron-rich rims increased in number in the weeks and months leading up to the May 1980 eruption, as earthquakes shook the mountain with low-frequency seismic waves. Such long-period quakes, Saunders says, are characteristic of magma giving off gas. "Previously it's been reported that iron-rich rims on orthopyroxene are due to changes in the water content of the magma, so it makes sense that if we've got degassing or fluxion of water or CO2 through the system, we may get more iron-rich rims," she says. Other crystals with magnesium-rich rims seem to mark an influx of hot magma from deep reservoirs just before eruption.

Those events are also captured in the seismic record, but the root cause of the tremors is not always clear from seismology alone. That is where the crystals can provide important corroboration?or critical insight into ancient eruptions, for which seismic records do not exist. In the case of Mount Saint Helens, the study's authors "are providing fairly convincing arguments that the periods of enhanced seismicity are related to inputs of magma," says Timothy Druitt, a volcanologist at Blaise Pascal University in Clermont?Ferrand, France. "Just because you've got seismicity doesn't mean you've got magma intruding at depth," he adds. "They're providing evidence that that's probably what happened. If you can establish that, then that helps you better interpret your seismicity.?

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সোমবার, ২৮ মে, ২০১২

Science-Art Scumble #31

The Science-Art Scumble is a post full of links, and some stunning art.?Click here for recent Scumbles and ?here for even earlier Scumbles.

Featured Art by Daniel Brown of Laughing Mantis Studio:

Ocean Invasion #12: "We've Got Crabs" ? Daniel D. Brown

Part of digital artist and cell biologist?Daniel DeWitt Brown?s Ocean Invasion series, when I saw Daniel post this stunner, I immediately asked if we could feature it for this Scumble. Blending realism with a legitimate sense of whimsy and camp, Brown?s whole series makes you wish the denizens of the deep became the newest invasive species on land and in our cities.

Make sure to check out Daniel D. Brown?s work at the links:


Now for the science-art scumble!
- -
Circulatory System Body Art as Promotion for Blood Donation ? Laughing Squid

Cc: me by Elaine Whittaker ? Redhead Gallery

Galaxy Garden by Jon Lomberg visited by students (video) ? PBS Hawaii

Biomedical Picture of the Day ? new site launched, hat tip to Anthony Lewis.

What?s Your Lens on Nature? ? Lisa Gardiner, Spark Blog

Dragon Breeder Beta begins! ? Spongelab

Giant Whale Spotted in?Argentinian?Forest ? My Modern Met, hat tip to Tommy Leung.

New breakthroughs in computer graphics ? Gurney Journey

Better Blogging for the Artist/Entrepreneur ? Artist Mommy

Always a helpful review of biomimicry ? Hybrids of Art and Science

Get Ready to Celebrate 300 Years of Botanical Art ? ArtPlantae Today

Whales have a sensory organ unlike anything we?ve ever seen ? io9, featuring kick-ass illustrations by Carl Buell.

Painting with Microbes ? Mad Art Lab

The Dan Varner Tribute Gallery ? ART Evolved, massive paleo-art gallery in tribute to a great artist.

Goldilocks Planets Captured in Glass ? Rebecca Hill, CultureLab

Super-Heroes ? Art @ Kathryn Brimblecombe-Fox

Trish Murphy in Colour Pencil Society Exhibit ? SONSI

The Regularly Scheduled Bonus Comic ? Sci-ence Comics

Dragon Eggs ? Walkabout. Make sure to regularly check this amazing naturalist diary blog by Emily Coren.

BONE ? Anatomy Illustrated ? Street Anatomy

Kristian Hammerstad - Fresh Photons

New illustrations: Zoo Animals ? News from the Studio by Emily S. Damstra

Selected for a Big Project ? Heather Ward Wildlife Art

Hybrid Flying Trilobite ? The Flying Trilobite

Dinosaurs In Ink - Love in the Time of the Chasmosaurs

More Dinosaurs in Comics! ? Carnosauria with Brett Booth

The Great Dying ? Julio Lacerda

Like a Deer Fly in the Headlights ? Biodiversity in Focus

DNA Human Being ? GabrielGrob

Penguin Poo Illustration: investigation of biophysics, or fecal humor? ? Biocreativity

Elizabeth Turk?s marble sculpture ? Bioephemera

Sketching Solitude ? Karen?s Nature Art

Lori Dunn in Animal Artists Exhibit ? SONSI

Dinosaur Art Auction ? Blacknick Sculpture

Organs and Organisms ? David Earl Crooks

Albasaurus: The World?s First Day-Glo Velocirabbit ? Science to the Power of Art

- ? -

Scumble: ??A painting technique in which semi-opaque or thin opaque colors are loosely brushed over an underpainted area so that patches of the color beneath show through.?

From? The Artist?s Handbook, by Ray Smith.

This began as a?series of posts on my personal blog, The Flying Trilobite, as a way to brush highlights over the tremendous amount of science-based art that?s out there. I can?t begin to cover it all, so here?s a scumble over some recent posts that I found interesting, provocative, or otherwise caught my eye from the? Science Artists Feed, and other sources.

Science-art is becoming an increasingly popular form of science communication and entertainment. Drawing from fine art, laboratory work, scientific illustration, concept art and more, watch how artists spread scientific literacy and play with the inspiring concepts in science. ?Doing the Scumble posts, I hope to connect artists with each other, and expose their work to a wider audience. ?Remember, a lot of these artists are available for commissions and have online shops for original art and reproductions.

Put your feet up, make yourself a cappuccino and enjoy the science-art on the links above.

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Chinese officials crack bizarre cannibal case

Police in southwest China have detained a man suspected of murdering more than a dozen boys and young men, chopping up their bodies and selling the flesh to unsuspecting consumers, reports said Friday.

Police made the gruesome discovery during an investigation into the disappearances of male teenagers in Yunnan province in recent years, according to reports in Hong Kong and Chinese media.

Zhang Yongming, 56, was detained two weeks ago in his home village of Nanmen in Yunnan and is being investigated in the death of a 19-year-old man in late April and the disappearance of several others, the Guangxi News website reported.

Police searching Zhang's home found the young man's cellphone, bank card and other evidence, according to the website, which said more than a dozen other teenagers had gone missing from the village over the years.

It said Zhang, a loner who never talked to his neighbours, had previously served almost 20 years in jail for murder and was known in the village as the "cannibal monster."

And it quoted residents as saying they had seen green plastic bags hanging from his home, with what appeared to be white bones protruding from the top.

Hong Kong newspaper The Standard said police discovered human eyeballs preserved in wine bottles -- "like snake wine" -- and pieces of what appeared to be human flesh hanging up to dry when they entered Zhang's home.

Police feared that Zhang had fed human flesh to his three dogs, while selling other parts on the market, calling it "ostrich meat," according to The Standard.

Local police declined to comment, saying information would be made available "at an appropriate time," and almost all reports on the case were removed from Chinese websites as of Friday.

Online searches for the words "missing in Yunnan" were also blocked.

The official Xinhua news agency said Beijing had dispatched a team of experts to Yunnan to supervise the investigation into the missing teenagers, but did not refer to the gruesome details contained in other reports.

Families of the missing originally suspected they had been kidnapped and forced to work in illegal brick kilns, Xinhua said, adding two local police chiefs had been sacked and the government had urged a swift resolution to the case.

Cannibalism is a particularly sensitive subject in China, where it was practised as a survival tactic during periods of mass starvation -- as was the case in the wake of a failed industrialization drive launched in the late 1950s.

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Childhood Cancer Survivors at Risk for Long-Term Emotional ...

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Childhood Cancer Survivors at Risk for Long-Term Emotional Distress

By Traci Pedersen Associate News Editor
Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on May 26, 2012

Childhood Cancer Survivors at Risk for Long-Term Emotional DistressSurvivors of childhood cancer are at greater risk for persistent hair loss and disfigurement, and for some individuals that may lead to long-term emotional distress, according to a new study.

Compared to their siblings, cancer survivors have more scarring and disfigurement on their arms, legs and head later in life. And, on average, adults with these traits tend to have more depression and a lower quality of life.

?I think it showed us these aren?t necessarily life-threatening late effects of cancer? but certainly we need to be more aware of the outcomes these patients are dealing with,? said Karen Kinahan, coordinator of the STAR Survivorship Program at the Robert H. Lurie Cancer Center of Northwestern University in Chicago.

Kinahan and her team analyzed information on 14,358 childhood cancer survivors and 4,023 of their siblings already participating in a different study.

Survivors of leukemia, lymphoma and kidney cancers who had been diagnosed before they were 21 years old (and had started treatment between 1970 and 1987) answered a questionnaire when they entered the study and another in 2003.

Overall, one-fourth of the survivors had a scar or disfigurement on their head or neck, compared to one in 12 of their siblings. Cancer survivors were also more likely to have scars or disfigurements on their arms, legs, chests and stomachs.

Scars and disfigurements can be caused by surgery or radiation. And in children who are still growing, areas that are radiated tend not to grow as well, according to Dr. Karen Wasilewski-Masker, a pediatric oncologist at Children?s Healthcare of Atlanta. This may result in cancer survivors looking out of proportion as they age.

Individuals with scars or disfigurements on their head, neck, arms or legs had a 20 percent higher risk of depression than those without scars, according to the researchers.

Cancer survivors also experienced more hair loss than their siblings?about 14 percent of survivors and six percent of cancer-free siblings reported going bald. And balding was also linked to depression, especially in women.

The researchers found that various aspects of cancer survivors? quality of life were worse and were linked to scarring, disfigurements and hair loss. These included general health, physical ability, pain, mental health and social functioning.

?We need to be aware of the possibility of some psychosocial problems in patients that have some type of disfigurement? but we also need to not assume that just because a person may look different because of a cancer treatment that it?s impacting them in a negative way,? said Wasilewski-Masker, who is part of Children?s Healthcare of Atlanta?s program for childhood cancer survivors.

In a separate study, published in the same journal, researchers found that nearly three-fourths of 388 people between 15 and 39 years old were back at work or school full-time within 15 to 35 months of being diagnosed with cancer. ?More than half, however, experienced trouble when they returned, including forgetting things and struggling to keep up with the work.

?Really this study is a starting point to understand the groups in this population who are least likely to return to work. It really sets the stage for future studies,? said Helen Parsons, the study?s lead author from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

Wasilewski-Masker added that there are differences between cancer patients when making the determination of whether to stop working or going to school. For example, high school and college students are typically still financially supported by their parents, and patients? abilities may depend on the intensity of their treatment.

The report is published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

Source: Robert H. Lurie Cancer Center of Northwestern University

Child with cancer photo by shutterstock.

APA Reference
Pedersen, T. (2012). Childhood Cancer Survivors at Risk for Long-Term Emotional Distress. Psych Central. Retrieved on May 27, 2012, from http://psychcentral.com/news/2012/05/26/childhood-cancer-survivors-at-risk-for-long-term-emotional-distress/39241.html


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Ruling on asbestos suit highlights need for gov't framework for ...

A court?s dismissal of a lawsuit by former construction workers and families of those who claim they were sickened after being exposed to asbestos at construction sites has highlighted the need for a government framework for compensation for such workers.

The Yokohama District Court on May 25 dismissed a damages suit filed by 87 people ? former construction workers and members of the bereaved families of victims of asbestos-related illnesses ? against the government and 44 construction material makers. It was one of many class actions filed by about 500 such construction workers across the country, and the first case to be ruled on by a court.

Fire- and heat-resistant asbestos, which had been imported since 1960 was used primarily as a construction material. Particles of asbestos, released if the material is cut with an electric saw, can cause lung cancer and mesothelioma in those who inhale them.

In the past rulings, courts awarded compensation to those who claimed that they were sickened after working at asbestos factories and other workplaces over a long period, recognizing the causal relationship between their exposure to the toxic material and their illnesses.

However, construction workers typically move from one construction site to another over a short period of time. If they have been exposed to asbestos at multiple sites and contracted an illness, it is difficult to specify where and when they were exposed to the fateful dose.

In its May 25 ruling, the Yokohama District Court upheld the government?s claim that the theory that asbestos can cause lung cancer and mesothelioma was established in 1972. However, it was in 1975 that the government enforced regulations on the use of asbestos, such as a ban on spraying it.

The plaintiffs argued that the government was late in enforcing asbestos regulations. However, the court concluded that the delay ?did not go beyond accepted limits and cannot be deemed as irrational.? The court also asserted that it cannot judge whether the government?s regulations on the use of asbestos in 1976 and later were appropriate because proof presented by the plaintiffs was insufficient. Furthermore, the court dismissed the plaintiffs? claim that production of materials that included asbestos, even after asbestos-related risks had been confirmed, constituted a joint unlawful act among construction materials makers.

?Questions remain over whether those other than the defendants were responsible for the plaintiffs? health damage. The plaintiffs failed to sufficiently prove that point,? the ruling said.

The ruling has given the public the impression that the court was extremely reluctant to recognize the companies? culpability for the plaintiffs? health damage, while requiring the plaintiffs to present detailed evidence to prove the causal relationship between their exposure to asbestos and their illnesses.

Still, the ruling pointed out the government?s lack of awareness of the risks involved in construction work using materials containing asbestos. Moreover, the court mentioned the unique working conditions at construction sites and said, ?If the plaintiffs have not received sufficient compensation for their health damage, the nation as a whole ? which has benefited from construction materials containing asbestos ? may be responsible for compensating them.? It thus urged the government to consider whether to improve legal regulations on asbestos and introduce a system to compensate victims.

Some of the plaintiffs in the class action suits are urging the government as well as asbestos and construction material manufacturers to set up a fund to extend relief to those sickened after exposure to the material ?so that the victims don?t have to launch damages suits.?

The number of patients with asbestos-related diseases is feared to increase as the symptoms of such illnesses appear after an often decades-long incubation period.

The government should take the latest court ruling?s view seriously and launch concrete action to create a system to compensate victims.

Article source: http://mainichi.jp/english/english/perspectives/news/20120526p2a00m0na008000c.html

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Hammon to play for Russia again in London Olympics

Hammon to play for Russia again in London Olympics
Becky Hammon to play for Russian women's basketball team in London Olympics
By The Associated Press

UNCASVILLE, Conn. (AP) ' Becky Hammon hopes that the Olympics will be a little less stressful for her.

Hammon will once again play for the Russian women's basketball team at the games this summer in London. She created a stir in 2008 when she first played for Russia in the Beijing Olympics. She helped guide that team to a bronze medal.

"It's old news," Hammon about her decision to play for Russia. "I played with them in the world championship, European championship, hopefully I'll enjoy it a lot more. By far it was one of the best decisions I ever made and I stand by that, and really look forward to doing it again."

When Hammon, who was raised in South Dakota and played to Colorado State, initially decided to play for Russia in 2008 it ignited a media firestorm with people questioning her patriotism, including 2008 U.S. Olympic coach Anne Donovan.

Every time Hammon went on the road with the San Antonio Silver Stars she had reporters waiting to talk to her about her decision to play for Russia.

It got to be a bit much.

"I had reporters from all over the world asking me questions," Hammon said. "Everywhere I went that's all anyone wanted to talk about. It's nice that this time people seem to be focused on other things. It seems almost every team now has one or two players with foreign passports playing for them. It goes back to the whole 'it's Russia'. If it was a country no one heard of, no one really would have cared. That's the society we live in."

Now no one seems to notice anymore.

"It's played through once," Silver Stars coach Dan Hughes said. "The reality of it is we've been through it one time already and Becky is an example of what I think a lot of teams that the U.S. will face. There are a lot of players in our league that are now on other teams and going to be part of the Olympic experience."

The 35-year-old point guard plays for a Russian club team during the winter and became a naturalized citizen. Because she hadn't played for the United States in any major FIBA-sanctioned international events, she was allowed to compete for Russia in the Beijing Olympics.

While Hammon is happy that the firestorm seems to have died down this time around, she also is proud that her Russian has improved over the past few years.

"I understand a little bit, it's a lot better than 2008, put it that way," she said laughing.

While Hammon had to miss a few games for the Silver Stars in the past to train with Russia, she won't join the national team until the WNBA takes its month-long break in the middle of July.

"I won't be missing any Silver Stars games and that's important to me," Hammon said.

Hammon is excited to once again march in the opening ceremonies and take part in the games.

"It's the Olympics, it should be fun a great time I think. It will be my first time in London for any length of time," Hammon said. "I'm looking forward to be in London. Get back together with the girls from the team, hopefully make a great run."

One player that Hammon won't be playing with this time around is center Maria Stepanova. The 6-foot-8 star, who has played in the last four Olympics, tore her anterior cruciate ligament at the Euroleague final eight in late March.

"She's been the face of the franchise, so that's a tough loss for us," Hammon said. "There's some young kids that are very talented post players coming up, too. Someone of her caliber you're going to miss, no way around that. But it's also another opportunity for someone else to step up and prove that they belong at the highest level."

She hopes that even without Stepanova, the Russians can make another run at a medal. They are in the same pool as Australia and wouldn't have to face the heavily-favored U.S. team until the elimination rounds.

"At the end of the day it's been a really cool journey and unique journey no one has ever done," she said.

Page: 1

Source:Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.. All Rights Reserved

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TOKYO?Japanese chip maker Renesas Electronics Corp. is planning to cut up to 14,000 jobs, or about 30% of its total workforce, and sell its major plant to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., people familiar with the matter said Saturday.

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শনিবার, ২৬ মে, ২০১২

Activists: Troops kills up to 50 in central Syria

This image made from amateur video released by Shaam News Network and accessed Friday, May 25, 2012 purports to show shelling in Jobar, Syria. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network via AP video) TV OUT, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS CANNOT INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE CONTENT, DATE, LOCATION OR AUTHENTICITY OF THIS MATERIAL

This image made from amateur video released by Shaam News Network and accessed Friday, May 25, 2012 purports to show shelling in Jobar, Syria. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network via AP video) TV OUT, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS CANNOT INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE CONTENT, DATE, LOCATION OR AUTHENTICITY OF THIS MATERIAL

This image made from amateur video released by Shaam News Network and accessed Friday, May 25, 2012 purports to show police running toward a protest in Damascus, Syria. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network via AP video) TV OUT, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS CANNOT INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE CONTENT, DATE, LOCATION OR AUTHENTICITY OF THIS MATERIAL

This image made from amateur video released by Ugarit and accessed Friday, May 25, 2012 purports to show Syrian troops in Douma, Syria. (AP Photo/Ugarit via AP video) TV OUT, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS CANNOT INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE CONTENT, DATE, LOCATION OR AUTHENTICITY OF THIS MATERIAL

This image made from amateur video released by Shaam News Network and accessed Friday, May 25, 2012 purports to show a wounded child being evacuated in Aleppo, Syria. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network via AP video) TV OUT, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS CANNOT INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE CONTENT, DATE, LOCATION OR AUTHENTICITY OF THIS MATERIAL

This image made from amateur video released by Shaam News Network and accessed Friday, May 25, 2012 purports to show a wounded child being evacuated in Aleppo, Syria. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network via AP video) TV OUT, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS CANNOT INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE CONTENT, DATE, LOCATION OR AUTHENTICITY OF THIS MATERIAL

(AP) ? President Bashar Assad's forces killed at least 50 civilians, including 13 children, in central Syria on Friday, activists said, in one of the highest death tolls in one specific area since an internationally-brokered cease-fire went into effect last month.

Syrian troops using tanks, mortars and heavy machine guns pounded the area of Houla, a region made up of several towns and villages in the province of Homs, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and the Local Coordination Committees activist groups said.

Both groups said at least 50 people were killed. The Observatory, which has a network of activists around the country, said the dead included 13 children. It added that about 100 people were wounded.

An amateur video posted online by activists showed more than a dozen bodies lined up inside a room. They included about 10 children who were covered with sheets that only showed their bloodied faces.

"Houla was subjected to a massacre," a man could be heard saying inside the room.

The Observatory said in one incident in Houla, a family of six was killed when their home received a direct hit.

Homs has been among the hardest hit provinces in a government crackdown since the uprising against President Bashar Assad's regime began in March last year. The U.N. said several weeks ago that 9,000 people have been killed in Syria in the past 15 months. Hundreds more have died since.

Attacks like Friday's, as well as strikes by rebel forces on government troops, have persisted despite the deployment of more than 250 U.N. observers who have fanned out across Syria to monitor a cease-fire brokered by international envoy Kofi Annan.

Despite the daily violations, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Thursday that there was no "plan B" for the Annan initiative.

The northern city of Aleppo, a major economic hub, has remained largely supportive of Assad throughout the uprising but anti-regime sentiment has been on the rise in recent weeks.

On Friday, Syrian forces fired tear gas and live ammunition to disperse thousands of protesters in Aleppo calling for Assad's ouster, killing five people, activists said.

Aleppo-based activist Mohammad Saeed said more than 10,000 people were protesting in the city

"The regime is desperately trying to put down the protests in Aleppo but all this violence will backfire," he said. He added that security forces shot dead five people, including a 12-year-old boy, identified as Amir Barakat.

"Wounded and bloodied people are in the streets," Saeed said.

Also Friday, a group of Lebanese Shiites who were kidnapped in Syria were released in good health, three days after gunmen abducted the men as they returned from a religious pilgrimage.

The kidnappings fueled fears that Lebanon is getting drawn into the bloody conflict in neighboring Syria. In the hours after Tuesday's abductions, protests erupted in Beirut's Shiite-dominated southern suburbs, where residents burned tires and blocked roads.

Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati confirmed the men were released, saying they were "in good health and on their way to Beirut." The pilgrims were believed to have been returning from a trip to visit holy sites in Iran when they were abducted.

The hostages were believed to be 11 Lebanese and one Syrian driver. Lebanese and Syrian officials have blamed Syrian rebels for the kidnappings, but nobody has claimed responsibility.

Sunnis form the backbone of the Syrian revolt, which has unleashed seething sectarian tensions. Assad and the country's ruling elite belong to the tiny Alawite sect, which is an offshoot of Shiism.

The leader of Lebanon's powerful Shiite militant group Hezbollah, which has stood by the Syrian regime, welcomed the pilgrims' release. Speaking by satellite link, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah said the group's support for Syria is firm.

"If you aim to put pressure on our political stance, this will not make any difference," he said of the kidnappings.

The abductions came at a time of deep tension in Lebanon over Syria. The countries share a web of political and sectarian ties and rivalries, which can quickly turn violent. Clashes linked to the Syria conflict have killed at least 10 people in Lebanon the past two weeks.

Nasrallah's comments appeared to be an attempt to de-escalate the recent tensions.

"I also thank all the people who controlled their emotions and responded to our call for calm, wisdom and patience," Nasrallah said, referring to a speech he gave earlier this week calling on his supporters not to take to the streets in anger.

Associated Press

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শুক্রবার, ২৫ মে, ২০১২

Facebook shares stabilizing, but probes mount

NEW YORK (AP) ? Facebook's initial public offering is the subject of two congressional inquiries and mounting lawsuits as the social network enters its fifth day of public trading.

The shares regained some ground Wednesday, rising $1, or 3.2 percent, to close at $32. They were up another 50 cents, or 1.6 percent, to $32.50 in early premarket trading Thursday. But they are still more than 14 percent below their $38 per share IPO price last week.

The stock's rocky inaugural trading day last Friday was followed by a two-day decline.

The launch was held up by a half-hour delay, caused by glitches on the Nasdaq Stock Market. It was marred further this week as investors began accusing the banks that arranged the IPO of sharing important information about Facebook's business prospects with some clients and not others.

Several shareholders who bought stock in the IPO have filed lawsuits against Facebook, its executives and Morgan Stanley, the IPO's lead underwriter. At question is whether analysts at the big underwriter investment banks cut their second-quarter and full-year forecasts for Facebook just before the IPO, and told only a handful of clients about it.

One lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in New York, claims Facebook's IPO documents contained untrue statements and omitted important facts, such as a "severe reduction in revenue growth" that Facebook was experiencing at the time of the offering. The suit's three plaintiffs, who bought Facebook stock on its first day of trading May 18, claim they were damaged in the process.

Morgan Stanley declined to comment. Facebook said the lawsuit is without merit.

Another lawsuit, filed in San Mateo County Superior Court in California, claims Facebook and underwriters misled investors in Facebook's IPO documents. Both lawsuits seek class action status on behalf of investors who bought Facebook stock and lost money on Friday.

"No one gets it perfect, as far as saying what the financial results are," said Anthony Michael Sabino, professor at St. John's University's Peter J. Tobin College of Business. The bottom line, he added, is whether Facebook or the underwriter had material information about Facebook's finances that was not disclosed publicly.

"At this moment, it's still too early to say," Sabino said. "We don't know enough, but this could turn out to be an issue."

What is known is that, in March, Facebook began meeting with analysts at the underwriting firms. The gatherings are a customary part of the IPO process and are designed to help analysts understand the company's business so they can make accurate financial projections.

On May 9, the third day of Facebook's pre-IPO roadshow to meet with prospective investors, the company filed an amended IPO document that said its number of mobile users was growing faster than its revenue.

According to a person familiar with the matter, Facebook then had another meeting with analysts and told them that based on the new information in the filings, the analysts' forecasts should be at the low end of the range that the company gave them in April. The person spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not publicly authorized to discuss the matter.

Adding to Wednesday's events, Facebook was in talks with the New York Stock Exchange to move its stock from the Nasdaq Stock Market after the botched offering, according to a person familiar with the matter.

The person spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly. The news of the talks was first reported by Reuters.

NYSE spokesman Rich Adamonis said: "There have been no discussions with Facebook regarding switching their listing in light of the events of the last week, nor do we think a discussion along those lines would be appropriate at this time."

A Nasdaq spokesman declined to comment.

Sen. Tim Johnson, D-S.D., chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, said late Wednesday that his panel wants to learn more about the social network's initial offering. The committee seeks briefings with Facebook representatives, regulatory agencies and others.

After the briefings, Johnson said, he will determine whether a hearing should be held.

Also gathering information about Facebook's IPO is the House Financial Services Committee. An aide to that panel said its staff is getting briefings.

The subject is likely to be raised in hearings by the committee in the coming weeks, even though no hearings are planned specifically on the Facebook IPO, the aide said. The aide spoke on condition of anonymity because the House committee's planned inquiry hasn't been publicly announced.

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Brawl Busters Launches Chinatown Update | Gaming All The Time


Brawl Busters Also Celebrates the Euro Cup

Markham, Canada ? May 24, 2012 -?Rock Hippo Productions announced today that?Brawl Busters, the popular free-to-play online action-combat game, has launched its next content update.? Titled ?Big Brawl in Little China,? Busters will begin to see how the east can truly throw down!? To join in the multiplayer action, players can visit?www.BrawlBusters.com/splash??and let the brawl begin.

Ready for a new map?? Unleash the fury on the new Chinatown arena, an area with a truly far east flavor. Hone your skills and get stronger than bamboo to stand a chance.

Weapons customization is getting an update: now players can choose to make their own weapons one of a kind by loading their favorite action attacks onto them.

In addition, Brawl Busters is celebrating EURO 2012 with a special event starting on June 1st.? Whether you?re a veteran fan of soccer or a newcomer to this exciting sport, players from all over the world can represent their team with special country-themed glasses.

If you?re lucky enough to be a supporter of the winning Cup team, you?ll be splitting an enormous prize pool of one million Rock Tokens with your fellow compatriots.? Be loud, be proud, be Brawl Busters!

About Brawl Busters

Brawl Busters, an online multiplayer action combat game, brings a brand new free-to-play experience to PC gamers from all over the world. Featuring innovative gameplay and a signature offbeat style like no other, Brawl Busters is about to take the genre to a whole new level. Controls are intuitive and easy to learn, letting players focus on one thing: becoming World-Class Busters.

In Brawl Busters, players have full access to five unique classes: Boxer, Firefighter, Rocker, Slugger and Blitzer. Each class has its own unique moves, strengths and weaknesses as well as an extensive range of customization options. With a variety of single-player and multi-player modes available, Brawl Busters appeals to a wide range of players.

Hosting tournaments, organizing forum events and interacting through social media, the Brawl Busters Team also offers an outstanding gaming community to players as well! For more information, visit?www.BrawlBusters.com

About Rock Hippo Productions Ltd.

Rock Hippo Productions Ltd. is a digital media provider and publisher of online, community based video games for distribution to the mass market on a global scale. Founded in 2009, Rock Hippo seeks to provide premier ?free-to-play? interactive entertainment, which offers a community and social networking experience to gamers all over the world, resulting in a gaming experience that is second to none. For more information about Rock Hippo and its current product offerings, please visit?www.rockhippo.com

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US stocks open mixed ahead of holiday weekend

FILE - In a Dec. 9, 2011 file photo specialist Michael Gagliano, foreground right, works at a post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Wall Street appeared set for a higher open, Friday May 25, 2012 with Dow Jones industrial futures rising 0.2 percent to 12,558 and S&P 500 futures gaining 0.3 percent to 1,326.20. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

FILE - In a Dec. 9, 2011 file photo specialist Michael Gagliano, foreground right, works at a post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Wall Street appeared set for a higher open, Friday May 25, 2012 with Dow Jones industrial futures rising 0.2 percent to 12,558 and S&P 500 futures gaining 0.3 percent to 1,326.20. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

NEW YORK (AP) ? U.S. stocks are opening mixed as traders worry that European leaders don't have a concrete plan for dealing with Greece's financial troubles.

Major indexes flitted between small gains and losses in the opening minutes of trading.

The Dow Jones industrial was down 11 points to 12,519 shortly after the opening bell Friday. The Standard & Poor's 500 was up 2 points to 1,323. The Nasdaq composite index was up 6 points to 2,845.

Major markets were down in France, Britain, Germany, Greece and Spain.

In Asia, markets were rattled by reports that some of China's biggest banks will miss their annual lending targets for the first time in seven years. The slowdown in lending suggests companies are delaying investments due to uncertainty about the economic outlook.

Associated Press

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Tribal elder's purported 'KKK' surgical scars spark protest


Hundreds of people march from Memorial Plaza in Rapid City, S.D., to Rapid City Regional Hospital on Monday in support of a man who says the letters KKK were carved into his stomach during surgery at the hospital.

By msnbc.com staff and news services

RAPID CITY, S.D. -- Hundreds of people marched in support of a tribal elder who says the letters ?KKK? were carved into his stomach by a surgeon at a South Dakota hospital.

A YouTube video featuring 69-year-old Vern Traversie, a Lakota man who lives on the Cheyenne River Reservation, has gone viral in Native American communities. In it, Traversie recounts his hospital experience. Though he is blind, Traversie says he was told by others that the scars left after his heart surgery make out the hateful letters, and he is outraged.

Another video posted on YouTube purports to show a photo of the the scars, which he says?were left on his abdomen.

The problem is, not everyone sees it. Like those spotting the Madonna in a water stain, Traversie's advocates are staunch believers. Those who aren't include police who investigated his allegations and officials at Rapid City Regional Hospital, where the Aug. 26, 2011, surgery took place.

?We are deeply committed to providing excellent care to everyone, regardless of race. No one at RCRH would stand idly by and allow abuse to occur in this hospital,? hospital CEO Tim Sughrue said in a statement Monday.

He said he couldn?t comment on the specifics of the case due to patient privacy laws.

Rapid City police say they conducted an investigation but found no evidence of a crime. Craig Saunders, a cardiologist at Barnabas Hospital in Newark, N.J., said incision marks can take many different shapes, depending on where the doctor needs to get into the body. Saunders, who did not operate on Traversie, said surgical tape also can leave scarring and lesions depend on the make-up of the person's body.

The lack of clear letters hasn't deterred Traversie, his supporters or those who see the scars as?more evidence of continued mistreatment of Native American people.

"Rapid City ... we understand you have been carving up our people. This is going to end today," American Indian Movement founder Dennis Banks said to a roaring crowd Monday before leading the supporters on a more than two-mile-long march from a Rapid City plaza to the hospital.

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While Traversie's story spurred the protest, many in attendance referred to broken treaties, unsolved murders and incarceration rates among Native Americans as their reasons for showing up.

"We're classified as second-class citizens," said Hap Marshall, 69, a resident of the Cheyenne River reservation. "But when they want our votes, we're their brother."

The protest was relatively peaceful. Officers from the Rapid City Police Department blocked off traffic as the supporters, many dressed in red shirts and waving American Indian Movement flags, marched to the beat of a drummer riding in a truck leading the way. Passing cars occasionally honked.

A group of about 15 people ? including Banks and Oglala Sioux Vice President Tom Poor Bear ? met with officials at the hospital, while police prevented other supporters from entering the building.

The march was largely organized by Cody Hall, who lives on the Cheyenne River Reservation, and Chase Iron Eyes, who lives on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, which?straddles the North Dakota-South Dakota border, in an effort to bring attention to what they say is continued mistreatment of Native American people.

"We have organized to send a message for once and for all that we are not going to stand for anymore hate crimes or racial violence in this region. It doesn?t matter where you are from; once you get to Rapid, when an Indian steps out of their car, they are labeled as a target,? Hall told Indian Country Today Media Network.

Many in the Native American community believe there are different standards of justice for them and for other races, said Stew Magnuson, who writes a column for a Native American newspaper and wrote a book about issues on South Dakota's Pine Ridge Reservation.

Prior to the 1970s and the American Indian Movement, Native Americans felt powerless without representation on juries. AIM changed that by marching into towns and demanding justice, which no one had ever seen before, Magnuson said, adding: "So, I think some of these feelings live on, rightly or wrongly."

Traversie didn?t attend Monday?s rally.

In a YouTube video interview last month, he says a home health care worker photographed the marks on his front torso when she visited him at home a day after his discharge.

?She said, ?Oh my God, I don?t know what they did to you,?? Traversie said.

The pictures and video were later posted? on a ?Justice for Vern Traversie? page on Facebook.

Msnbc.com's James Eng contributed to this report from The Associated Press.

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